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Arctic Impact on Weather and Climate (Blue-Action)

Start date: Dec 1, 2016, End date: Feb 28, 2021,

Blue-Action will provide fundamental and empirically-grounded, executable science that quantifies and explains the role of a changing Arctic in increasing predictive capability of weather and climate of the Northern Hemisphere.To achieve this Blue-Action will take a transdisciplinary approach, bridging scientific understanding within Arctic climate, weather and risk management research, with key s ...
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European Research Area for Climate Services (ERA4CS)

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2020,

Within the European Research Area (ERA), the ERA4CS Consortium is aiming to boost, research for Climate Services (CS), including climate adaptation, mitigation and disaster risk management, allowing regions, cities and key economic sectors to develop opportunities and strengthen Europe’s leadership. CS are seen by this consortium as driven by user demands to provide knowledge to face impacts of cl ...
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European Climate Observations, Modelling and Services - 2 (ECOMS2)

Start date: Dec 1, 2015, End date: Nov 30, 2020,

The ECOMS2 Action will coordinate and support Europe’s knowledge base to enable better management of climate-related risks and opportunities thereby creating greater social and economic value. ECOMS2 has 4 main objectives:1. Develop a European framework for Earth-system modelling and climate service activities. The framework will be built around a managed network of European, national and internat ...
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The Paris Agreement substantially increased the need for countries and regions to understand the full economic, social and environmental implications of the deep decarbonisation to which the global community is now committed. The EU has long had decarbonisation ambitions, but there remains considerable uncertainty as to precisely how these ambitions will be achieved, or what the impacts of such ac ...
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CRESCENDO brings together seven Earth System Modelling (ESM) groups with three Integrated Assessment Modelling teams, as well as experts in ESM evaluation, ESM projection and feedback analysis, climate impacts and science communication to address the following goals; (i) improve the process-realism and simulation-quality of European ESMs in order to increase the reliability of future Earth system ...
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XF-ACTORS aims to establish a multidisciplinary research program to answer the urgent need to improve prevention, early detection and control of Xylella fastidiosa (Xf). Recently, Xf was introduced into Italy, where it is causing severe damage to olive crops, and in France, where so far it is limited to ornamental plants and some landscape trees. The overall goal of the research program is to asse ...
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The BlueHealth Consortium brings together a multi-disciplinary team of experts reaching across all 28 European Union countries. The proposed 4.5 year BlueHealth Project takes an international, interdisciplinary and multi-sector approach to health promotion and disease prevention by investigating the relationship between the EU’s ‘blue infrastructure’ and the health and well-being of its citizens. ...
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PLAtform for Climate Adaptation and Risk reDuction (PLACARD)

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2020,

Significant challenges exist towards strengthening the Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) communities for coherent, mutually reinforcing and pragmatic planning and action. PLACARD seeks to support the coordination of these two communities. PLACARD will tackle current challenges by 1) providing a common ‘space’ where CCA and DRR communities can come together, share ex ...
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ICARUS will develop innovative tools for urban impact assessment in support of air quality and climate change governance in the EU. This will lead to designing and implementing win-win strategies to improve the air quality and reduce the carbon footprint in European cities. An integrated approach will be used for air pollution monitoring and assessment combining ground-based measurements, atmosphe ...
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The COP21 outcome represents an important new strategic context for EU climate policy. Analysing the implications of this new context requires an interdisciplinary approach, combining analysis of the evolution of the international climate regime as well as of NDCs and their socio-economic implications. Such analysis is also urgent, given the timelines imposed by the Paris Agreement for a “facilita ...
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The goal of PRIMAVERA is to deliver novel, advanced and well-evaluated high-resolution global climate models (GCMs), capable of simulating and predicting regional climate with unprecedented fidelity, out to 2050. This capability will deliver innovative climate science and a new generation of advanced Earth System Models. Sector-specific end-users in policy and business will be identified and engag ...
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Excellence in SImulation of Weather and Climate in Europe (ESiWACE)

