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Bodies without Borders
Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Context/background“Bodies without Borders” stems from the need to respond to a lack of information and awareness that young people are having with respect to the relationship between oneself and one's body. The idea of this project is the follow up of informal discussions between members of Componibile62 and Feeding Zaragoza on some specific issue such as "sexting" and bullying, topics that are deeply felt and experienced by the young target of the partner associations of this project. Only in the last few days, in April 2016, some news and researches confirm a worrying scenario. SOS Il Telefono Azzurro Onlus and DoxaKids research's stated that 20% of young Italians are victims of bullying and the partners of this project presume that in their countries the percentage is very close. Among those young people about 30% self-inflict self-harm behaviors. in april 2016, "The Independent" found out how the Department for Culture, Media and Sport of Uk Government is worried about undesired behavior caused by “pornographication” of society. An official government document states that “young people will come to expect their real life sexual experiences to mirror what they or their peers see in pornography, which often features ambiguous depictions of consent, submissive female stereotypes and unrealistic scenarios”. ideas and methodologies“Bodies Without Borders” aims to promote a positive body awareness through a cultural approach and art tools and methods, based on informal and non-formal learning activities involving body language and art expression, in order to make a big difference in the way young people think of themselves and relate with the others. There will be a lot of space for informal learning, intercultural learning, open discussions, reflection and evaluation.Positive relations, team building activities, exploring of personal and collective talents will have a positive outlook and a greater awareness of human body, as a mean of relational, communicative and artistic expression. Self esteem, self acceptance and self respect, will lead to accepting and respecting the others lowering discrimination and social excluding behaviors based on physical attractiveness and will impact the participants life in many different ways and contexts: families, universities arena, job market etc.Activities&ParticipantsThe main activities of the project will be held in Napoli area (Italy) involving 5 countries – Italy, Spain, Croatia, Greece and Hungary – the first activity will the APV - 29th/30th October 2016 – that will involve 5 youth leaders and the second will be a Youth Exchange that will take part in Napoli from 3rd to 10th of december 2016 and will involve 30 participants gender balanced and aged between 16 and 24, including at least 10 young people with fewer opportunities.Objectives of the project:- To create a safe platform involving 30 young people from 5 different countries and set up a safe environment for breaking down stereotypes and prejudices regarding body and its negative aspects- to raise awareness about the equality values regarding the aspects of the human body, based on non-formal methods, intercultural dialogue and exchange of experiences- to empower and inspire 30 young people from 5 countries with creative tools, good practices and open attitudes for getting to know and use their bodies in a more confident way - to foster creativity using different ways of art expression- to develop soft skills of the participants and create an united group able to share, spread and promote inclusive values in their daily livesMoreover the project links with the Erasmus+'s Youth Sector through: - improvement of the key competences and soft skills levels of young people, including those with fewer opportunities, with regard to a cohesive society- promotion of democratic participation and active citizenship- links between NGOs and youth workers and improved quality of the youth work- enhanced international dimension of youth activitiesImpact:The project will impact on participants' growth improving their competences (skills, attitudes and knowledge) regarding body language, creativity, art tools, culture, soft skills, non formal education and intercultural dialogue.This experience will impact on the local communities of the participants and on partner associations that will benefit of this experience in many different way, increasing their knowledge, enlarging their international network, learing and sharing methods and tools.Some of the outputs expected:- 3 theatre plays- dances, draws, sculptures treating body language- multimedia materials and a website about the project and its theme- 30 Youthpass certificates recognizing the learning process of the participants

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4 Partners Participants