Ayvalık Zübeyde Hanım Öğrencilerinin Avrupa'da Sta..
Ayvalık Zübeyde Hanım Öğrencilerinin Avrupa'da Stajı
Start date: Sep 1, 2016,
End date: Aug 31, 2017
It is determined by the school as a result of analysis conducted in the scope of 2015-2016 strategic plan that the school has deficiencies in applied training, the students are not competent in knowing different cultures and speaking foreign language and the organizational capacity of the school should be increased. 15 students and 2 accompanying persons from Child Development and Education Department of the school will participate in apprenticeship for production and application of educational toys for preschool children to be organized in Agrupamento de Escolas de Barcelo in Portugal between 30 January and 12 February 2017 and 16 students and 2 accompanying persons from Food and Beverage Services Department will participate in the apprenticeship for cooking soups from world kitchen to be organized in Stredna Odborna Skola in Slovakia between 6 and 19 March 2017 and 16 students and 2 accompanying persons from Information Technologies Department of the school will participate in apprenticeship for development of basic graphic for web environment to be organized in SOU Kosta Susinov in Macedonia between 27 March and 9 April 2017 in the scope of the Project prepared to overcome these deficiencies. It is aimed to provide the students to make practices in their fields and gain Professional competencies, improve socio-cultural and language skills. In addition to these, the organizational capacity of the school will increase and the foreign partners will be able to test their own capacities in the scope of this Project. The administrators and the various branch teachers of the school will be assigned for preparation of the activities, budget management and implementation of logistic activities and dissemination activities during the implementation stage of the Project. The expected outputs of the Project are that the students from the child development and education department will be capable of designing toys according to the information category required for education of preschool children and use these designs functionally and the students from food and beverage services department will learn how to cook soups from world kitchen and make them ready for service and the students from information Technologies department will learn all functions of animation software and create basic animations for use in web environment. In addition to these Professional outputs, it is anticipated that the students will improve foreign language skills and point of view of different cultures. The school will be managed in a better way with the strengthened organizational capacity as a result of implementation of this Project. The outputs of the Project in the long term are that the participant students will create value added in the firms in which they will work in the future, the institutional recognition level of the school will increase as a result of improvement in the quality of vocational training and the interest of other schools in the region in the international mobility projects will increase to realize their own developments.
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