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Over 40 European Projects Found

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Obesity and related co-morbidities give rise to severe health and socioeconomic problems. Surgical treatment for obesity (bariatric surgery) is remarkably effective in the control of morbid obesity and rapid resolution of Type 2 Diabetes, and the number of such procedures is increasing rapidly in many obesity-prevalent countries. We, and others, have demonstrated that surgical interventions such a ...
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A central goal of precision medicine is to tailor treatments for individuals based on their genomic sequence. However, many common diseases are associated with mutations in multiple genes and drugs often interact with multiple targets, making it difficult to go from genome sequence to drug selection. Spontaneous locomotion in the nematode C. elegans provides a model to address fundamental question ...
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The objective of the BEACON project is to (re-)introduce analog communications into the design of modern wireless networks. We argue that the extreme energy and latency constraints imposed by the emerging Internet of Everything (IoE) paradigm can only be met within a hybrid digital-analog communications framework. Current network architectures separate source and channel coding, orthogonalize user ...
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The classification of Fano manifolds is a long-standing and important open problem. Fano manifolds are basic building blocks in geometry: they are 'atomic pieces' of mathematical shapes. We will take a radically new approach to Fano classification, combining Mirror Symmetry (a circle of ideas which originated in string theory) with new methods in geometry and massively-parallel computational alg ...
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The unique properties of a new type of X-ray source produced by a compact laser-plasma accelerator will be used to probe the ultra-fast dynamics of the electronic structure of matter under extreme conditions.The TeX-MEx project will study: 1) hot dense matter, such as that found at the centre of the Sun; 2) warm dense matter such as that found at the centre of Jupiter and 3) photo-ionized plasmas ...
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The BIOSKOH project will pave the way for a Second Generation European Circular Bioeconomy by showcasing how a number Innovation Stepping Stones can realise a breakthrough in techno-economic viability of lignocellulosic biorefineries. It will do so through a two stage investment process and development path to realise the largest (110 kton) second generation (2G) biorefinery in Europe. It starts f ...
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Observation and Modelling of Radiocarbon in Atmospheric Methane for Methane Source IdentificationGreenhouse gas emissions are the primary cause of global climate change, and methane (CH4) is the second most important contributor after carbon dioxide (CO2). Major sources of methane are both natural (wetlands) and anthropogenic (agriculture, landfills and fossil fuels). Current efforts to assess the ...
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Search for a new form of matter: the sterile neutrino (SOLID)

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2021,

The goal of this proposal is to search for an entirely new kind of matter. This type of matter called a sterile neutrino doesn’t interact with known particles and can only manifest itself through quantum mixing with the three neutrinos of the standard model, the prevailing theory of particle physics. The known neutrinos are by far the most abundant massive particles in the Universe. More than 70 y ...
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Smouldering megafires are the largest and longest-burning fires on Earth. They destroy essential peatland ecosystems, and are responsible for 15% of annual global greenhouse gas emissions. This is the same amount attributed to the whole of the European Union, and yet it is not accounted for in global carbon budgets. Peat fires also induce surges of respiratory emergencies in the population and dis ...
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The objective of my project is to develop new methods to transform environmentally persistent hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and hydrofluoroolefins (HFOs), into reactive chemical building blocks that can be used in chemical manufacture. My team will achieve this by developing a series of new chemical reactions that transform inert carbon–fluorine bonds in HFCs or HFOs into reactive carbon–boron or carb ...
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Experimentation in mesocosms is arguably the single most powerful approach to obtain a mechanistic quantitative understanding of ecosystem-level impacts of stressors in complex systems, especially when embedded in long-term observations, theoretical models and experiments conducted at other scales. AQUACOSM builds on an established European network of mesocosm research infrastructures (RI), the FP ...
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For a new green revolution to feed the continually increasing population, agriculture productivity will have to be significantly improved. Photorespiration represents a big challenge in this respect, because it dissipates energy and leads to the futile loss of CO2, thereby limiting plant growth yield. Implementing an efficient metabolic bypass for photorespiration can therefore increase the photos ...
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The management of febrile patients is one of the most common and important problems facing healthcare providers. Distinction between bacterial infections and trivial viral infection on clinical grounds is unreliable, and as a result innumerable patients worldwide undergo hospitalization, invasive investigation and are treated with antibiotics for presumed bacterial infection when, in fact, they ar ...
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We hypothesize that inappropriate thyroid hormone action in target cells is a common mechanism underlying susceptibility to age-related degenerative diseases and co-morbidities. Although regulation of systemic thyroid status is well understood and underpins treatment of common thyroid disease, it is only in the last decade that the importance of local regulation of thyroid hormone action in tissue ...
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Sharing Cities (SHAR-LLM)

