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17 European Projects Found

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Lernen in Europa V

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

The Academy of Economics Schleswig-Holstein transfers with modern education the educational mission of the three chambers of commerce in Schleswig-Holstein. Many different developments mean that the European and international markets continues to grow together. In the future, more and more small and medium-sized companies are required to act in the international / European market.To obtain these c ...
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Lernen in Europa IV

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

The Academy of Economics Schleswig-Holstein transfers with modern education the educational mission of the three chambers of commerce in Schleswig-Holstein. Many different developments mean that the European and international markets continues to grow together. In the future, more and more small and medium-sized companies are required to act in the international / European market.To obtain these c ...
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Intelligent Energy Region (iEnergyRegio)

Start date: Apr 30, 2013, End date: Jun 29, 2015,

Das Projekt hat das Ziel, eine nachhaltigeSteigerung der Energieeffizienz in derFehmarnbelt Region im Rahmen einesdauerhaften Prozesses zu fördern.Das Projekt soll die Region bereits vor derRealisierung der festen Fehmarnbelt-Querunggrenzüberschreitend verbinden undUnternehmen, Organisationen undPrivatpersoen zum Energiesparensensibilisieren.Übergeordnetes Ziel des Projektes ist dielangfristige En ...
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Competence to go ist ein grenzüberschreitendes Pilotprojekt, bei dem ein Qualifizierungsmodel zur Erreichung eines deutsch-dänischen Abschlusses als AltenpflegerhelferIn in einem Ausbildungsgang entwickelt und erprobt werden soll. Ziel des Projektes ist es, dass anhand dieses Pilotprojektes die Grundlage für zukünftige Ausbildungskonzepte in Europas Grenzregionen geschaffen werden soll. Als Ergebn ...
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iAge: e-inclusion in Ageing Europe (iAge)

Start date: Jan 1, 2012, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

iAge aims to promote and increase economic and social e-inclusion of elderly. Until 2030 the number of people of 65+ increases more than 50% which will have a significant impact on pensions, health care, the labour market and thus for the sustainability of communities.Comprehensive strategies and actions with regard to the labour market and meeting the needs of all ages will be crucial.  The incre ...
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Vital Rural Area (Vital)

Start date: Dec 31, 2008, End date: Jun 29, 2013,

The project will consider three themes connected to rural development; lack of economic development and innovations, negative or insufficient exposure of regions and downsizing in level of services and amenities. Using a co-operative agreement approach the project partners will work together on a number of pilot initiatives to consider these issues in a transnational setting. The partnership wil ...
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Developing the North Sea Offshore Wind Power Cluster (POWER cluster)

Start date: Jun 30, 2008, End date: Jun 29, 2011,

As a direct successor of NSR Interreg IIIBs POWER project, it is centred on the development of a strong Offshore Wind Industry (OWI) cluster in the NSR. Core activities include a strengthened stakeholder and business-to-business network, leading to knowledge transfer and bringing together complementary expertise to create more innovation in the sector, energy grid reinforcement across the NSR, dev ...
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Main aim of the ICTs for SMEs project was the strengthening of the region by spatial and structural changes in order to form a balanced region. The tools to reach this aim were Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). The project worked towards enhancing the implementation and usage of ICT in SMEs. In particular the formation of a SME support structure was an important aim of the project. ...
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Das Projekt zielt darauf ab, ein Lehrgangskonzept für Umweltkompetenz und -kommunikation zuentwickeln. Der Lehrgang soll zu einem Umweltführerschein (Sustain Bizz Certificate) führen,der die Gewähr bietet und dokumentiert, dass der Mitarbeiter in der Lage ist, umweltbewusstdurch die Aufgaben seines Arbeitstages zu navigieren.Das Lehrgangskonzept wird von den beteiligten Partnern gemeinschaftlich e ...
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New multimedia and transnational learning method for production managers : For this project, a series of teaching modules has been devised based on learning tasks which reproduce real work contexts. This was done transnationally with the help of the partner countries. The modules combine class teaching with distance learning. The results of this project are available on the website and are conti ...
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During the last years a lot of different methods of informal learning were developed. These methods came into existence in a situation with extreme need of qualification on the one hand. On the other hand concerned people did not got specific support within work or did not had time to spend an organized training.The project Type in Law gathered these new methods of informal learning at work compar ...
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In December 2008 EU leaders adopted a comprehensive package of measures to reduce the EU's contribution to global warming and ensure reliable and sufficient supplies of energy. To increase the use of renewable energy sources the EU has set itself the objective of increasing the proportion of renewable energies in its energy mix by 20% by 2020. Wind Power is by far the most important energy source ...
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The design and development of electronic curricula and contents supporting e-learning require manifold, interdisciplinary knowledge. In addition to professional and pedagogical-psychological knowledge, the knowledge of IT is also important (also for theoretical content developers) and it is indispensible to have certain social competencies, such as cooperation, managerial skills, etc.With the rapi ...
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The project will develop a standardised e-learning tool to train teachers responsible for VET in co-operative educational methods, that is, in standardised methods utilising a variety of teaching and learning resources, including information technology. The project will identify standardised units for teaching students, in different countries, which can be related as uniform learning tools - or co ...
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Mit der „Grenzüberschreitenden Mechatronik“ wird eine deutsch-dänische Fortbildung etabliert:deutsche und dänische arbeitsuchende Fachkräfte aus den Berufsfeldern der Metall-und Elektrotechnik können sich in sehr kurzer Zeit für den Wiedereinstieg in dasdeutsch-dänische Berufsleben qualifizieren, um damit dem wachsenden Bedarf an Fachkräftenfür Mechatronik sowohl auf deutscher, als auch auf dänisc ...
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The global economy demands more and more competitive industries that need innovative workers with international skills and experience. LdV operational objectives set thus a priority on improving the quality and quantity of mobility for IVET target groups . But when a mobility action involves host companies from other countries (specially SMEs), there are many constraints to take part and to achi ...
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Der wachsende Windenergiesektor hat eine große Bedeutung für die Region Sřnderjylland-Schleswig und ist mit einem hohen Fachkräftebedarf verbunden. Die Verfügbarkeit vonqualifizierten Mechatronik-Fachkräften ist eine zentrale Voraussetzung für eine weiterepositive Entwicklung.IMWATT will diesem Fachkräftebedarf mit einer auf Internationalisierung ausgerichtetenÜberarbeitung und Neuausrichtung von ...
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