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The aim of the SOURCE Network of Excellence is to create a robust and sustainable virtual centre of excellence capable of exploring and advancing societal issues in security research and development. The SOURCE Network of Excellence is built upon five types of activities: networking activities, research, information gathering, education and training, and knowledge-sharing. These five areas togethe ...
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DRIVER starts from the experience that neither successful R&D nor strong end-user demand always lead to innovation in the Crisis Management (CM) domain. This is a problem since as societies become more complex, increasing scope and unpredictability of potential crises and faster dynamics of major incidents put increasingly stringent demands on CM. European CM capabilities already constitute a matu ...
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Smart mechatronic structures of the future will have to be extremely energy efficient and self-powering in as many situations as possible. In addition to capabilities such as sensing and reacting to their environment in a predictable and desired manner, the next generation of smart structures will have to exhibit top class energy efficiency.In the context of the proposed ANTARES project (Advanced ...
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Clearing Clutter Bit by Bit (SQUIRREL)

Start date: Feb 1, 2014, End date: Jan 31, 2018,

Clutter in an open world is a challenge for many aspects of robotic systems, especially for autonomous robots deployed in unstructured domestic settings, affecting navigation, manipulation, vision, human robot interaction and planning.SQUIRREL addresses these issues by actively controlling clutter and incrementally learning to extend the robot's capabilities while doing so. We term this the B3 (bi ...
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European Robotics Challenges (EuRoC)

Start date: Jan 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

Description The EuRoC project proposes to launch three industry-relevant challenges aimed at sharpening the focus of European manufacturing through a number of application experiments, while adopting an innovative approach which ensures benchmarking and performance evaluation. Within an open call framework, three stages of increasing complex ...
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The BYEFOULING project will address high volume production of low toxic and environmentally friendly antifouling coatings for mobile and stationary maritime applications. The technology will fulfil the coating requirements as a result of the incorporation of novel antifouling agents and a new set of binders into coating formulations for maritime transportation and fishing vessels, floating devices ...
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In a world with growing pressures on resources and the environment, the EU has no choice but to go for the transition to a resource-efficient and ultimately regenerative circular economy. The main objective of the ResCoM project is to develop an innovative framework and a collaborative software platform for the industrial implementation of closed-loop manufacturing systems.In ResCoM, four manufact ...
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Stack design for a Megawatt scale PEM electrolyser (MEGASTACK)

Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2017,

"Water electrolysis based on PEM technology has demonstrated its applicability to produce hydrogen and oxygen in a clean and safe way on site and on demand. Systems have been demonstrated in a wide range of niche applications with capacities from
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Gastrointestinal stromal tumours (GIST) are a rare disease that metastasises in up to 85% of patients with subsequent median progression-free survival (PFS) of only around 30 months. Tumours are characterised by activating mutations in the KIT or the PDGFRA gene and therefore treatment is mainly based on tyrosine kinase inhibitors designed to block these mutated receptors. However, drug resistance ...
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eeEmbedded will develop an open BIM-based holistic collaborative design and simulation platform, a related holistic design methodology, an energy system information model and an integrated information management framework for designing energy-efficient buildings and their optimal energetic embedding in the neighbourhood of surrounding buildings and energy systems. A new design control and monitori ...
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Factory-in-a-day (FACTORY-IN-A-DAY)

Start date: Oct 1, 2013, End date: Sep 30, 2017,

"Factory-in-a-Day aims at improving the competitiveness of European manufacturing SMEs by removing the primary obstacle for robot automation; installation time and installation cost. The high costs result in payback periods, making the investment in robotized automation economically unattractive. Factory-in-a-Day will reduce the installation time (and the related cost) from months to one single d ...
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"The non-destructive quality control of a wide variety of high-added value products, produced by innovative manufacturing techniques, remains a challenge. Examples include additive manufacturing parts, micro parts, and fibre reinforced composite parts. Common to these workpieces is the dependency of their performance on internal and inaccessible elements. Nevertheless, customers in multiple sector ...
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CommONEnergy focuses on existing shopping malls to be refurbished and buildings with a different original function, redesigned to become shopping malls. Wholesales&Retail buildings represent 28% of the total non-residential building stock (BPIE, 2010), accounting for approximately 157 Mtoe in 2005 (EU EEAP). Considering typical shopping malls high impact on modern society (ICSC, 2008), the project ...
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Lean Intelligent Assembly Automation (LIAA)

