Supporting the development and promotion of transnational thematic tourism products—exploiting synergies between tourism and cultural and creative industries - COS-TOURSYN-2018-3-01
Deadline: Jul 19, 2018  

 Entrepreneurship and SMEs
 Sustainable Tourism
 Arts Education
 Creative Industries
 Cultural heritage
 Cultural Management
 Culture and Development


1.1. Introduction

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) play a crucial role in reaching the objectives of the Europe 2020 Strategy1. Whereas they are considered as crucial engines for growth and job creation, their competitiveness is affected by a limited exploitation of international opportunities and innovation prospects in the Single Market and beyond.

In this context, the Programme for the competitiveness of enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises (2014-2020)2, hereinafter referred to as “COSME”, aims to promote growth and to strengthen the competitiveness and sustainability of enterprises in the European Union.

The Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises3 (hereinafter referred to as "EASME" or the "Agency") is entrusted by the European Commission with the implementation, inter alia, of parts of the COSME programme.

In this respect, this call for proposals, managed by EASME, implements parts of the COSME Work Programme 2018, as adopted on 6 November 20174.

1.2. Policy Context
1.2.1. General policy context

This call for proposals is based on Article 25 of the COSME Regulation. It aims at supporting the development and promotion of transnational thematic tourism products exploiting synergies between tourism and cultural and creative industries (CCIs).

Tourism is an important economic sector in the European Union, contributing 10.2% to EU GDP and employing more than 26 million people. The Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union ("TFEU") outlines the Union's competences in this field (Title XXII Tourism, Art. 195), specifying that EU measures to support, coordinate or supplement the actions of the Member States shall be especially aimed at: a) encouraging the creation of a favourable environment for the development of undertakings in this sector; b) promoting cooperation between the Member States, particularly by the exchange of good practices.

In line with the priorities of the Commission, the actions proposed under COSME 2018 work programme contribute to strengthening the competitiveness of the EU tourism sector and increase its contribution to economic growth and jobs in the EU. The actions under COSME will particularly aim, on the one side, at improving the business environment for tourism enterprises, through enhanced socio-economic and market intelligence and exchange of best practices, and on the other side, at diversifying and increasing the visibility of Europe's transnational tourism offer. The actions will be implemented in close cooperation with the industry and the Member States' authorities at all levels, in line with the subsidiarity and proportionality principles.

For this particular call for proposals, the following operational objective of the COSME 2018 work programme is relevant: diversifying and increasing the visibility of Europe's transnational tourism offer. Under this objective, the Commission will co-fund projects which support the promotion and development of transnational thematic tourism products. The aim is to support partnerships, including destinations and SMEs, developing and promoting transnational tourism products through Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs).

1.2.2. Specific policy context

Whilst recognising the important role Member States play in developing and implementing strategies for tourism at national and regional level, the Union should help the development and promotion of transnational tourism products which embody common European shared values and cultural diversity and contribute to promoting Europe as a "unique tourism destination". Therefore the European Commission encourages the development of tourism products on a transnational and European scale.

The Commission has already co-financed numerous transnational actions thereby enhancing the visibility of diverse thematic tourism products (e.g. cycle or hiking routes crossing several countries; pan-European cultural routes etc.)5.

With this Call, the Commission wishes to better exploit synergies between tourism and cultural and creative industries through concrete actions which support SMEs in these industry sectors.

Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs)6 are knowledge and innovation-intensive industries. They are one of the most vibrant sectors of the EU economy: they employ over 12 million people and generate a turnover of approximately €1,500 billion7. At the crossroads between arts, business and technology, they are in a strategic position to trigger innovation spill-overs and add value to other sectors. Specific findings show that industries with stronger links to the creative industries have stronger innovation performance8. CCIs constantly innovate their products, services and business models and thanks to that can contribute to promoting Europe and its tourism offer in a more effective and creative way by enhancing visitor's experience.

Taking the above into account, this call for proposals intends to co-fund projects which put a particular focus on transnational cooperation between tourism and CCIs-related SMEs to develop and promote innovative yet tangible tourism offers. Such tourism offers need to capitalise on the creative potential of CCIs to develop innovative services and products and/or use cultural and creative content to enhance existing or develop new tourism experiences.



