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21 European Projects Found

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The aim of the project is to offer diverse practical and operational solutions for instructors who wish to receive training and extra tools for: - making interns aware and sensitive to cross-disciplinary skills, in particular how to behave in professional situations (through personal interviews, awareness modules, etc.)- communicating the importance of behavioural skills (video clips, interactive ...
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COFFEE (Co-construction d'une Offre de Formation à Finalité d'Employabilité Elevée) is a project aiming creating and implementating pilot professionalizing bachelor degrees in Algeria. The COFFEE consortium includes the Ministry for Higher Education and Research (MESRS), nine algerian universities as well as two organisms representing industry and six European partners.Professionals from industry...
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Validation des compétences-clés européennes

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

Eure.K aims at producing a European Memorandum for validation, recognition and definition of certification modes of the 8 European Key Competences (EKC) from the observation and the certification of devices experiencing their evaluation and validation in partner countries. The 8 EKCs set at the 2002 Lisbon Summit are indeed considered by the EU as "essential for personal fulfillment, active citiz...
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My Lifelong Knowledge management

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Feb 28, 2018,

Lifelong learning can take place in a variety of environments, both inside and outside formal education and training systems. Lifelong learning implies investing in people and knowledge; promoting the acquisition of basic skills, including digital literacy and broadening opportunities for innovative, more flexible forms of learning. The aim is to provide people of all ages with equal and open acce...
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Mokymo pameistrystės forma praktinių įgūdžių tobulinimas

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

This project aims to contribute to the development of the advanced form of vocational training, namely - apprenticeship, in Lithuania. The project will focus on gaining practical skills in construction, construction mechanization, transport and welding areas, as well as in marketing and in sales. These skills are required to develop and promote apprenticeship and to ensure its constant provision. ...
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In the EU, transport and logistics (T&L) companies, most of which are small to medium-sized companies, employ more than 4% of the active population.The crisis has spurred changes in the demand for skills. Demand for jobs requiring low qualifications is decreasing, and tomorrow’s knowledge-based industries require increasing levels of qualification. The T&L sector is given greater consideration in ...
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Start date: Mar 31, 2012, End date: Mar 30, 2015,

En se dotant d’une stratégie transfrontalière commune en matière de marketing dans les domaines du marché de l’emploi et des réseaux informatiques, le projet Euregiolog³ s’est donné pour but d’améliorer le pouvoir concurrentiel de l’Euregio Meuse-Rhin (EMR).Par une image de marque commune aux membres, les partenaires de ce projet cherchent à mieux profiler l’EMR comme région logistique de pointe.D...
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Start date: Mar 31, 2011, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

The REVORGREEN project aims to create a business support network for the dissemination of good practices on organic coatings.After having gained insight in and mastered the properties of new generations of organic coatings, a proactive approach is set up to integrate them in the cross-border production sector. As these coatings contain limited quantities of volatile organic compounds, hydrocarbons...
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Automotive Sustainable Training Euregio (ASTE)

Start date: Sep 30, 2010, End date: Dec 30, 2013,

Le secteur automobile présent dans l’Euregio est actuellement en phase de mutation, de nouvelles motorisations propres sont en développement et les filières de production actuelles sont en restructuration, faisant apparaître de nouvelles interactions entre les constructeurs et les sous-traitants. Le projet ASTE a pour objectif d’anticiper ces changements en y préparant les publics concernés. Il fa...
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Lingu@Cluster (Lingua)

Start date: Apr 30, 2009, End date: Jun 29, 2013,

Le projet Lingu@cluster a pour objectif daméliorer la connaissance des langues géographiquement voisines que sont le néerlandais, le français et lallemand, ainsi que la compréhension des spécificités culturelles de lEuregio Meuse-Rhin. Dix partenaires se sont regroupés pour constituer un cluster dinstruments et dactivités pédagogiques, où les efforts se concentrent tant sur lenseignement dans une ...
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The project was implemented in a time of significant social, economic and environmental change, and it tried to respond to the main developments of the transport and logistics sector. The growing importance of logistics and transport both from an environmental point of view, both from the point of view of businesses' competitiveness created the need of training professionals able to understand th...
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The innovation processes in European learning societies demand the restructuring of the relations between individuals and the learning facilities, which are based on traditional pedagogic approach. The TALEA project aims at the creation of general competences for learning facilitation accessible to the different professionals in the field. Target groups are consequently teachers, trainers, vocatio...
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On compte aujourd'hui au sein des deux principaux organismes français de formation en soudage (AFPA et INSTITUT de Soudure) un nombre important de ressources formatives attachées à l'apprentissage des gestes et techniques des métiers intégrés au domaine du soudage. L'essentiel de ces ressources mises à la disposition des personnes en formation, reste principalement constitué de textes et d'images...
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The SiQuCAE project was carried by a group of public and private partners active in the fields of vocational training and employment services in Italy, Belgium, France, Ireland and Spain. The project involved the testing of quality assurance systems of validation of formal and informal learning devices, on the basis of what implemented by the Walloon Region and the Brussels Government. The project...
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The new EU directive regulating the initial qualification and periodic training of professional drivers, improving skills of professional drivers through: (1) Introduction of compulsory driver training beyond the driver licence level (2) Harmonising of training and examination standards (3) Mutual recognition of diplomas. These activities are expected to increase road safety and make the professio...
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In order to provide concrete solutions to the problems presented above, the consortium has fully collaborated in order to provide the following outputs: • An overview of partner countries’ existing classifications and job definitions in Transport and logistics• An overview of the different methods to classify jobs • A complete European transport and logistics job classification • Competence and ed...
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Problème ciblé:Pour favoriser l’insertion durable sur le marché de l’emploi, les savoir-faire comportementaux en situation professionnelle (SFC) sont considérés comme stratégiques tant par les employeurs que par les services d’accompagnement et de formation des demandeurs d’emploi. Ils sont nécessaires pour trouver un emploi, mais aussi pour s’insérer durablement.Ce concept (SFC) reprend dans une ...
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The importance of the social and health care sector will increase due to demographic developments. At the same time, the lack of qualified workers in this sector will increase in many western European countries. Germany, as an example, already had a lack of 39.0000 workers in 2005, while forecasts assume that 193.000 qualified workers will be missing in the field of health and social care in 2025....
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Lidée de ce projet est de développer des formations et de transférer un savoir-faire très spécifique dans le domaine du débardage à cheval. Un des objectifs est de « casser » la spirale infernale offre/demande non rencontrée dans ce domaine, de recréer une réserve de professionnels capables de rencontrer cette demande et de participer de la sorte à la construction dun concept sylvicole global de g...
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The project concerns the level of qualification V in transport and logistics in all countries. Existing certifications for these jobs show a variety of situations with no common definition of required competencies. As a consequence on the employers’ side, national certifications do not respond to the companies’ needs and to the life long learning issues (continuous training, recognition of profess...
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The partners elaborate a recognition procedure, consistently linked to the Europass system, with the aim of evaluating the four basic abilities as well as the phonetic, grammatical, semantic systems in the different work sectors and validating the professional linguistic key competences; the prototypal procedures are technologically advanced because they can be directly adopted online, and are ava...
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