Start date: Sep 2, 2013, End date: Sep 1, 2017,

"LIAA aims to keep assembly jobs in Europe by creating and implementing a framework that enables humans and robots to truly to work together in assembly tasks. Co-working allows the senses and intelligence of the human to be complemented by the strength and endurance of the automation and so obtains the best from each of them, reducing repetitive injuries and costs and enhancing job satisfaction a ...
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Skin alterations within ageing are significant and visible, and therefore disturbing feature in the quality of life of aged people. Economic importance of this population is dramatically growing in Europe in the last decade. Regular skin care preparations are capable to cope with ageing symptoms to some extends, i.e. wrinkles, age spots and skin dryness, but limited in protecting skin from microbi ...
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The mission of the NextFactory project is to develop and validate a new type of all-in-one manufacturing technology combining, for the first time, in a single piece of equipment, 3D freeform printing and ultra-precision 3D assembly. This highly flexible and scalable facility will empower microsystem manufacturers - and in particular SMEs - to effectively produce highly miniaturised Smart Products- ...
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The vision of SelSus is to create a new paradigm for highly effective, self-healing production resources and systems to maximise their performance over longer life times through highly targeted and timely repair, renovation and up-grading. These next generation machines, fixtures and tools will embed extended sensory capabilities and smart materials combined with advanced ICT for self-diagnosis en ...
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The ECO-SEE project aims to develop new eco-materials and components for the purpose of creating both healthier and more energy efficient buildings. We will create and symbiotically use natural eco-materials for healthier indoor environments through hygrothermal (heat and moisture) regulation and the removal airborne contaminants through both chemical capture and photocatalysis. Our objectives inc ...
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European Rare Earth Magnet Recycling Network (EREAN)

Start date: Sep 1, 2013, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

"Because China dominates the rare-earth market and is reducing its export quota, there is a very high supply risk for rare earths in Europe. To tackle this rare-earth crisis, Europe needs to invest in primary mining, substitution and, in particular, urban mining/recycling. To date, less than 1% of the rare earths are being recycled, due to, amongst others, a lack of efficient recycling technologie ...
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Ports Observatory for Performance Indicator Analysis (PORTOPIA)

Start date: Sep 1, 2013, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

PORTOPIA aims to develop, next to extensions of existing indicators within the different perspectives of port performance, innovative approaches for the industry's stakeholders, such as:• Development of a forecasting dimension in port performance management within the market trends and structure category;• Development of top-down methods for harmonised socio-economic impact calculation;• Developme ...
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"The main modules of INCOM project are 1) NFC production/modification process 2) Composites consolidation 3) Mechanical testing and modelling. The core of the project is the manufacturing and modification of the nanocellulose. Two alternative approaches for the manufacturing of the in-situ modified nanocellulose will be used: Masuko and pearl milling. Both processes will be conducted in the pre-po ...
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"The challenge of today lies in the accomplishment of sustainable and low-energy buildings, which can combine at the same time the thermal insulation properties with healthy, comfortable, accessible and safe indoor environment. Reduction of the energy demand through the use of insulating materials still remains a challenge for European architects and building designers as well as materials produce ...
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EELICON is concerned with an innovative switchable light transmittance technology developed previously in projects co-funded by the EU Framework Programmes. The core of this development are mechanically flexible and light-weight electrochromic (EC) film devices based on a conductive polymer nanocomposite technology with a unique property profile far beyond the current state-of-the art, opening the ...
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The overarching goal of AMAZE is to rapidly produce large defect-free additively-manufactured (AM) metallic components up to 2 metres in size, ideally with close to zero waste, for use in the following high-tech sectors namely: aeronautics, space, automotive, nuclear fusion and tooling.Four pilot-scale industrial AM factories will be established and enhanced, thereby giving EU manufacturers and en ...
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European Control System Security Incident Analysis Network (ECOSSIAN)

Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2017,

The protection of critical infrastructures increasingly demands solutions which support incident detection and management at the levels of individual CI, across CIs which are depending on each other, and across borders. An approach is required which really integrates functionalities across all these levels. Cooperation of privately operated CIs and public bodies (governments and EU) is difficult b ...
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Automated Comparison of X-ray Images for cargo Scanning (ACXIS)