2.1. General and specific objectives

This action seeks to enhance the competitiveness of European tourism and promote the image of Europe as a global tourist destination of excellence.

The Commission wishes to support projects which are innovative in their approach, propose sustainable solutions and are based on the close cooperation with and involvement of tourism and CCIs-related SMEs and professionals.

Within the general and specific context explained above, the general objective of the action is to explore the spill-over effects of culture and creativity on tourism products and services in terms of:

  •   revitalising tourism attractions and destinations, and diversifying transnational tourism experiences;

  •   prolonging seasonality of EU destinations and/or enhancing sustainability of tourism offers;

  •   boosting innovation across transnational tourism value chains. The specific objectives of the action:


developing innovative solutions or management tools for tourism attractions or destinations through cooperation between tourism and CCI SMEs;

exploring new ways of engaging visitors, with the help of CCIs-related companies or professionals, to revitalise existing tourism products/services and/or create new ones,

creating solid public-private partnerships in the area of tourism and CCIs and ensuring the exchange of knowledge and experience within the partnerships.


The present call for proposals seeks to support projects focusing on existing or new tourism experiences which build on the creative and innovation potential of CCIs to develop services and products.

Proposals must therefore give due importance to the following priorities:

  1. a)  the development of transnational thematic tourism products focusing on innovative solutions, such as but not limited to AR apps, used as interface to explore tourism attractions/destinations and develop new modes of visitor servicing, storytelling and gamification;

  2. b)  the creation of trans-national cooperation networks facilitating capacity building through knowledge and innovation transfer, joint ventures, and the creation of replicable toolkits or handbooks;

  3. c)  the combination of services, products and customised offers, resulting from the cooperation between tourism and CCIs SMEs, within public-private partnerships;

  4. d) the elaboration of new niche offers targeting audiences that transcend national geographic markets.

For the purpose of this call for proposal, "thematic" refers to the tourism product that is conceived and structured around a clearly identifiable theme/context (e.g. local gastronomy, sports or wellness activities, historical figures or events, archaeological sites, etc.).

2.3. Eligible activities
In line with the objectives, thematic context and priorities mentioned above, the present call for

proposals will support the following type of activities:

  •   The mapping of tourism attractions, sites, destinations and tourism related services, that could be linked to the identified theme;

  •   The development of transnational tourism products and services, which have excellent marketing potential, are attractive and interesting for intra-European and/or long haul travellers and travel operators, and can continue after the end of the co-financing period;

  •   The creation of new technological or organisational solutions to attract and engage visitors;

  •   The implementation of medium-to-long-term joint communication/promotion and market

    uptake strategies;

  •   The development of creative promotional activities offering practical information and useful tools for potential tourists;

  •   The implementation of awareness raising and dissemination actions (e.g., the production of audio-visuals, communication activities, publications, websites, participation in fairs, partnerships with international media, etc.).

Applicants are free to propose additional types of activities, if duly justified as fulfilling the objectives and priorities of this call for proposals.

Non-eligible activities:

Development/improvement of infrastructure;

Promoting local tourism offers without developing the transnational dimension of the offer, and/or promoting tourism without focusing on a concrete transnational thematic tourism product.

2.4. General expected results (for outputs or deliverables) The project proposal shall target the following general expected results:

Contribution to competitive and sustainable development, growth (increase in international tourism flows) and employment in the tourism and CCI sectors. Benefits and multiplier effects of synergies between tourism and CCIs-related activities on economy and people’s wellbeing;

Demonstrated contribution to the development of a transnational tourism offer and its diversification. Creation of a "critical mass" of transnational tourism-related products and services, providing ground for varied and attractive tourism offers at European level;

Better market visibility of varied and attractive European transnational tourism offers; developing comprehensive and practical information on the product for potential tourists and enhancing visitors' experience;

Facilitation and consolidation of public-private partnerships and involvement of tourism and CCI–related enterprises in the supply chain of transnational thematic tourism products as well as into regional development and tourism promotional strategies.

The applicant is free to add other, more specific, results relevant to the project proposal. This can amongst others take the form of concrete deliverables in line with the expected results and impacts.

