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Restricted action grants to support national information, Awareness-raising and education activities aimed at preventing and combating violence against women - JUST/2016/RGEN/AG/VAWA
Deadline: Oct 27, 2016  

 Humanitarian Aid
 Gender Equality
 Justice Programme
 Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme


Call for proposals for action grants JUST/2016/RGEN/AG/VAWA

This restricted call for proposals for action grants is based on the 2016 annual work programme1 of the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (REC Programme)2 and on its substantial modification. Furthermore, the selection results of this restricted call for proposals is subject to the formal adoption of the substantial modification of the 2016 annual work programme which at the moment is at the final stage of approval.

The call aims to co-fund national information, awareness-raising and education activities aimed at preventing and combating violence against women in line with the specific objective to promote equality between women and men and to advance gender mainstreaming.

Proposals should aim to produce results with EU added value.

Organisations interested in submitting applications should first read the detailed terms and conditions set out in this call for proposals and the Guide for Action Grants published together with this call and constituting an integral part of the conditions of the call.


The proposals under this call shall focus on the priority described below.

Proposals shall complement the efforts of the EU in the area of gender equality3. Duplications of already existing initiatives will not be funded. Applicants shall explain and demonstrate how their proposals are aligned with the respective EU policies and with the documents published by the European Commission and referred to below. The degree of relevance to the priority of the call for proposals will be assessed under the relevance award criterion.

2.1. Background

Violence against women and girls includes all acts of gender‐based violence that result in, or are likely to result in, physical, sexual, psychological or economic harm or suffering to women and girls. For the purpose of this call, it includes violence and abuse in close relationships; sexual violence (including rape, sexual assault and harassment or stalking); harmful practices, such as forced marriages, female genital mutilation (FGM) and so-called ‘honour’ crimes; and cyberviolence and harassment using new technologies. 


Violence against women and girls is both a cause and consequence of gender inequalities. It is a violation of human rights and the most brutal form of discrimination on the basis of sex, and results from unequal power relations between women and men. Conversely, it hinders women from fully participating in the labour market, families and society at large.

The Fundamental Rights Agency of the European Union carried out a survey on women's experiences of violence, which revealed that one in three women in the European Union has experienced physical and /or sexual violence since the age of 15, 22% of women have experienced such violence at the hands of their partner, and over half of women have been subjected to various forms of sexual harassment.4 Available administrative data collected by Eurostat shows that, in many countries, over half of murdered women are killed by an intimate partner, relative or family member.5

'Combating gender-based violence and protecting and supporting its victims' is identified in the Strategic Engagement for Gender Equality (2016-2019) as one of five key

priorities in the Commission's work to achieve gender equality in the EU.6 In this context, the Commission will carry out focused actions to combat violence against women, from 25 November 2016, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, for one year.

NB: Selected projects will form part of the focused actions on violence against women that the Commission will implement in 2017. Selected projects may be expected to integrate visuals and messages developed by the Commission in this context. Project leaders should be ready to present or showcase their activities and results at events during this year or through the Commission's social media and press activities.

2.2. Priorities

This call for proposals aims to support national stakeholders in developing and implementing practical and targeted information, awareness-raising and education activities aimed at preventing and combating violence against women and girls, in order to ultimately contribute to promoting gender equality in EU Member States. These activities should spread a clear message of zero tolerance to violence against women and challenge gender stereotypes and norms that contribute to the problem. They should form part of a coordinated, integrated approach to combatting violence against women, and should not be carried out in isolation.

The activities may cover multiple forms of violence or a specific one, as well as violence taking place in many contexts or only one context, depending on the national reality and priorities. They may focus on vulnerable groups of women and girls, such as (but not limited to) women and girls with disabilities, migrant and refugee women and girls, homeless women and girls, Roma women and girls, women and girls belonging to national, ethnic or religious minorities, elderly women, and lesbian, bisexual or trans women and girls. 