Start date: Sep 1, 2013, End date: May 31, 2017,

The main objectives of the project ACXIS are to develop a manufacturer independent reference data base for X-ray images of illegal and legitimate cargo, procedures and algorithms to uniform X-ray images of different cargo scanners and measurement parameters, and an automated identification of potentially illegal cargo. Historic images of real detections and images of illegal cargo mock-ups as well ...
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"Human skills are the main driver that enables producing high added value products in Europe. Thus the manufacturing processes are based on utilizing these skills. ROBO-PARTNER aspires the integration of the latest industrial automation systems for assembly operations in combination with human capabilities, combining robot strength, velocity, predictability, repeatability and precision with human ...
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The EU has lost a significant share of the electronics manufacture sector to the Far East, resulting in a negative trade balance of >€100bn/year within this sector. This is (in part) due to the current manufacturing technologies that are based on subtractive processing that are expensive, wasteful and energy intensive, making manufacture in the EU economically and environmentally unfeasible. Print ...
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"PROGRESS will focus on improving the security and resilience of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) and its results will also be applicable to earth observation infrastructure and assets. At the start of the project a generic GNSS system will be designed and its associated augmentation system will be assessed with regards to vulnerability from selected attack threat risk scenarios. PROGRES ...
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The objective of the DURABROADS project is the design, development and demonstration of cost-effective, eco-friendly and optimized long-life roads, more adapted to freight corridors and climate change by means of innovative designs and the use of greener materials improved by nanotechnology. The optimization of current construction, maintenance and rehabilitation procedures is also aimed in this p ...
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The aim of the project is to develop a completely new manufacturing system for the volume production of miniaturised components by overcoming the challenges on the manufacturing with a wide range of materials (metallic alloys, composites, ceramics and polymers), through: (i) developing a high-throughput, flexible and cost-efficient process by simultaneous electrical-forming and electric-fast-sinte ...
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Sustainable PoLymers from Algae Sugars and Hydrocarbons (SPLASH)

Start date: Sep 1, 2012, End date: Feb 28, 2017,

The 4-year SPLASH project will develop a new biobased industrial platform using microalgae as a renewable raw material for the sustainable production and recovery of hydrocarbons and (exo)polysaccharides from the species Botryococcus braunii and further conversion to renewable polymers. The project comprises 20 partners of which 40% SME and several large corporates plus universities and research i ...
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Aim of the Training Program (DoHip) is to meet the growing demand of Europe’s industry for highly trained scientists and engineers in process technology. Process Technology is fundamental for chemical, pharmaceutical, and polymer industry as well as food industry and cosmetics. High Pressure Processes like the Polyethylene Synthesis have been developed in Europe, leading to the outstanding positio ...
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The target of the Smartonics project is the development of Pilot lines that will combine smart technologies with smart nanomaterials for the precision synthesis of Organic Electronic (OE) devices.The Smartonics objectives are:1.Development of smart Nanomaterials for OEs (polymer & small molecule films, plasmonic NPs and super-barriers) by process and computational modeling optimization.2.Developme ...
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Active therapeutic biodegradable and biocompatible materials are highly in demand. These are required for the production of medicinal products in a variety of areas including implant technology, tissue engineering, drug delivery and wound healing. Within implant technology such biomaterials can be used for dental, bone and cardiovascular implants. Tailored mechanical properties, biocompatibility a ...
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Large Area Solid State Intelligent Efficient luminaires (LASSIE-FP7)

Start date: Jan 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

According to a recent study, many solid-state lighting (SSL) products do not fulfill the claimed specifications and a deep market penetration of LED modules is at risk. The main problems are decreasing light intensity and varying light chromaticity due to aging and temperature, as well as poor uniformity of large-area luminaires and poor lighting quality. The main objective of the LASSIE-FP7 conso ...
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Over the last couple of years, the global research community has been experiencing an Organic Photovoltaics (OPV) boom, nowadays triggering a fast growing interest in industry in this young and disruptive technology, since OPV devices enable various new applications that cannot be served by classical silicon solar cells. In particular, OPV open up new opportunities for design in architecture, e.g. ...
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Modelling Reliability under Variability (MoRV)

Start date: Jan 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

While feature sizes are continuously scaled towards atomic dimensions, industry is increasingly confronted with unexpected physical artefacts to be considered at each new technology node. Among these, process variation and parameter degradation lead to reliability concerns impacting integrated circuit design at all abstraction levels. As variation and degradation may become a limiting factor for f ...
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Surface Modifications for advanced applications (SUMA2-Network)

Start date: Jan 1, 2013, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

The SUMA2 Network is designed to collaborate in the field of materials surface modification for advanced applications, and is composed of 3 Universities and 1 research center in Europe (Saarland University and Fraunhofer Institut for Material and Beam technology (GER), National Politecnical Institute of Lorraine (FRA) and Linköping University (SWE)), and 5 Universities in Latinamerica (Universidad ...
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The DREAM project will lay the foundations for a novel heterarchical management approach of complex electrical power grids, providing new mechanisms for consumer involvement in economical and ecological electricity use as well as stable and cost effective integration of distributed renewable resources.Applying the principles of autonomous agent-based systems to the control and management of the el ...
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