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

ESiWACE will substantially improve efficiency and productivity of numerical weather and climate simulation on high-performance computing platforms by supporting the end-to-end workflow of global Earth system modelling in HPC environment. This will be obtained by improving and supporting (1) scalability of models, tools and data management on state-of-the-art supercomputer systems (2) Usability of ...
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The coastal area is the most productive and dynamic environment of the world ocean with significant resources and services for mankind.JERICO-NEXT (33 organizations from 15 countries) emphasizes that the complexity of the coastal ocean cannot be well understood if interconnection between physics, biogeochemistry and biology is not guaranteed. Such an integration requires new technological developm ...
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An important question for policy makers, in the G20 and beyond, is how to bring climate action into the broader sustainable development agenda. Objectives like energy poverty eradication, increased well-being and welfare, air quality improvement, energy security enhancement, and food and water availability will continue to remain important over the next several decades. There have been relatively ...
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The objective of this project is to quantify the role of consumers’ behaviour on the design and assessment of policies aimed at enhancing energy efficiency and conservation and at promoting climate change mitigation. The project brings together different disciplines –namely energy policy, environmental and ecological economics, behavioral public finance, experimental economics, and technology poli ...
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The overarching objective of AtlantOS is to achieve a transition from a loosely-coordinated set of existing ocean observing activities to a sustainable, efficient, and fit-for-purpose Integrated Atlantic Ocean Observing System (IAOOS), by defining requirements and systems design, improving the readiness of observing networks and data systems, and engaging stakeholders around the Atlantic; and leav ...
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European Market for Climate Services (EU-MACS)

Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2018,

The project analyses the market structures and drivers, obstacles and opportunities from scientific, technical, legal, ethical, governance and socioeconomic vantage points. The analysis is grounded in economic and political science theories on how service markets with public and private features can develop, and how innovations may succeed. The consortium offers a good cross-section of representat ...
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Unlike extreme disasters, smaller scale disaster events receive relatively little attention in Climate Change and Disaster studies even though they occur more frequently and cause considerable damage and disruption to local economic, social, and environmental systems. This project looks at the impact and response generated by extensive disaster events in three regions in Italy as a means of furthe ...
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EU CISE 2020 is an important step towards the accomplishment of the European roadmap for CISE; the project attains the widest possible experimental environment of innovative and collaborative processes between European maritime institutions.EU CISE 2020 takes as reference a broad spectrum of factors in the field of European Integrated Maritime Surveillance, arising from the European legal framewor ...
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European Reanalysis of the Global Climate System (ERA-CLIM2)

Start date: Nov 11, 2013, End date: Jan 1, 2018,

Production of an extended climate reanalysis of the 20th century, with consistent descriptions of the global atmosphere, ocean, land-surface, cryosphere, and the carbon cycle. Production of a new reanalysis of the satellite era with near-real time data updates for climate monitoring. Research and development in various aspects of coupled data assimilation to improve the use of observations in futu ...
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EUrope-BRAzil Collaboration on BIG Data Scientific REsearch through Cloud-Centric Applications aims at providing services in the cloud for the processing of massive data coming from highly connected societies, which impose multiple challenges on resource provision, performance, Quality of Service and privacy. Processing those data require rapidly provisioned infrastructures customised to Big Data ...
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"LUC4C will advance our fundamental knowledge of the climate change - land use change interactions, and develop a framework for the synthesis of complex earth system science into guidelines that are of practical use for policy and societal stakeholders.Policies in support of climate change mitigation through land management, and the societal demand for other services from terrestrial ecosystems ar ...
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The INDIGO-DataCloud project (INDIGO for short) aims at developing a data/computing platform targeted at scientific communities, deployable on multiple hardware, and provisioned over hybrid (private or public) e-infrastructures. This platform will be built by leading European developers, resource providers, e-infrastructures and scientific communities in order to ensure its successful exploitation ...
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On the Impact of Extreme Weather on Critical Infrastructures (INTACT)

Start date: May 1, 2014, End date: Apr 30, 2017,

The resilience of critical infrastructures (CI) to Extreme Weather Events (EWE) is one of the most salient and demanding challenges facing society. Growing scientific evidence suggests that more frequent and severe weather extremes such as heat waves, hurricanes, flooding and droughts are having an ever increasing impact, with the range and effects on society exacerbated when CI is disrupted / des ...
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IS-ENES2 is the second phase project of the distributed e-infrastructure of models, model data and metadata of the European Network for Earth System Modelling (ENES). This network gathers together the European modelling community working on understanding and predicting climate variability and change. ENES organizes and supports European contributions to international experiments used in assessment ...
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ConnectinGEO’s primary goal is to link existing coordinated Earth Observation networks with science and technology (S&T) communities, the industry sector and the GEOSS and Copernicus stakeholders. The aim is to facilitate a broader and more accessible knowledge base to support the needs of the GEO Societal Benefit Areas (SBAs) and their users. A broad range of subjects from climate, natural resour ...
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Climate Information Platform for Copernicus (CLIPC) (CLIPC)