2.3. Description of the activities to be funded under the call

This call for proposals will provide funding for effective national activities aimed at:

  •   changing attitudes and behaviours towards violence against women, with the aim of preventing it from happening through education, combating victim-blaming and encouraging victims and witnesses to report violence to the relevant authorities and institutions. Campaigns may be targeted at specific groups of women and girls (for example young women, pregnant women, elderly women, migrant and ethnic or religious minority women, refugee women, women with disabilities, homeless women), or may target the population in general (although proposals should consider how to target different sections of the population).

  •   training relevant professionals (e.g. within health services, education, the judiciary, the police, support services etc.) in order to ensure adequate registration, investigation and prosecution of all forms of violence against women and sensitive support for victims, as well as improve perpetrator programmes;

  •   training journalists and media professionals in order to ensure sensitive and appropriate reporting of the issue and incidents;

  •   encouraging men and boys to challenge sexism and gender norms that encourage violence against women, and actively engage in the fight against violence against women;

  •   informing victims about their rights and the support services (shelters, helplines etc.) and protection measures available in their country (including the availability of cross-border protection measures).

In the context of this call for proposals, activities may include the development and implementation of:

  •   campaigns (including using social media, which is strongly encouraged);

  •   exhibitions;

  •   education and training programmes;

  •   teaching and learning material, including translating, adapting and disseminating material developed in other countries and/or by European / international organisations (i.e. printed, electronic, audio-visual and online material);

  •   exchange of experiences and good practice;

  •  seminars and conferences;
  •  information days at public or private institutions (e.g. schools, universities, hospitals, police stations, etc.).

NB: The development of leaflets, T-shirts and other products to hand out at events should not constitute the core activities of the project. These should not be used to simply inform about the existence of the project, but to actually contribute to awareness-raising and 

education. Their dissemination should be carefully planned, to ensure tangible impact on target groups.

DG JUSTICE will support both new actions designed for the purposes of this call and actions that complement already existing activities, provided that:

- the actions correspond to priorities of the call; and
- the added-value of EU-funding is clearly discernible.

Activities already funded under another EU programme cannot be funded under this call for proposals.

If a project will involve direct contact with children, the applicant must describe the child protection policy it will adhere to (see 1.16 in Annex 1 - Project Description and Implementation Form and Annex 5). 

The following types of activities will not be funded by the Commission: 

  1. Individual sponsorship/scholarships for participation in workshops, seminars, conferences, congresses, training courses, etcetera.
  2. activities supporting individual political parties;
  3. provision of financial support to third parties;
  4. legal actions before national or international courts regardless of their grounds or objectives
  5. descriptive research reviews.

2.4. Ethical considerations 

Activities should promote non-violent conflict resolution and aim to empower women. Practical ethical considerations must be taken into account in the design and implementation of the project. Due to the sensitivity of this issue, the applicant should pay high attention to the messages conveyed in the proposed project, in particular:

  •   They should never directly depict violence;

  •   They should break gender stereotypes (for instance avoid representing all women

    as passive and weak and all men as aggressive);

  •   They should, as much as possible, convey positive messages;

  •   They should not stigmatise any specific group (for example ethnic minorities);

  •   They should be sensitive;

  •   They should avoid victim-blaming.

2.5. Methodology

In the preparation and drafting of their proposal, applicants are encouraged to review information, awareness-raising and education initiatives already conducted in this field, their effects (in particular on attitudes and behaviour) and sustainability, and assess the possibility of reproducing the promising and effective ones and developing tools to measure their impact, as relevant. Proposals should show how the applicants learn from previous experiences in their own and other countries and build on this preliminary desk research.

To develop effective awareness-raising and education initiatives, applicants should consider European and national data and research on violence against women, including on prevalence, attitudes, reporting, causes and consequences. This may feed into the targeting of messages to particular groups or on particular issues.

