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Back to School- A chance for better life.

The project will provide the adult communities of potential learners with the necessarytools and support to return to the formal educational system. It targets learners wholeave after a short time of attendance, adolescents who have not completed secondaryschool, older people (30+) wishing to take up an academic pathway, uneducatedhousewives and unemployed (19+). The project seeks: to evaluate the actual situationof the target groups related to the formal educational systems; to establish practicalways to re-integrate the target group into the formal educational system; to pilot theoutcomes; to refine and produce the final version of the project outcomes; todisseminate the project.The project outcomes will include:1. Survey Report: "Actual stage of school abandon in the countries involved"2. Report upon the Need Analysis & Field Research: "Main obstacles to comeback to school. What can be done?"3. Intensive training course for adult educators and other interested public:"Welcoming them back to school"4. Good Practice Guide for LLL Trainers, Tutors, HR responsibles: "Are they out?Bring them in!"5. Help-kit for the direct beneficiaries: "I do need more school? How can I get it?"6. Personal development tool:"From to "7. Open web-based forum: "Back to School"8. Educational CD-ROM: "Back to school? A new chance for all"9. Educational web-site: "Back to school? A new chance for all"10. Dissemination Tools & Outcomes

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