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Start date: Sep 15, 2015, End date: Sep 15, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Literacy in the broad sense is one of the schools main objectives. This project is about evaluating and working with vocabulary, language skills and written language in role play through documenting and parental involvement. The goals of the project are: To learn from the experience of a school that has a long experience of working with bilingual children and their families To increase vocabulary and language skills through role play with special attention to bilingual children to increase parent involvement of all children to understand the importance of a good literacy environment To give parents of bilingual children a chance to have a voice in the school environment To develop a tool for teachers to work with literacy through role play. We feel that it is at the most importance to increase teacher skills an knowledge in how to work with a multicultural group of children and therefor we are applying to get a grant to visit a school in Sweden who has a long and prosperous experience in that matter. We will take 10 teachers for a visit where we will look at the school environment and get lectures and information on how the school has worked with literacy, play and parental involvement. Our expectations are that such training and experiences will give our teachers insight in to a highly important subject, better understanding on effective methods and that it will five them a sense of solidarity as a group. In the international context it is important that we learn from those with long and good experience so we look to a school we believe has an effective method in working with bilingual children and their families. Our main objective is to find a method that rimes with our pedagogical approach and is successful in children's language development that will benefit them long term.

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