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Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Theme of our international youth exchange, named Beauty-Fool was beauty cult. We examined positive, negative impressions of it. Youngsters worked with different arts. Forced pressure is more then before. Our exchange had some cardinal points also, like solidarity, fight down gender stereotypes, entrepreneurship (with performances, own ideas), care of their mental health, social inclusion, health and care.We felt needed make a youth exchange, where youth can change their self-image to positive direction, can raise their self-confidence and we can reduce media and social pressure. Under the program they worked throught 3 workshops (media, society, personalisation), because these can make influence for people. For us was really important to presented the nonformal education for young people with creativity. Our main goal were fight dow harmful impressions of beauty cult, what is published in the west society, youth has a health self-image. We had some help in it, named Vanity Mirror (videoinstallation), it took big attention on unhealthy plastic surgery. Other goals: overcome gender stereotype, developement of creativity, promoting entrepeneurship, how to care on their mental health. We made interest of society throught arts on harmful effect of beauty cult. Media team: made a commercial about beauty is fleeting /, society team: made a hystorical exhibition about fashion, personalisation team: made a silent show, in what presented the problems and solutions. Many different background was really important, because we could show different ways of beauty cult and beauty ideals. Between our participants we had geographic-, social- and economic disadvantage, struggling with learning difficulties. Maltese: live a little island, Malta has few inhabitant, it is far and hard to reach to part of Europe. Romanians: were Transilvanians, they comlained a lot for discriminations, atrocitations what is in their country. Romanians do not accept hungarians because romanian-hungarian contrary, so they live like an outsider in romanian society. They came from poor families. Croatians and a few spanish participants are bad conditions, they has economically disadvanteges. Out of livelihood they do not spend more money. This thing is made a specific thinking. They came from poor families and areas. The streets are dirty, salary is low also. We had a hungarian participant, who has learning difficulty, she is a participant of Program Arany János too. In Beauty-Fool program took part of 5 countries, with 14-29 years old young people. We had 5 teamleaders in each countries. Maltese team were: 7+1, croatians, hungarians, spanish: 6+1, romanians 5+1. The teamleaders could help to workshop leaders in mixed groups. In the beginning of the project we made several marketing teams. We had a people, who response for online communications, visibility. We had a designer also. Before the personal meeting we get to know eachother in online way. Teamleaders had personal meetings. We had a logistic team also for the logistic works. About implementation: more than part of under the program the participants were in Szegedi Partfürdő, where they has their accomodation too. We had some other places, what we visited. (Szeged city center for city rally, local Youth House and D2). We made an exhibition from creations. The youth exchange was 12-19.07.2015 (7 days). Romanians traveled home at 18. after the dinner (6 days). Under the program next to the every day workshops we had get-to-know- and team building games, city rally, treasure hunt, plenary and team conversations, evaluations, team leaders meetings, energizers, Youthpass and Erasmus + presentation, Youthpass Ceremony, interactive presentations, investigation of media effect, music, dance, sport, video installation, culture hours, other evaluations and Final Show. We screened the videos in Belvárosi Mozi (cinema int he city center) and we the Final Show took place also here. Under the Final Show we saw the outcomes of the project. Thanks for dissemination, becase we can show the outcomes to different society and people. Results, effects, long-term preference: positive thinking, few self critic about themselves and more critic agains media, new friends, connections, new possibilities, Beauty-Fool approach, idealism advertising to their society.
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