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BIOTECMAR: BIOTEChnological exploitation of MARine products and by-products (BIOTECMAR)
Start date: Dec 31, 2008, End date: Dec 30, 2011 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Biotecmar project supports the development of a chain for the production of valuable ingredients using underexploited marine products derived from fishing, aquaculture, seaweed and food industry. Biotecmar will - analyse the current blocking points for by-products use and studying the possible exploitation by value chains (by species, and by-product). - establish an Atlantic network with connections between scientists, marine resources providers, manufacturers and users. - disseminate information among SMEs on the marine resource potential, processing methods, biological activities, traceability, regulation and market trends via the organization of seminars, workshops, training sessions, conferences, individual meetings, etc. - support the industries/SMEs from Atlantic area to develop these biotechnologies. Achievements: Several studies have been carried out, including the cartography of available biomass, the feasability study of an on-line co-products marketplace, the establishment of a stakeholder network, and technology transfers towards businesses through training and practical demonstration actions (pilot actions).Examples of pilot actions• Aroma extraction from mussel cooking juices• Proteins, pigments, chitin/chitosan hydrolysates from crustacean by-products• Proteolysis from flat fish skin: oil and active peptides extraction• R-Phycoerythrin extraction from the red seaweed Palmaria palmata• Mycosporins extraction from the invasive red seaweed Solieria chordalis• Phenolic compounds extraction from the brown seaweed Sargassum muticuMore information is available under:

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  • 65%   1 509 749,80
  • 2007 - 2013 Atlantic Area
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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11 Partners Participants