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9 European Projects Found

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Innovation and Commercialisation in the NMP thematic area (INCOMERA)

Start date: Jan 15, 2014, End date: Jan 14, 2018,

Towards Europe 2020, European Commission adopted a comprehensive innovation strategy to enhance Europe's capacity to deliver smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. This strategy concerns the so called concept of Smart Specialization Strategy.By itself, sounds a challenging task, but it is of crucial importance, especially for less advanced regions. According to this concept, each region must set ...
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Providing Enhancing innovation management capacity services to high potential SMEs and Key account managementservices to beneficiaries of the SME Instrument in the 5 regions of Eastern France through an additional workpackage of theEnterprise Europe Network EEN GRAND EST - 649194 consortium for 2015 - 2016
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Le projet a pour objectif d’accompagner la mise en oeuvre de l’Offensive Science de la Région Métropolitaine du Rhin supérieur (RMT), initiative transfrontalière unique en Europe, d’informer les chercheurs et organismes de recherche sur ses objectifs, son fonctionnement et les critères de participation et de soutenir les porteurs de projet lors de l’élaboration ainsi que de la mise en oeuvre des p ...
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CCAlps. Creative companies in Alpine Space (CCAlps)

Start date: Sep 30, 2011, End date: Jul 29, 2014,

Creativity is a modern lever to sustainable growth, considered a fundamental asset to enable a behavioural change. To promote a competitive growth in the Alpine area it is important to bet on creative industries, because of their capability to trigger transformation in a territory. The main objective of CCAlps is therefore to create a real and virtual network of hubs in the Alps, that puts creativ ...
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Lead Market European research Area network (LEAD ERA)

Start date: Mar 1, 2009, End date: Feb 28, 2014,

...holders. The project is under the coordination of the experienced Walloon region and brings together the following innovative and science based regions, Veneto, Galicia, Franche-Comte, Lower Austria, Alsace, Basque Country, Andalusia, Navarra and Region of Western Greece; two countries: Greece and France. During the 60 months of the project, the partners will focus on the topic of the 6 Lead Marke ...
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Start date: Nov 1, 2009, End date: Apr 30, 2013,

"Fibre materials and textiles can be a material of choice for the future. The realisation of this potential depends on Europe’s ability to achieve a critical mass of investments in RTD and on our ability to transfer research into innovations. Here Europe faces great challenges and therefore, there is a need to bridge the good intentions of the European Technology Platforms, the Lead Market Initiat ...
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Lobjectif du projet IT2R est de fédérer les clusters TIC existants (Rhénatic, CyberForum, Medien Forum, entreprises de la région de Bâle, IT-Forum Rhein-Nekar) au sein de lespace du Rhin supérieur.Ziel des Projekts ist es, die vorhandenen IT-Cluster am Oberrhein (Rhénatic, CyberForum, Medien Forum, Unternehmen in der Basler Region, IT-Forum Rhein-Nekar) zusammen zu führen.
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Le projet consiste á développer, dans la vallée du Rhin Supérieur, un réseau trinational dans le domaine des sciences du cerveau, afin de promouvoir :- les interactions entre scientifiques de différents domaines des neurosciences et provenant de laboratoires publics et privés (rencontres, site Internet, écoles des cadres);- la formation aux neurosciences, aussi bien initiale que continue (bourses ...
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Ce nouveau projet BioValley a pour objectif, en se basant sur le travail effectué sur la période Interreg II, qui a permis de recenser les principales compétences de la région en matiére de biotechnologies, de construire un véritable profil de région biotech, en déterminant des poles d'excellence puis en mettant en place des mesures:1. établissement du profil de BioValley (détermination des poles ...
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