2.5. General indicators
Applicants must ensure that the project outcomes and impacts are presented against all the

following indicators:
Number of countries participating in transnational cooperation project;

Number of tourism and CCI-related SMEs involved in the development of transnational cooperation project;

Increased awareness about and visibility of transnational tourism offers (measurable through a survey of key stakeholders);

Increased tourism flows in the areas concerned during the project lifetime; Number of public-private partnerships created during the project lifetime.

Moreover, specific outcome indicators have to be defined for each project proposal, depending on the concrete results/outcomes foreseen for the specific project.

2.6. General requirements
2.6.1. Requirements for the preparation of the proposals A project proposal must:

 Be clear. Applicants are requested to divide the actions into work packages, having clear objectives, a clear description of the work, deliverables, milestones, and expected results measured by performance indicators. To do so, partners must fill in the template "Description of Work", provided together with this call for proposals.

 Be coherent. The proposal needs to clearly elaborate – among others - on the following aspects:

a) Shortcomings and specific needs to be addressed;
b) Identification of the target group(s) and its justification/rationale;

c) Logical link between identified needs, specific objectives, proposed actions and expected results;

d) Complementarity of the project with other actions being carried out (if any) by the applicants.


 Be supported by a concise and realistic action plan. The proposal needs to briefly elaborate – among others - on the following aspects:

a) Status quo (SWOT or similar) analysis of the current situation;

b) Analysis of alternative solutions to address the identified needs and their cost- effectiveness;

c) Description of and reasons for the chosen solution as proposed in the project proposal;

d) Estimation of costs and revenues and financial effectiveness, for the chosen solution in the medium term and a business plan after the EU co-financing period ends;

e) The extent to which the outputs are likely to lead to clear and tangible results;

f) Estimated impact of the proposed actions on target groups and on the local economies (indicators, data sources, tools and methodologies to measure short and medium-long term benefits/impact of proposed actions);

g) Any evidence of transformative or spill-over effects, including the extent to which additional value is or may be created by the chosen solution's adoption more widely across Europe.

 Be technically and financially sustainable. The project proposal needs to identify the management structure and explain how this will enable the project to meet its goals. It has to also identify the staff to be involved and the distribution of tasks between partners and staff members.

The proposals must aim at the creation of innovative and sustainable tourism products and services, which have excellent marketing potential, are attractive and interesting for travellers and operators, and can continue after the end of the project period.

The project needs to develop a medium-to-long-term communication/promotion and market uptake strategy. Therefore, the project proposal shall clearly refer to how the action will be further developed after the end of the co-financing period, both technically and financially.

 Generate real measurable results and long-term impacts. The expected results of the project have to be clearly outlined (both short–term and medium-long-terms results) and they must be quantifiable and measurable. The proposal needs to indicate how the results can be measured (i.e. which indicators and sources can be used to measure the results, also after the end of the project).

The work packages need to also contain a final evaluation of results clearly demonstrating whether and how the relevant results (as well as other results specific to the proposal) have been achieved.

As also elaborated upon in the Award Criteria, it will be seen as an asset of added value, positively affecting the assessment of the project proposal, if:

a) the partners' consortium covers more than 6 partners and more than 5 eligible countries;


b) the proposal is innovative in its approach, proposes sustainable solutions and highlights close, effective, appropriate and tangible transnational collaboration between tourism and CCI SME`s, besides at least a public authority.



a) Deadline for submitting applications

19/07/2018 17:00 h Brussels time

b) Evaluation period*

August – September 2018

c) Information to applicants*

November – December 2018

d) Signature of grant agreements*

February 2019 – March 2019

e) Starting date of the action*

March 2019 – April 2019

* indicative



The total budget earmarked for the co-financing of projects is estimated at EUR 2 000 000. The maximum grant per project will be EUR 400 000.
It is expected to fund 5 to 7 proposals.
The grant is limited to a maximum reimbursement rate of 75% of eligible costs.

EASME reserves the right not to distribute all the funds available.



The following requirements must be complied with:

  •   Applications must be submitted no later than the deadline for submitting applications referred to in section 3;

  •   Applications must be submitted in writing, using the electronic system specified in section 16;

  •   Applications must be drafted in one of the EU official languages.

Failure to comply with those requirements will lead to the rejection of the application.

