BIO-based products from FORestry via Economically .. (BIOFOREVER)
BIO-based products from FORestry via Economically Viable European Routes
Start date: Sep 1, 2016,
End date: Aug 31, 2019
Lignocellulosic (LC) feedstock will soon become a key strategic resource in Europe for chemical intermediates and products, boosting the transition from fossil-based to bio-based economy. BIOFOREVER will demonstrate 5 new LC value chains and 3 valorisation routes for co-products utilizing 4 different cascading biorefinery concepts in order to establish optimal combinations of feedstock, biorefinery, end-products and markets that will allow the successful implementation of these value chains in commercial scale as follow-up step. Chemicals, food and specialties will be produced.The project will target spruce, poplar and wood waste but will also assess other LC feedstocks in order to achieve the most commercially viable and sustainable value chains. Using a fast-track (3-year) and open innovation approach, BIOFOREVER teams up 14 leading industrial partners in feedstock supply, pre-treatment, downstream processing and producers of chemicals, food and specialties in order to rapidly progress commercialization of these value chains. Assessment of feedstock sustainability, customer perception and stakeholder engagement for scale up to commercial scale will be integrated in the project.Business cases for the value chains will result in competitive biobased products, matching cost of existing fossil-based products (e.g. at par with current sugars) and improving performance in properties and sustainability. Other impacts of BIOFOREVER are:- Up to 85% reductions in CO2-emissions compared to fossil-based value chains.- About € 400 mln turnover in biorefinery intermediates (lignins and sugars) and € 650 mln in chemical intermediates and products for a 1,5 mln ton/year LC biorefinery.- The number of direct jobs of commercial scale biorefinery would accumulate to about 1200, generating typically 6000-7500 indirect jobs and an additional investment exceeding the 70M euros by the partners
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