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AUvergne: Développer et Acquérir des Compétences avec l'Europe +
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

“AUDACE+ is a mobility project led by a consortium, coordinated by the Auvergne Regional Council, the sending partners being the 14 “Missions Locales” of the Auvergne region and Pôle Emploi International. The consortium wishes to offer work placements in European companies for VET learners that experience difficulties in entering the job market, and also short job-shadowing/observation periods for the staff of the consortium members.Within the project, mobility activities are planned for 3 different groups of beneficiaries:- 80 grants for work 8-week work placements in European companies (Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, United Kingdom), for continuing VET learners, not preparing for a diploma (“group 1”). These people encounter difficulties in entering the labour market and in managing their transition to working life. They are monitored by counsellors at Pôle Emploi or “Missions locales” (members of the consortium);- 20 grants for work 4-week work placements in European companies (Italy, United Kingdom) for continuing VET learners, enrolled in a regional training programme preparing beneficiaries for entering skills training or employment (“group 2”). These people are in the process of professional reintegration after several months of unemployment. They have identified a professional project, but are weakened by the lack of transversal skills. An accompanying person will travel with each flow in order to help the trainees to settle in. 4 grants are needed for accompanying persons;- 10 grants for 3-day job-shadowing/observation periods (Finland, Poland, Spain), for staff of the consortium member organisations (“group 3”). They promote mobility and need to live a mobility experience themselves and to open up towards a European dimension.After an open call for tenders, AFORMAC was chosen by the Regional Council to assist in the implementation of the project for the beneficiaries of groups 1 and 2.The main objectives for the VET learners (groups 1 and 2) are:1° behaviour: motivation, autonomy, self-reliance, communication, social skills, mobility2° professional: professional skills and competence, new professional techniques and practice, better knowledge of the world of enterprise;3° linguistic and cross-cultural: practising a foreign language, discovering another European language, realising one's European citizenship, growing aware of one's own culture.Transversal skills - necessary for one's personal, social and professional fulfilment - are in the centre of the project for these two groups of VET learners, and this even prior to gaining professional skills as such.The main objectives for the staff mobilities (group 3) are:- development of professional skills;- better understanding of the stakes of European mobility;- improving linguistic and cross-cultural skills;- making the European area one's own and realising fully one's European citizenship.Expected outcomes for the VET learners include:- gaining professional, linguistic, cross-cultural and transversal skills- re-establishing one's personal and professional project- increased employability- renewed interest in learning- more active citizen involvement- better capacity for geographical mobility on all levels: regional, national, European, or even international- quicker access to better employment or to skills training/a diploma courseEnvisaged results for staff are:- gaining professional, linguistic, cross-cultural and transversal skills;- stronger interest for European mobility;- better understanding and anticipation of the Europe 2020 targets for life-long learning;- increased sense of belonging to Europe.Finally, the potential longer term benefits of the project include : - pursuing the regional dynamic created amongst the members of the consortium of AUDACE mobility projects;- training of better quality for continuous VET trainees in Auvergne;- internationalisation of employment/training support structures;- more international activity both in sending and receiving regions;- a wider perspective on one's professional practice thanks to exchange;- bringing VET centres and businesses closer together, thus enhancing the active role they can play in the issues of unemployment of young Europeans;- European cooperation on other innovating projects.

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