Incomplete applications may be considered inadmissible. This refers to the requested administrative data, the proposal description and requested grant amount, and any supporting documents specified in this call for proposals.




6.1 Eligible applicants
Applicants must be legal entities forming a consortium

- fully or partly public or private bodies; private bodies must be properly constituted and registered under national law.

- natural persons in line with the types of eligible personnel costs elaborated upon in Section 12.2 (refer particularly to the subsection "Direct Personnel Costs": A.3 and A.4).

6.1.1 Applicants must correspond to the definition of at least one of the following target organisations active in the field of tourism, cultural and creative industry (CCIs):

  •   Public authorities and their networks or associations at European, international, national, regional and local level or organisations acting on behalf of a public authority9;

  •   Training or educational institutions including universities, research centres;

  •   Chambers of commerce and industry, chambers of handicrafts or similar bodies and their umbrella Associations;

  •   Destination management organisations and their networks/associations;

  •   Travel Agents and Tour Operators and their umbrella associations;

  •   Not-for profit/Non-governmental organisations, civil society organisations, foundations, think-tanks, umbrella associations, networks or federations of public or private bodies, whose core activity falls under tourism, CCIs;

  •   International, European and national organisations/federations/associations active in tourism and CCIs, including those operating in partnership across the borders of a number of countries with a proven cross-border outreach;

  •   Micro, Small and Medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) active in the tourism and CCIs sectors;

  •   National, regional, local tourism organisations, public and private agencies related to tourism, cultural heritage promotion or regional development;

6.1.2. Only applications from legal entities established in the following countries are eligible:

  •  EU Member States;
  •  countries participating in the COSME programme pursuant to Article 6 of the COSME Regulation10.

For British applicants: Please be aware that eligibility criteria must be complied with for the entire duration of the grant. If the United Kingdom withdraws from the EU during the grant period without concluding an agreement with the EU ensuring in particular that British applicants continue to be eligible, you will cease to receive EU funding (while continuing, where possible, to participate) or be required to leave the project on the basis of Article 34.3.1(b) of the grant agreement.

6.2 Eligible consortia
6.2.1 The consortium must gather a minimum of 6 and a maximum of 8 members/partners -

different legal entities - covering at least 5 eligible countries - as listed under section 6.1.3; 6.2.2 The consortium must be composed of at least:

a. four SMEs11 – Small and Medium Sized enterprises: 2 active in the tourism and 2 in the CCIs sector12; and

b. one national or regional or local public authority13.

6.2.3 Linked third parties, i.e. legal entities having a legal or capital link with applicants, which is neither limited to the action nor established for the sole purpose of its implementation, may take part in the action as applicants (one of the 6-8 members/partners14) in order to declare eligible costs.


6.3 Supporting documents:

Applicants must demonstrate that they fully respect the eligibility criteria set out in this call for proposals. Adequate supporting documents have to be provided with the application. Moreover, the proposal has to clearly indicate the name of the applicants fulfilling the above-mentioned eligibility criteria.

6.4 Implementation period
The duration of projects must be between 18 - 24 months.

Applications for projects scheduled to run for a shorter or longer period than that specified in this call for proposals will not be accepted.

6.5 Kick-off meeting

The applicant must foresee, in the budget proposal of the project, the participation of maximum two representatives of the project’s consortium (one representative of the coordinator organisation and another partner) at the kick-off meeting in Brussels, organised by EASME, at the beginning of the implementation period.



7.1. Exclusion

The authorising officer shall exclude an applicant from participating in call for proposals procedures where:

(a) the applicant is bankrupt, subject to insolvency or winding-up procedures, where its assets are being administered by a liquidator or by a court, where it is in an arrangement with creditors, where its business activities are suspended, or where it is in any analogous situation arising from a similar procedure provided for under national laws or regulations;

(b) it has been established by a final judgment or a final administrative decision that the applicant is in breach of its obligations relating to the payment of taxes or social security contributions in accordance with the law of the country in which it is established, with those of the country in which the authorising officer is located or those of the country of the performance of the contract;

(c) it has been established by a final judgment or a final administrative decision that the applicant is guilty of grave professional misconduct by having violated applicable laws or regulations or ethical standards of the profession to which the applicant belongs, or by having engaged in any wrongful conduct which has an impact on its professional credibility where such conduct denotes wrongful intent or gross negligence, including, in particular, any of the following:

