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16 European Projects Found

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Urban strategies for Waste Management in Tourist Cities (UrBAN-WASTE)

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2019,

Europe’s cities are some of the world’s greatest tourism destinations. The socio-economic impact of tourism is extraordinary and urban tourism, but it brings at the same time a range of negative externalities, including high levels of unsustainable resource consumption and waste production. In comparison with other cities, tourist cities have to face additional challenges related to waste preventi ...
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CONTEXT AND BACKGROUND:The project “Fablab Schools EU: Towards Digital Smart, Entrepreneurial and Innovative Pupils” addresses a need to develop common methodological principles for educational digital fabrication visible across Europe. In many European countries, we see digital manufacturing environments and workshops (FabLab ) shoot up, but there is a need to clarify the pedagogical principles b ...
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Volunteers for European Employment (VERSO)

Start date: Dec 31, 2011, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

...een the public partners and the knowledge partners. 52 representatives from the 12 partners participated in the external kick-off conference, held on 30 May to 1 June 2012, in Denmark. The host, the Municipality of Middelfart, shared some of the locally tested good strategies with voluntary mentors, who help unemployed young people to find an internship in a company or encourage young people to c ...
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Baltic Sea Hub and Spokes Project

Start date: Dec 31, 2009, End date: Dec 30, 2013,

The main objective is to facilitate a modal shift from road to sea by providing efficient transport solutions and improving access to markets in Central and Northern Europe. Through marketing of the Baltic Sea Region as one market with an integrated hubs and spokes structure, the aim is to develop more efficient transportation hubs in the Baltic Sea Region with extensive feeder activities. The Bal ...
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The project will focus on the effects of climate change on groundwater systems. CLIWAT aims to identify the challenges caused by the higher water levels and to develop climate scenarios focussing on surface water and water supply as well as the impacts on buildings. This will enable the North Sea Region to react more efficiently to the consequences of climate change. The project will build on and ...
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Eutrophication caused by nutrient load is the biggest environmental problem of the Baltic Sea. Practical measures to restrict it are included in River Basin Management Plans (RBMP), outputs of the implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive. However, putting general-level RMBPs into practice, i.e. applying water pollution control methods and changing land-use practices, is hindered by many ...
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Background Rainwater is clean. However, rainwater that has been in contact with roads, buildings and other urban surfaces becomes polluted. The extent of this pollution depends on land-use factors and building characteristics. Recent investigations have clearly shown adverse eco-toxicological impacts in aquatic ecosystems receiving this water. Urban run- ...
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Protection of Triturus cristatus in Eastern Baltic Region (BALTRIT)

Start date: Jun 1, 2004, End date: Dec 31, 2008,

Background The great crested newt (Triturus cristatus) is widespread in Europe but has suffered from habitat decline over large parts of its range, which is why the species is listed in Annex II of the Habitats Directive. The problems it faces include the loss of ponds and other small bodies of water, overgrowth of freshwater habitats and the introduction ...
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The participating research institutes are strongly involved in the European Weed Research Society (EWRS) and have a long and extensive expertise on non-chemical methods of weed control.By linking these research institutions with the public authorities, CleanRegion supports the involved municipalities and cities in (1) developing alternative strategies for weed control, (2) developing improved poli ...
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The InterBaltic project is initiated by the CPMR Baltic Sea Commission and seconded by the Baltic Development Forum, based on the assumption that there will be a considerable increase in transportation and logistics within, to and from, and through the Baltic Sea region. This situation will affect political decisions, business development and living conditions in general.The main objective of this ...
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The objective of this project was to develop new strategies and methods for concrete action on the local level, to meet following challenges:1. Developed urban management - City renewal towards sustainability (housing, trade and industry, culture, commerce, transport, PPP);2. Cities as regional engines - Urban renewal and regional development towards functional urban regions and sustainability (de ...
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Background Discharges from combined sewer overflows in many situations constitute a problem in relation to reaching "good status" in the quality of the surface waters of member countries, which is one of the requirements of the Water Framework Directive. Recent surveys in the County of Aarhus, Denmark, have demonstrated that 17 % of the overflows lead to ...
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The objective of this project was to develop new strategies and methods for concrete action on the local level, to meet following challenges:1. Developed urban management - City renewal towards sustainability (housing, trade and industry, culture, commerce, transport, PPP);2. Cities as regional engines - Urban renewal and regional development towards functional urban regions and sustainability (de ...
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The main objective was to solve concrete local ICZD problems and to generalise experience acquired in this process into pan-Baltic actions such as changes of national legislation, elaboration of best practices and recommendations. The goal of the project was to accompany the implementation process by different international experts in the field of ICZD and to develop a common strategy based on the ...
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The Baltic Sea Region features an impressive cultural heritage of brick Gothic as well as a beautiful and multifaceted natural landscape. From 2002 on, these characteristics have been linked together successfully within the European Route of Brick Gothic (EuRoB) offering well balanced and diversified travel opportunities especially for fastidious visitors. The 22 participating cities and counties ...
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Start date: Nov 1, 2011,

To take full advantage of new technologies, we need to fundamentally rethink our approaches to learning and education— and our ideas of how new technologies can support them.Mitchel Resnick, MIT Media Lab - Rethinking Learning in the Digital AgeThe reason that motivates the project is the fact that in many member states, many young migrants and youth who need special attention are not doing well i ...
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