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Bridges across YOUrope
Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

For this long term EVS project "Bridges accross YOUrope" , the applicant -Consorzio Solidarietà Sociale as coordinating and sending organisation - is in partnership with 2 receiving organisations: the italian receiving organisation Cooperativa Sociale Paolo Babini, and the Russian VERAS; and 3 sending organisations: the Bulgarian Cooperation for Voluntary Service, the Turkish Anadolu University and the Russian SFERA.Thanks to this project 1 italian volunteer that will go to Russia to the rehabilitation centre for disabled children and youth VERAS in Nizhny Novgorod for 10 months and 3 more volunteers from 3 different countries (Bulgaria, Turkey, Russia) will come in Forlì , in Italy, for 12 months, helping in the social cooperative Paolo Babini (in a foster house for children/teenagers with difficult backgrounds and in special projects for young people with disabilities or difficoult backgrounds); and Volunteers will be specifically involved in working with people with disabilities or difficult backgrounds.The aim of the project is to help young people to promote and accept diversity and to tolerate and respect human rights. The volunteers will be ambassadors and "bridges" of EU values and an example of active citizenship and participation in the creation of a society built on pluralism, non-discrimination, tolerance, justice and solidarity, a powerful symbol of the EU's aspiration to be united in diversity.Methodology used to implement the project will be that of active participation, "learning by doing" and problem-based learning through which we expect to offer the volunteers an excellent experience and make them gain new competences and skills which can be applied to a future job as well.

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