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2020,

Sharing Cities has four key objectives. 1) To achieve scale in the European smart cities market by proving that properly designed smart city solutions, based around common needs, can be integrated in complex urban environments. This will be done in a way that exhibits their true potential and allows for the significant scale-up and consequent increase in social, economic and environmental value. ...
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Many HIV vaccine concepts and several efficacy trials have been conducted in the prophylactic and therapeutic fields with limited success. There is an urgent need to develop better vaccines and tools predictive of immunogenicity and of correlates of protection at early stage of vaccine development to mitigate the risks of failure. To address these complex and challenging scientific issues, the Eur ...
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A novel concept for a photo-electro-catalytic (PEC) cell able to directly convert water and CO2 into fuels and chemicals (CO2 reduction) and oxygen (water oxidation) using exclusively solar energy will be designed, built, validated, and optimized. The cell will be constructed from cheap multifunction photo-electrodes able to transform sun irradiation into an electrochemical potential difference (e ...
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Low Emissions Intensity Lime and Cement (LEILAC)

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2020,

LEILAC, Low Emissions Intensity Lime And Cement, will successfully pilot a breakthrough technology that will enable both Europe’s cement and lime industries to reduce their emissions dramatically while retaining, or even increasing, international competitiveness. LEILAC will develop, build and operate a 240 tonne per day pilot plant demonstrating Direct Separation calcining technology which will c ...
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European Climate Observations, Modelling and Services - 2 (ECOMS2)

Start date: Dec 1, 2015, End date: Nov 30, 2020,

The ECOMS2 Action will coordinate and support Europe’s knowledge base to enable better management of climate-related risks and opportunities thereby creating greater social and economic value. ECOMS2 has 4 main objectives:1. Develop a European framework for Earth-system modelling and climate service activities. The framework will be built around a managed network of European, national and internat ...
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European AIDS Vaccine Initiative 2020 (EAVI2020)

Start date: Nov 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2020,

HIV-1 is responsible for a global pandemic of 35 million people, and continues to spread at a rate of >2 million new infections/year. It is widely acknowledged that a protective vaccine would be the most effective means to reduce HIV-1 spread and ultimately eliminate the pandemic, while a therapeutic vaccine may help mitigate the clinical course of disease and lead to strategies of viral eradicati ...
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BIOCLEAN addresses the urgent need to create a sustainable training network across academia, industry and the healthcare sector which will fill the gap in Europe and beyond to produce highly skilled multi-disciplinary young scientists competent in chemistry, engineering and experimental wet lab biology. BIOCLEAN will deliver this network of young scientists who can apply their proven skill sets g ...
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Limiting the climate change-induced temperature increase to less than 2°C will require strong reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. Lightweight materials and fibre-reinforced composites in particular, are a key enabling technology to achieve this goal. Current composite applications are however strongly overdesigned due to a lack of reliable design tools and predictive models for their mechanica ...
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The recent discovery of a Higgs boson by the ATLAS and CMS Collaborations at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, Geneva, has undoubtedly opened a portal to widely expected new physics, anticipated to manifest itself in the Tera-electron-Volt range: the Terascale. New physics is needed to understand some of the deepest mysteries of our universe, that include its composition, where dark matter and da ...
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Reliable Bio-based Refinery Intermediates (BioMates)

Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2020,

The EU targets at replacing 10% of all transport fossil fuels with biofuels by 2020 to reduce the dependence on petroleum through the use of nationally, regionally or locally produced biofuels, while simultaneously reducing greenhouse gas emissions. However, the EU is concerned with the questionable sustainability of the conventional biofuels and the unattractive production costs of second and thi ...
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Randomness pervades life and biological systems are continuously subject to variation. This variation may be stochastic, due to random fluctuations in the concentration of critical molecules, genetic, due to mutation accumulation, or environmental, because of changes in the environment over time. It is therefore remarkable how biological systems manage to operate with so much precision. The proper ...
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The production of antibodies against pathogens is an effective mechanism of protection against a wide range of infections. However, some pathogens evade antibody responses by rapidly changing their composition. Designing vaccines that elicit antibody responses against invariant parts of the pathogen is a rational strategy to combat existing and emerging pathogens. Production of antibodies is initi ...
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DEMOnstration of large SOFC system fed with biogas from WWTP (DEMOSOFC)