A one-size-fits-all approach is not encouraged - applicants are encouraged to target particular groups with their activities and to tailor these accordingly. The proposal shall provide a detailed profile of the target population(s) and demonstrate the existence of a clear problem and a real need for public intervention in the specific area that the project will cover. It should provide a rigorous description of the activities to be carried out, explaining how these are likely to address the identified need in the country and the expected results on the target population.

The rationale for project design choices, including the means by which to reach the target groups and the choice of partners, must be clearly explained and justified. Applicants are encouraged to reflect on involving a variety of partners, including for example community-based organisations, civil society, the media, the private sector etc., depending on the objectives and target groups. Proposals should also consider a range of activities, as evidence suggests that multi-component programmes are most effective.

Applicants are encouraged to embed a "behavioural" approach7 in their project, as a solution to the issues at stake often requires behavioural change. Behavioural sciences seek to understand how people make decisions in practice; how their behaviour is influenced by the context in which their decisions are made and how they are likely to respond to specific policy initiatives. We welcome applications that clearly identify the behavioural element at stake (i.e. the factor(s) having an impact on the target group's decision and behaviour). For example:

  •   if an initiative is designed to address the attitudes of bystanders, and if it is agreed that they are likely to avoid taking action because of "diffusion of responsibility"8, the initiative to be designed should explicitly address this "behavioural element" and propose forms in which it could encourage taking responsibility, planning a course of action, and help taking action;

  •   if an initiative is designed to address victims' behaviour, and if the evidence shows that under-reporting is determined by specific factors other than the the lack of information about the reporting process, the initiative to be implemented should target these factors; 

  • if an initiative is designed to address prospective perpetrators of violence, and there is evidence that past perpetrators of violence experience regret, the initiative to be designed could tap regret aversion.9 


The proposal should in particular reflect on the language and possible visuals used and on the framing of messages. For example, evidence shows that increasing the cognitive load of a message and using visual metaphors increases attention (information processing) and retention (memory) of the stimulus.10

The proposal should include pre-testing of the messages, images etc. of awareness-raising and education activities with target groups. In all instances where the specific features of the testing neither draw on the available literature nor on previous successful initiatives, a qualitative pre-testing could be carried out using surveys or focus groups. A more rigorous testing could be carried out using Randomised Controlled Trials (RCTs), with pilot tests usually conducted in a lab or online. A given policy initiative may tackle with

ad-hoc interventions specific behavioural biases – such as myopia, social norms, loss aversion etc. – that help explain the behaviours of the various groups involved.

2.6. Monitoring and data collection 

At least 6 months of the project duration should be devoted to evaluating the impact of the initiative(s), after completion of the activities.

Appropriate attention must be given to developing a robust evidence base and involving reliable monitoring, evaluation and reporting procedures based on recognised methodological approaches, developed by a competent and experienced policy impact evaluator12, in consultation with the relevant project partners. This should include defining the expected impact of the activity in measurable terms and defining a robust methodology and indicators to measure the impact of the activity. Establishing a baseline for comparison, by for example carrying out a survey/focus groups (as appropriate) before the activities is required.

Evaluation should go beyond simply surveying participants on their appreciation of activities and deliverables, and assess how activities and the use of deliverables have led to attitudinal and behavioural changes among the target group, e.g. witnesses are more likely to report violence and are aware of the authorities to which they should report, the target group is less likely to hold victim-blaming attitudes towards women victims of violence, or professionals have changed their working methods. Whenever possible, evaluations should encompass evidence of changes in both attitudes and behaviours, as a change in attitudes might not necessarily lead to a change in behaviour. When gathering evidence on attitudes, the evaluator should reflect on the possible effects of social desirability (i.e. the possibility that respondents do not state a particular opinion if they know that this opinion is not socially accepted). The use of control and treatment groups is also encouraged, in order to assess the effectiveness of interventions, by comparing the outcome measure across groups.

Though applicants are free to choose the method for evaluating the impact of the activities, the method should be robust and appropriate, and involve rigorous data collection and monitoring. It should provide reliable results on "what works" and "what does not work."13 It should be planned in advance, so that the project design allows for proper monitoring and evaluation, and for adapting the project deliverables throughout the project if needed.

