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3 European Projects Found

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Das Berufsbild der Erzieherin/ des Erziehers im europäischen Vergleich

Start date: Dec 31, 2014, End date: Dec 30, 2016,

The co-ordinating institution of this project is the BBS III Celle – certified European school. Up to now this vocational college has also co-ordinated the mobility for a further sending institution. At the moment this is the Katholische Fachschule Elisabeth-von-Ratzau-Schule in Hildesheim. Both schools would like to allow thirty students of the Fachschule Sozialpädagogik (vocational training cour ...
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Playground harbour and research of sustainability (P.H.A.R.O.S.)

Start date: Dec 1, 2004, End date: Dec 1, 2006,

Background Increasingly, new tourist harbours and golf courses are being developed throughout north-western Mediterranean coastal zones (France, Spain, Portugal and Italy). Although they attract many tourists and are a financial boon for the region, they also have a considerably negative impact on the environment, particularly in a territory as ecological ...
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Reason: The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF,WHO 2002) is a classification of health and disability. The ICF-CY (Children/Youth with 1400 items) represents WHO's quality frame for assessments for children. Former "EQM-PD" introduced ICF online assessment into the field of assistance for adult persons with disability (PwD); ICF-Train transfered these online to ...
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