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21 European Projects Found

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Reactive Atmospheric Plasma processIng - eDucation network (RAPID)

Start date: Oct 1, 2013, End date: Sep 30, 2017,

"The goal of the Multi-Partner ITN-RAPID (Reactive Atmospheric Plasma processIng - eDucation network) is the realization of an interdisciplinary training involving the disciplines physics, chemistry and engineering. As a result, RAPID will create the platform for a truly European PhD in plasma technology. The scientific goal is the development of non-equilibrium reactive processes in atmospheric p ...
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Optimal, healthy pregnancy followed by normal birth is the ideal. Caesarean section (CS) doubles the risk of mortality and morbidity (hysterectomy, blood transfusion), and increases the risk of postnatal infection by 5, compared with vaginal birth (WHO Global Survey on Maternal and Perinatal Health). The European Perinatal Health Report (2008) notes “widespread concern” over rising CS rates, which ...
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Kill●Spill delivers innovative (bio)technologies, which can be integrated to the real sequences of state-of-the-art actions used currently to cleanup oil spills. The catalogue of Kill●Spill products & technologies is based on a review of technology & knowledge gaps in approaches of oil spill disasters and brings appropriate tools for 1st response, follow-up, and longer-term actions, specifically t ...
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As Europe moves towards low and zero-carbon housing, challenges arise in the management of building integrated renewable energy technologies. Electricity generating RES have the benefit of electrical connection and financial mechanisms allowing feed-in to the network. Thermal technologies do not have such general interconnectivity and therefore rely on sizing typically meeting 90% of summer demand ...
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...ystems- Development of new business and cost models which consider the entire life cycle of a building and incorporate the benefits of reduced operating costs; a decision support tool will help the planners to find the best technology to install in each particular case- Development of integrated building concept. As cost-effectiveness is one of the main aspects to be considered in building retrofi ...
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"The European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) recognizes in its roadmap for Research Infrastructures that ""in the near future, hydrogen, as an energy carrier derived from a number of other fuels, and fuel cells, as energy transformers, are expected to play a major role, for mobile and stationary applications"". With the current fragmentation of the European R&D infrastructures ...
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"This project aims to create new-to-nature and tailor-made biosurfactants through metabolic engineering of the unconventional yeast Candida bombicola. Biosurfactants produced by fermentation offer a worthy alternative to traditional surfactants, which are typically derived from non-renewable petrochemical resources and may cause environmental problems due to their ecotoxicity and poor biodegradabi ...
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Best practice Enhancers for Security in Urban Environments (BESECURE)

Start date: Apr 1, 2012, End date: Mar 31, 2015,

Urban security is a complex multi-dimensional process that results from the interaction of an increasingly diverse collection of stakeholders. Many factors influence urban security, from the physical layout to the social and economic makeup of urban zones, from the political and economic landscape on a national level to the daily practices of public services that are active in the area. Seemingly ...
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The present proposal sees the development of business and value creation models as central to the development of personalised nutrition and thus it is intended to engage in a series of interviews with key stakeholders, which will generate a number of scenarios to be considered by these stakeholders. Parallel to that we will run some focus groups with consumers and develop a tool to ascertain consu ...
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A variety of complementary approaches are needed to evaluate safety of medicine use in pregnancy. To evaluate safety in relation to teratogenicity (capacity to cause malformations), population-based congenital anomaly registers, which are already networked across Europe (EUROCAT) with a common database, can provide a cost-effective mechanism which is as yet underexploited. The enormous population ...
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Strategies and tools for Real Time EArthquake RisK ReducTion (REAKT)

Start date: Sep 1, 2011, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

...ality of information provided by earthquake forecasting, early warning and real-time vulnerability systems, as well as establishing best practices for how to use all of this information in a unified manner. In order to be used effectively, such information needs to be combined into a fully probabilistic framework, including realistic estimates of the uncertainties involved, that is suitable for d ...
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The project aims for the increase of passenger survivability in the case of fire aboard aircraft focused on the next generation of aircraft. The composite materials and other combustible materials are increasingly used in order to reduce the weight of the aircraft or to higher the passenger comfort, but they raise the fire load significantly. Although these materials have passed the certification ...
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Development of targeted ecological modeling tools for lake management

Start date: Jan 31, 2011, End date: Jan 30, 2014,

The project will develop lake management tools that integrate the biological, hydromorphological, and physico-chemical properties of lakes with lake and catchment variables. The models will provide frameworks for evaluating the effects of measures, adopted in catchments, to improve or maintain the ecological status of lakes. This will allow Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland to create ...
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Multiscale Applications on European e-Infrastructures (MAPPER)

Start date: Oct 1, 2010, End date: Sep 30, 2013,

Description Today scientists and engineers are commonly faced with the challenge of modelling, predicting and controlling multiscale systems which cross scientific disciplines and where several processes acting at different scales coexist and interact. Such multidisciplinary multiscale models, when simulated in three dimensions, require larg ...
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Facilitating Implementation of Research Evidence (FIRE)

Start date: Jan 1, 2009, End date: Jun 30, 2013,

...ich proposes that the successful implementation of research evidence is dependent on the complex interplay of the evidence, the context of implementation and the way the process is facilitated. The planned research will focus on evaluating the feasibility and effectiveness of facilitation as an implementation strategy. A randomised, controlled trial with three intervention arms (standard dissemina ...
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Fuel Cells and Hydrogen remain new topics to European professionals’ training agenda(s), despite considerable progress in the integration of these subjects into, for instance, university curricula. Especially those professions with less of a basic materials and process engineering orientation will suffer from a lack of information during their academic or vocational training courses (i.e. manufact ...
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"Flavours, additives and food contact material exposure task" (FACET)

Start date: Sep 1, 2008, End date: Aug 31, 2012,

"Flavouring, Additive and Food Contact Material Exposure Task: FACET FACET will deliver to the European Community a sustainable surveillance system, to estimate target food chemical intake. The project will consist of three main groupings of its 20 partners. The “Chemicals” group will prioritise the flavourings, additives and food contact materials for investigation and the food categories applic ...
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DECARBit responds to the urgent need for further research and development in advanced pre-combustion capture techniques to substantially reduce emissions of greenhouse gases from fossil fuel power plants. The project will accelerate the technology development and contribute to the deployment of large scale carbon capture and storage (CCS) plants in line with the adopted European policies for emiss ...
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The Ireland/ Northern Ireland Cross-Border Cooperation Observatory

Start date: Oct 31, 2008, End date: Jun 29, 2012,

The INICCO project will build on nine years of successful work by developing the Centre for Cross Border Studies into a Regional Observatory for cross-border cooperation in Ireland and Europe, doing policy research and development that will provide national and regional governments with evidence-based solutions for cross-border problems in areas like the economy, spatial planning, health and educa ...
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As the use of nanoparticles becomes more prevalent, it is clear that human exposure will inevitably increase. Considering the rapidly ageing European population and the resulting increase in the incidence of neurodegenerative diseases, there is an urgent need to address the risk presented by nanoparticles towards neurodegenerative diseases. It is believed that nanoparticles can pass through the bl ...
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Bisociation Networks for Creative Information Discovery (BISON)

Start date: Jun 1, 2008, End date: May 31, 2011,

Description Humans are gifted at uncovering hidden similarities between concepts, even illogical ones. Computers aren't... yet. Thus uniquely human gift is the basis of our creativity and humour. The concept of association is at the heart of many of today’s powerful ICT technologies such as inform ...
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