  • fraudulently or negligently misrepresenting information required for the verification of the absence of grounds for exclusion or the fulfilment of selection criteria or in the performance of a contract, a grant agreement or a grant decision;
  • entering into agreement with other applicants with the aim of distorting competition;
  • violating intellectual property rights;
  • attempting to influence the decision-making process of the Agency during the award procedure;


(v) attempting to obtain confidential information that may confer upon it undue advantages in the award procedure;

(d) it has been established by a final judgment that the applicant is guilty of any of the following:

  1. (i)  fraud, within the meaning of Article 1 of the Convention on the protection of the European Communities' financial interests, drawn up by the Council Act of 26 July 1995;

  2. (ii)  corruption, as defined in Article 3 of the Convention on the fight against corruption involving officials of the European Communities or officials of Member States of the European Union, drawn up by the Council Act of 26 May 1997, and in Article 2(1) of Council Framework Decision 2003/568/JHA, as well as corruption as defined in the law of the country where the contracting authority is located, the country in which the applicant is established or the country of the performance of the contract;

  3. (iii)  participation in a criminal organisation, as defined in Article 2 of Council Framework Decision 2008/841/JHA;

  4. (iv)  money laundering or terrorist financing, as defined in Article 1 of Directive 2005/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council;

  5. (v)  terrorist-related offences or offences linked to terrorist activities, as defined in Articles 1 and 3 of Council Framework Decision 2002/475/JHA, respectively, or inciting, aiding, abetting or attempting to commit such offences, as referred to in Article 4 of that Decision;

  6. (vi)  child labour or other forms of trafficking in human beings as defined in Article 2 of Directive 2011/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council;

(e) the applicant has shown significant deficiencies in complying with main obligations in the performance of a contract, a grant agreement or a grant decision financed by the Union's budget, which has led to its early termination or to the application of liquidated damages or other contractual penalties, or which has been discovered following checks, audits or investigations by an authorising officer, OLAF or the Court of Auditors;

(f) it has been established by a final judgment or final administrative decision that the applicant has committed an irregularity within the meaning of Article 1(2) of Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 2988/95.

(g) for the situations of grave professional misconduct, fraud, corruption, other criminal offences, significant deficiencies in the performance of the contract or irregularity, the applicant is subject to:

  1. (i)  facts established in the context of audits or investigations carried out by the Court of Auditors, OLAF or internal audit, or any other check, audit or control performed under the responsibility of an authorising officer of an EU institution, of a European office or of an EU agency or body;

  2. (ii)  non-final administrative decisions which may include disciplinary measures taken by the competent supervisory body responsible for the verification of the application of standards of professional ethics;

  3. (iii)  decisions of the ECB, the EIB, the European Investment Fund or international organisations;

  4. (iv)  decisions of the Commission relating to the infringement of the Union's competition rules or of a national competent authority relating to the infringement of Union or national competition law.

  5. (v)  decisions of exclusion by an authorising officer of an EU institution, of a European office or of an EU agency or body.


7.2. Remedial measures

If an applicant declares one of the situations of exclusion listed above (see section 7.4), it needs to indicate the measures it has taken to remedy the exclusion situation, thus demonstrating its reliability. This may include e.g. technical, organisational and personnel measures to prevent further occurrence, compensation of damage or payment of fines. The relevant documentary evidence which illustrates the remedial measures taken must be provided in annex to the declaration. This does not apply for situations referred in point (d) of section 7.1 .

7.3. Rejection from the call for proposals
The authorising officer shall not award a grant to an applicant who:

  1. is in an exclusion situation established in accordance with section 7.1;

  2. has misrepresented the information required as a condition for participating in the procedure or has failed to supply that information;

  3. was previously involved in the preparation of calls for proposal documents where this entails a distortion of competition that cannot be remedied otherwise.

The same exclusion criteria apply to linked third parties.

Administrative and financial penalties may be imposed on applicants, or linked third parties where applicable, who are guilty of misrepresentation.