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2020,

Energy Context and EU positionThe “Europe 2020” strategy promotes the shift towards a resource-efficient, low-carbon economy to achieve sustainable growth. The European policies on energy and sustainability are thus contributing to the diversification of the primary energy mix and to the introduction of distributed power technologies with high efficiency and low carbon emissions. , From the point ...
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For decades, most of the aviation research activities have been focused on the reduction of noise and NOx and CO2 emissions. However, emissions from aircraft gas turbine engines of non-volatile PM, consisting primarily of soot particles, are of international concern today. Despite the lack of knowledge toward soot formation processes and characterization in terms of mass and size, engine manufactu ...
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Organic semiconductors are enabling flexible, large-area optoelectronic devices, such as organic light-emitting diodes, transistors, and solar cells. Due to their exceptionally long spin lifetimes, these carbon-based materials could also have an important impact on spintronics, where carrier spins, rather than charges, play a key role in transmitting, processing and storing information. However, t ...
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Development of any organism starts with a totipotent cell (zygote). Through series of cell divisions and differentiation processes this cell will eventually give rise to the whole organism containing hundreds of specialised cell. While the cells at the onset of development have the capacity to generate all cell types (ie are toti-or pluripotent), this developmental capacity is progressively lost a ...
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Key challenges in endoscopic tumor diagnosis and therapy consist of the detection and discrimination of malignant tissue as well as the precise navigation of medical instruments. Currently, a low level of sensitivity and specificity in tumor detection and lack of global orientation lead to both over- and undertreatment, tumor recurrence, intra-operative complications, and high costs. The goal of t ...
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Are financial markets informationally efficient? Are some economic agents more informed than others? What is the impact of such heterogeneity on asset prices? These questions, of great economic significance, have permeated academic and business circles over the last few decades. Despite significant progress on the theoretical and empirical fronts relatively little is known about how information is ...
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Innate immune responses to human hepatotropic viral infections (HBV1)

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2020,

Chronic hepatotropic infections including hepatitis B (HBV) and C (HCV) are a major public health concern. Even though both viruses belong to completely distinct families the pathogenesis they elicit is strikingly similar, leading to liver fibrosis and cirrhosis. Treatment for HBV and HCV consists of either direct-acting antivirals or pegylated interferon (IFN)α. In contrast to HCV, these treatmen ...
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The current mining paradigm promotes extraction from large ‘world-class’ deposits that have required innovations in mining techniques to deal with low grades, large infrastructure to deal with high throughputs and large feasibility studies to prove long-term commercial viability. High investment in operations is no longer available in the current economic climate and many small companies have ceas ...
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Clouds are the largest source of uncertainty in weather prediction, climate science, and remain a weak link in modeling atmospheric circulation. This is rooted in the fact that clouds depend on the physical and chemical processes over a huge range of scales, from the collisions of micron-sized droplets and particles to the airflow dynamics on the scales of thousands of meters. Since ambiguities re ...
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The increasing demand for environmentally friendly, healthier, and better performing formulated products means that the process industry needs more than ever predictive models of formulation performance for rapid, effective, and sustainable screening of new products. Processing flows and end use produce deformations that are extreme compared to what is accessible with existing experimental methods ...
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DNA replication is an essential process for genome duplication, cell division and ultimately organismal survival that ensures faithful transmission of the genome to progeny. Certain genomic loci represent major obstacles to DNA replication including fragile sites, G-rich tracts and repetitive sequences, such as ribosomal DNA and telomeres. Mammalian telomeres have the propensity to adopt complex D ...
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Healthspan (the life period when one is generally healthy and free from serious disease) depends on nature (genetic make-up) and nurture (environmental influences, from the earliest stages of development throughout life). Genetic studies increasingly reveal mutations and polymorphisms that may affect healthspan. Similarly, claims abound about lifestyle modifications or treatments improving healths ...
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Mycoplasmas are the smallest cell wall less, free-living microorganisms. The lack of a cell wall makes them resistant to many of the common antibiotics. Every year, infections caused by Mycoplasmas in poultry, cows, and pigs, result in multimillion euros losses in USA and Europe. Currently, there are vaccines against M hyopneumoniae in pigs and M gallisepticum and M synoviae in poultry. However, t ...
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Enhanced Delivery Ecosystem for Neurosurgery in 2020 (EDEN2020)

Start date: Apr 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2020,

Due to an aging population and the spiralling cost of brain disease in Europe and beyond, EDEN2020 aims to develop the gold standard for one-stop diagnosis and minimally invasive treatment in neurosurgery. Supported by a clear business case, it will exploit the unique track record of leading research institutions and key industrial players in the field of surgical robotics to overcome the current ...
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