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Bioactive Implantable Polymers based on UreidoPyrimidinone (BIP-UPy)
Start date: Feb 1, 2013, End date: Jan 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

BIP-UPy addresses the need for biomedical implants which can be easily fine-tuned in their properties in regards to bioactivity, biodegradability, and mechanical performance, and thereby be optimized for their targeted clinical application.This project will develop a library comprising of a selection of synthetic polymers and specific bioactivities which can be used to provide the required properties for a targeted biomedical implant.The polymeric materials that will be addressed are supramolecular UPy-modified polymers for uses in urologic implants and embolic implants, benefitting large population groups: bio-degradable meshes with improved in-situ tissue regeneration in pelvic floor repair and endovascular embolic implants with a reduced aneurysm recurrence risk.A mix-and-match approach will be used to bioactivate these supramolecular base materials. The supramolecular nature of the materials allows for mild processing conditions.Main objective is to develop a methodology for obtaining implantable polymers with specifically designed bioactivity for in-situ Tissue Engineering, in which the medical implant is obtained in one step by co-processing of the peptide molecules with the neat polymeric material.Key deliverables are protocols for processable biocompatible UPy-based polymers synthesis and manufacturing scale-up; protocols for UPy-based polymers bioactivity tailoring; procedures for processing the UPy-based polymers preserving the bioactivity efficiency; sterilisation protocols for bioactive medical implants; bioactive implants prototypes with tailored bioactivities; material and implant biocompatibility and bioactivity tests data; new predictive in-vitro tests and drafts of regulatory docs.BIP-UPy consortium comprises 9 partners from 5 European countries: 3 RTD performing institutions and 2 Hospitals, 3 SMEs and 1 LE representing the strong industrial involvement.Forth SME (CHEMPILOTS-DK) has whithdrawn from project on 31/12/2014.

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10 Partners Participants