Energy and fuels represent between 20% and 40% of the production costs in several Resource and Energy Intensive Industries (REII). A lot of technical progresses were already done in REII to reduce the energy consumption of the main industrial products. Nevertheless, significant parts of the input-energy are still lost in the form of waste heat by gas, liquid or solid streams.
Those losses occur because either the corresponding energy losses are difficult to recover and re-use in the process itself or in another part of the production process or the required equipment are too costly (low ROI).
The challenge is to design, build, test & demonstrate new processes/components or innovative adaptation of existing solutions for waste energy recovery in large industrial systems.
Furthermore, sources of energy losses that are considered as a waste for a given industry could be a valuable resource for another one, directly or after an intermediate transformation step. By reusing waste and residual heat in a more efficient way primary energy can be saved. This topic responds to the needs of the process industry identified in the roadmap of the SPIRE cPPP (Sustainable Process Industry through Resource and Energy Efficiency contractual Public-Private Partnership).
Scope:Actions should improve the energy efficiency of large industrial systems by designing economic industrial solutions based on innovative technologies for recovery of waste heat or the innovative adaptation of already existing solutions for waste heat recovery. Actions should address the recovery of waste heat from streams from industrial processes (e.g. waste streams, by-products, intermediates) or from surplus heat in plant parameters to transform it in useful energy forms, including the production of technical gases (e.g. oxygen, hydrogen) to be used in the industrial process itself or exported as by-products. Solutions should be adaptable to various types of industrial processes and should be validated by full scale demonstration in real production conditions in industrial facilities.
Actions could either propose innovative technologies for the efficient recovery of waste heat in large industrial systems or innovative solutions of energy symbiosis between industries or plants inside industrial parks for the valorisation of waste and residual heat.
For actions proposing innovative technologies for waste heat recovery in large industrial systems one or more of the following technological issues should be addressed:
Actions proposing innovative solutions of energy symbiosis between industries or plants inside large industrial parks for the valorisation of waste and residual heat should cover, if possible, all the following points:
New management systems for the energy loss fluxes have to be developed basing on the parameters and models described above.
The activities are expected to be implemented at TRL 5-7 (please see part G of the General Annexes).
The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU of between EUR 4 and 5 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts.
Expected Impact:Proposed actions are expected to demonstrate the impacts listed below, using quantified indicators and targets, wherever possible.
For actions proposing innovative technologies for waste heat recovery in large industrial systems:
For actions proposing innovative solutions of energy symbiosis between industries or plants inside large industrial parks for the valorisation of waste and residual heat:
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