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16 European Projects Found

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Advanced Bearing Technologies to Increase Capabilities (ARCTIC)

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2020,

The development of Very High Bypass Ratio (VHBR) engines is a promising engine concept to fulfil the major milestones of the Sustainable and Green Engines (SAGE) programme. The significant environmental benefits of this new engine are synonymous with an increased speed and loading capabilities.In terms of engine performance and reliability, the design, sizing and capacities of the rolling element ...
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Planet ROlling Bearing with Advanced TEchnologies (PROBATE)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Jun 30, 2020,

... with elementary and sub-scale testing. The gained knowledge will enable the transfer and exploitation of projects results to the industrial field by providing analysis tools and new design rules.SKF AERO-BV-ENGINE have well-known high-level engineering capabilities in the aerospace filed, performance test facilities and manufacturing units necessary to develop a new advanced bearing technology fo ...
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Energy for Smart Objects (EnSO)

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2019,

The goal of EnSO is to develop and consolidate a unique European ecosystem in the field of autonomous micro energy sources (AMES) supporting Electronic European industry to develop innovative products, in particular in IoT markets. In summary, EnSO multi-KET objectives are:• Objective 1: demonstrate the competitiveness of EnSO energy solutions of the targeted Smart Society, Smart Health, and Smart ...
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Innovation technologies in ground vehicle engineering require strong interdisciplinary and intersectoral investigations with an international dimension. In this context the project EVE proposes sustainable approach based on intensive staff exchange that leads to collaborative research and training between universities and industrial organizations from Germany, Belgium, Spain, Sweden, The Netherlan ...
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During more than 50 years of the laser existence, they have been proved as the unique tool for diverse material processing application. New application ideas, coming from universities and research institutions, are usually implemented by spin-off companies with limited resources for market penetration. Research laboratories are using universal laser tools, while effective and low-cost production r ...
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The iBETTER project aims to join industrial and academic forces to develop a new prognostic methodology that predicts the useful life after a fault has occured in these bearings. Thirty researchers from the fields of tribology, condition monitoring and rolling bearing technology from two industrial and two academic partners will be seconded from one sector to the other, to implement a common resea ...
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...d processes that can affect the integrity of the engineering system or affect the efficiency of that system in operation.FUTURE-BET brings together a major public (University of Leeds) and a private (SKF Engineering and Research Centre) sector organisations to deliver training to five early stage researchers in a flagship and highly original European Industrial Doctorate training programme, formin ...
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Arrowhead (ARROWHEAD)

Start date: Mar 1, 2013, End date: Feb 28, 2017,

"Our society is facing both energy and competitiveness challenges. These challenges are tightly linked and require new dynamic interactions between energy producers and energy consumers, between machines, between systems, between people and systems, etc. Cooperative automation is the key for these dynamic interactions and is enabled by the technology developed around the Internet of Things and Ser ...
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"Overall objective of the SHINE project is to develop a novel generation of elastomers that undergo spontaneous self-healing, leading to enhanced durability and reliability of the products made thereof (dynamic seals, shock absorbers, anti-vibration devices for vehicles, roads, railroads and bridges). The elastomers can heal without human intervention and can undergo multiple healing stages. They ...
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The All-Electric Aircraft is a major target for the next generation of aircraft to lower consumption of non-propulsive power and thus fuel burn. To eliminate hydraulic circuits, pumps and reservoirs, Electro Mechanical Actuators (EMA) are mandatory but now need to meet cost, reliability and weight requirements from the airframers.ACTUATION2015 aims to develop and validate a common set of standard ...
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The main aim of the ENTICE proposal is to provide professional development in the multidisciplinary field of ENgineering Tribochemistry and Interfaces for IC Engines, capable to develop the new generation of clean and energy-efficient engines. It aims to train the next generation of researchers to work in diverse teams, to cross disciplinary and sectoral boundaries and apply advanced communicatio ...
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Product Remanufacturing Service System (PREMANUS)

Start date: Sep 1, 2011, End date: Jun 30, 2015,

For centuries mankind has attempted to exploit the resources available to it through the reuse of objects and artifacts. However, as wealth of modern man has grown, the financial necessity to utilize the lifetime of these objects has dramatically declined, especially in developed countries with high focus on manufacturing. The demand for new products also placed undue pressure on the world's res ...
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Multiscale Modelling of Hydrogen Embrittlement (MultiHy)

Start date: May 1, 2011, End date: Apr 30, 2015,

The proposed project aims to advance the state-of-the-art of numerical modelling of hydrogen embrittlement (HE). The primary focus and novelty of the project is the description of H transport in modern advanced materials with complex microstructures. This goal will be achieved through development of a multiscale modelling framework, which will enable the extraction and propagation of information p ...
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In all industrial sectors, Non Destructive Evaluation techniques play a critical role for ensuring structures reliability, plant safety and increasingly also for ensuring quality and efficiency of products and processes. The emerging use of numerical simulation is a major trend in the field with tremendous potential benefits in terms of costs reduction, enhanced diagnosis reliability and consequen ...
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Engineering ceramics possess superior mechanical and physical properties. The exceptional wear, corrosion and contact fatigue resistance of silicon nitride and SiAlON ceramics makes them attractive materials for high temperature metalforming tools and rolling elements for bearings. Despite the efforts devoted to study this class of materials, there still exists a gap between their microstructural ...
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Durability and friction control in internal combustion engines is currently delivered from a complex package of lubricant additives in a fully formulated engine oil. These oil additives, through tribochemical interaction with the surface, produce nanostructured composite, self-healing and smart tribofilms at the surface. 2020 Interface involves the design of the complete system; functionalised Dia ...
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