7.4. Supporting documents

Applicants must provide a declaration on their honour certifying that they are not in one of the situations referred to in Articles 106(1) and 107 FR, by filling in the relevant form attached to the application form accompanying this call for proposals.



8.1 Financial capacity

Applicants must have stable and sufficient sources of funding to maintain their activity throughout the period during which the action is being carried out or the year for which the grant is awarded and to participate in its funding. The applicants' financial capacity will be assessed on the basis of the following supporting documents:

a)  Low value grants (≤ EUR 60 000): - a declaration on their honour.

b)  Grants ≥ EUR 60 000:
- a declaration on their honour and, EITHER

 the profit and loss account, the balance sheet for the last financial year for which the accounts were closed;

 for newly created entities, the business plan might replace the above documents. 15


 the table provided for in the application form, filled in with the relevant statutory accounting figures, in order to calculate the ratios as detailed in the form.

c) Grants for an action ≥ EUR 750 000, in addition:

- an audit report produced by an approved external auditor certifying the accounts for the last financial year available.

In the event of an application grouping several applicants (consortium), the above thresholds apply to each applicant.

The above-listed documents will have to be provided at later stage, via the electronic submission tool and only upon request of EASME.

On the basis of the documents submitted, if the authorising officer considers that financial capacity is not satisfactory, he may:

 request further information;

 propose a grant agreement without pre-financing;

 propose a grant agreement with a pre-financing paid in instalments;

 propose a grant agreement with a pre-financing covered by a bank guarantee (see section 12.4 below);

 where applicable, require the joint and several financial liability of all the co-beneficiaries;  reject the application.

8.2 Operational capacity

The coordinator of the project must have at least three years of experience in managing and implementing pan-European projects co-financed by the European Commission. This experience will be assessed exclusively on the basis of the information provided by the consortium in the specific relevant template, at application stage.

Applicants must have the professional competencies as well as appropriate qualifications necessary to complete the proposed action.

In this respect, applicants have to submit the following supporting documents:

  •   curriculum vitae (CV), preferably in European CV format or description of the profile of the main persons primarily responsible for managing and implementing the different activities of the action. The CV must be accompanied, where appropriate, (like in the field of research and education) by a list of relevant publications/projects managed);

  •   a summary table indicating the persons that will make up the core team responsible for the project with their qualifications and competences. A template is included in the application forms;

  •   the organisations’ activity reports or any other similar document; 16

  •   a list of previous projects and activities performed and connected to the policy field of the call for proposals - or to the actions to be carried out – in the last three (3) years;

  •   a list indicating at least three years of experience by the project coordinator in managing and implementing pan-European projects co-financed by the European Commission;

  •   a description of the technical equipment, tools or facilities and patents at the disposal of the applicant in relation to the proposal.



Eligible applications will be assessed on the basis of the following criteria:


Relevance of the actions in view of the objectives of the call (meeting objectives of the call; appropriate results; appropriate partnership; competences and European dimension)

How relevant is the proposed action to the EU policies and priorities identified in the call?

To what extent are the actions proposed by the applicant strategically chosen to meet the objectives of the call?

Does the proposal seek to create innovative and sustainable tourism offers, which have excellent marketing potential, are attractive and interesting for travellers and operators?

How well does the project fit with the expectations/needs of the identified target group (s)?

How strategically chosen and relevant are the different project partners? Does the proposal involve the cooperation of more than 6 partners and more than 5 eligible countries?

To what extent do the proposed activities, composition of the partnership and the selected target group(s) demonstrate a real transnational dimension and a true European added value?

Is there any complementarity between the proposed project and other actions being taken at European level?

Max. score 30



Quality of the proposed actions (clear and feasible description of actions; appropriate allocation of resources; including management)

How practical and innovative are the activities proposed (including the internal plan of action/work packages)?

How clear, coherent, and ambitious is the work plan? Has a realistic action plan been included?

To what extent is the work plan clearly defined in terms of schedule, milestones and deliverables?

Is there a logical link between identified needs, specific objectives, proposed actions and expected results? Is this link well described and justified?

How effective, appropriate and suitable is the contribution of each partner to the activities proposed?

Is the level of effort (hours and budget) appropriate, per work package, per task and per partner considering their skills and responsibilities?

To what extent can the methodology and manageme

Max. score 30




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