Start date: Nov 11, 2013, End date: Dec 1, 2016,

CLIPC will provide access to climate information of direct relevance to a wide variety of users, from scientists to policy makers and private sector decision makers. Information will include data from satellite and in-situ observations, climate models and re-analyses, transformed data products to enable impacts assessments and climate change impact indicators. The platform will complement existing ...
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"Coastal areas concentrate vulnerability to climate change due to high levels of population, economic activity and ecological values. Because of that RISES-AM- addresses the economy-wide impacts of coastal systems to various types of high-end climatic scenarios (including marine and riverine variables). It encompasses analyses from global to local scales across the full range of RCPs and SSPs. It ...
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Economics of climate change adaptation in Europe (ECONADAPT)

Start date: Oct 1, 2013, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

The aim of the ECONADAPT project is to provide user-orientated methodologies and evidence relating to economic appraisal criteria to inform the choice of adaptation actions using analysis that incorporates cross-scale governance under conditions of uncertainty. A critical theme of the proposal is therefore to support the application of adaptation economics in the period following the publication o ...
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Climate change can disrupt ecological, social and economic systems, with some regions and sectors suffering significantly. Therefore, adaptation plays a paramount role in responding to climate change. Progress has been made, but there are still important obstacles. Knowledge of the benefits and costs of adaptation is sparse, unsystematic and unevenly distributed across sectors and countries. Plan ...
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The overall objective of this Coordination and Support Action is to coordinate and support the development and the implementation plans of the Joint Programming Initiative ‘Connecting Climate Knowledge for Europe’ (JPI Climate). The CSA will serve as a tool integrated in JPI Climate to enable it to address the challenges of climate change. Hence, it will contribute to the EU objective of building ...
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INDO-MARECLIM capitalizes on the Norwegian institutional establishment, infrastructure and network of scientific cooperation built up India since 1998 around the Nansen Environmental Research Centre-India (NERCI) in Kerala, India. INDO-MARECLIM aims at facilitating and improving the co-operation between the European Union Members States and Associated Countries and India and includes partners from ...
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The main objective of the MyOcean Follow On project will be to operate a rigorous, robust and sustainable Ocean Monitoring and Forecasting component of the pre-operational Copernicus Marine Service delivering ocean physical state and ecosystem information to intermediate and downstream users in the areas of marine safety, marine resources, marine and coastal environment and weather, climate and s ...
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Around European coastal seas, the number of marine observing systems is quickly increasing under the pressure of both monitoring requirements and oceanographic research. Present demands for such systems include reliable, high-quality and comprehensive observations, automated platforms and sensors systems, as well as autonomy over long time periods. In-situ data collected, combined with remote sens ...
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Fundamental trends in the European Union and the world at large provide an increasingly important policy agenda for financing sustainable energy in terms of energy efficiency, innovation in energy exploitation and development of renewable resources. The long-range forecasts for investments and energy market are determined by highly interconnected environmental, geological and technological researc ...
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The role of the African continent in the global carbon cycle, and therefore in climate change, is increasingly recognised. Despite the increasingly acknowledged importance of Africa in the global carbon cycle and its high vulnerability to climate change there is still a lack of studies on the carbon cycle in representative African ecosystems (in particular tropical forests), and on the effects of ...
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Operational Global Carbon Observing System (GEOCARBON)

Start date: Oct 1, 2011, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

Today, countries use a wide variety of methods to monitor the carbon cycle and it is difficult to compare datafromcountry to country and to get a clear global picture. The current global observational and modelling capabilitiesallow us to produce estimates of carbon budget at different level (from local to global) but many uncertainties stillremain. Decision makers need now more than ever systemat ...
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Africa is probably the most vulnerable continent to climate change and climate variability and shows diverse range of agro-ecological and geographical features. Thus the impacts of climate change can be very high and will greatly differ across the continent, and even within countries. There is a urgent need for the most appropriate and up-to-date tools to better understand and predict climate chan ...
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"CLIM-RUN aims at developing a protocol for applying new methodologies and improved modeling and downscaling tools for the provision of adequate climate information at regional to local scale that is relevant to and usable by different sectors of society (policymakers, industry, cities, etc.). Differently from current approaches, CLIM-RUN will develop a bottom-up protocol directly involving stakeh ...
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CLimate change and Urban Vulnerability in Africa (CLUVA)

Start date: Dec 1, 2010, End date: Nov 30, 2013,

The social and economic impact of natural disasters in emerging economies and developing countries is growing. Many African countries have fragile economies unable to absorb the shocks caused by natural disasters enhanced by the increasing vulnerability of rapidly expanding urban areas. Climate change is likely to rapidly exacerbate this situation. The overall objective of CLUVA is to develop meth ...
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