Proposals must make provisions to document the number of persons/professionals/parents/teachers/companies reached, provide anonymised data disaggregated by gender and by age, and must describe in their grant application how this will be done and how the target group will be reached.

Applications should also include a clear dissemination and sustainability plan, with

measures to maintain and monitor results after the end of funding.


2.7. Mainstreaming 

Projects funded under this call shall also seek to promote equality between women and men and the rights of the child. Consequently, when relevant, the applicant shall take the necessary steps to ensure that gender equality and child-related issues are taken into account by paying attention to the situation and particular needs of women and men and of children.

Projects funded under this call shall also comply with the prohibition of discrimination based on any of the grounds listed in Article 21 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights, in accordance with and within the limits set by Article 51 of the Charter. Among others the Commission encourages applicants to promote equal employment opportunities for all its staff and team. This entails that the beneficiary is encouraged to foster an appropriate mix of people, whatever their ethnic origin, religion, age, and ability.

Finally, all projects under this call shall respect and shall be implemented in line with the rights and principles enshrined in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union.

While planning their project and preparing their application, applicants should take into account these requirements and demonstrate in their proposal how these requirements will be respected at implementation stage. Beneficiaries will be required to detail in their final activity report the steps and achievements made towards meeting these requirements. 


The indicative available budget under this call for proposals is EUR 4.000.000: The Commission reserves the right not to award all available funds. 


All applications are subject to an evaluation process involving five sets of criteria.

The evaluators will check whether the application complies with all the formal requirements (admissibility, exclusion and eligibility criteria).

Applications are furthermore subject to the verification of operational and financial capacity (selection criteria), and they will be evaluated on the basis of the award criteria mentioned in the call. For the verification of the selection criteria the evaluators, based on the documents submitted, will check whether the applicant and partners have enough financial, human and operational resources to carry out the activities described in Annex 1- Project Description and Implementation Form.

For the evaluation of the award criteria the evaluators will assess the proposal on its merits against the award criteria, giving points to each proposal.

Proposals will be evaluated by an evaluation committee composed of Commission staff. The committee may be assisted by external experts. The proposals will be evaluated solely on the basis of the criteria outlined below. In most cases, admissibility, exclusion and eligibility criteria will be checked first, but the evaluation committee may decide to proceed in a different order or assess different sets of criteria in parallel.

4.1. Admissibility Requirements

To be admissible applications must comply with all of the following criteria:

  1. (a)  Applications must be submitted no later than the deadline for submission referred to in section 8.

  2. (b)  Applications must be submitted using PRIAMOS, the online application tool of Directorate-General Justice and Consumers.

  3. (c)  Applications must be submitted using the standard PRIAMOS Grant Application Form. They must include all the mandatory information and be accompanied by all the compulsory documents and annexes requested under section 7.3 of this call for proposals.

4.2. Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible, applications must fulfil all of the following criteria. If a grant application is declared ineligible, it will not be considered for further evaluation and a rejection letter to that effect will be sent to the applicant.

4.2.1. Eligibility of the applicant and of the partners

(a) Legal status: The Applicants must be:

(i) the national authority in charge of the policy on equality between women and

men or by the national authority in charge of the policy on violence against women, 

when this is a different national authority (if an application is submitted by one of these authorities, applications submitted by other entities will be ineligible); or
(ii) the body responsible for gender equality at national level (i.e. body referred to in Art. 20 of the Directive 2006/54/EC) (if no application is submitted by the national authority under (i), an application submitted by the body responsible for gender equality at national level will be eligible); or

(iii) another national authority (only if no application is submitted by the two entities under (i) and (ii), will an application submitted by another national authority be eligible);

Partners must be public entities or private profit or non-profit oriented organisations, duly established in one of the countries participating in the Programme, or international organisations;

Bodies set up by the European Union falling under Article 208 of the Financial Regulations (EU bodies and institutions) are not eligible for funding and cannot submit applications. They can be associated to an application, but their costs will not be co-financed.

Only legally constituted organisations can participate. Natural persons (private individuals) are not allowed to submit applications.

Eligible country: Applicant and partners must be legally established in an eligible country. This is not applicable for International organisations. 



Eligible countries:

all the EU Member States;

Iceland and Liechtenstein. 


4.2.2 Eligibility of the application 

(a) The EU grant requested cannot be lower than EUR 100.000.

(b) Projects must not have started prior to the date of submission of the grant application.

4.3. Exclusion Criteria

4.3.1 Exclusion from participation 

Organisations (i.e. applicant and partners) will be excluded from participating in this call for proposals if they are in any of the following situations: 

  1. (a)  they are bankrupt or being wound up, are having their affairs administered by the courts, have entered into an arrangement with creditors, have suspended business activities, are the subject of proceedings concerning those matters, or are in any analogous situation arising from a similar procedure provided for in national legislation or regulations;

  2. (b)  they or persons having powers of representation, decision making or control over them have been convicted of an offence concerning their professional conduct by a judgment of a competent authority of a Member State which has the force of res judicata;

  3. (c)  they have been guilty of grave professional misconduct proven by any means which the contracting authority can justify including by decisions of the EIB and international organisations;

  4. (d)  they are not in compliance with their obligations relating to the payment of social security contributions or the payment of taxes in accordance with the legal provisions of the country in which they are established or with those of Belgium or those of the country where the grant agreement is to be performed;

  5. (e)  they or persons having powers of representation, decision making or control over them have been the subject of a judgment which has the force of res judicata for fraud, corruption, involvement in a criminal organisation, money laundering or any other illegal activity, where such an illegal activity is detrimental to the Union's financial interests;

  6. (f)  they are currently subject to an administrative penalty referred to in Article 109(1) of Regulation (EU, EURATOM) No 966/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 October 2012 on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the Union (Financial Regulation)16.

4.3.2. Exclusion from award:

Organisations (i.e. applicant and partners) will not be granted financial assistance if, in the course of the grant award procedure, they:

  1. (a)  are subject to a conflict of interest;

  2. (b)  are guilty of misrepresentation in supplying the information required by the Commission as a condition of participation in the grant award procedure or fail to supply this information;

  3. (c)  find themselves in one of the situations of exclusion, referred to in section 4.3.1.

Administrative and financial penalties may be imposed on applicants who are guilty of misrepresentation. 


4.4. Selection criteria

4.4.1.  Financial capacity

Applicants and partners must have stable and sufficient sources of funding to maintain their activity throughout the period for which the grant is awarded and to participate in its funding.

Financial capacity shall not be verified for public bodies. 

4.4.2.  Operational capacity

The applicant and the partners must have sufficient operational and professional capacities to implement the activities for which co-funding is requested. Organisations participating in several projects shall have sufficient operational capacity to implement multiple projects.

For the purpose of demonstrating its operational capacity, the applicant must present CVs of key staff involved in the project (employed by the applicant and the partners), who must have the necessary education, skills, experience and capacity to carry out the tasks that are assigned to them during the project. Applicants may not be awarded a grant if they fail to demonstrate that they have the capacity, the experience and the expertise necessary for the successful implementation of the proposed activities.

4.5. Award criteria

The award criteria aim to ensure the selection of projects with a high inherent quality, which contribute as much as possible to the priorities of this call in a cost-effective manner. Synergies and complementarities with other Union instruments and programmes shall be sought and overlaps and duplications with existing activities avoided.

Applications will be assessed against the following criteria:

(a) Relevance to the priorities of the call (25 points):

Relevance of the action and its objectives to the priorities of the call for proposals, as described under section 2 of this call notice, relevance of the issues addressed by the project, contribution of the proposal to the priorities, and complementarity with other Union activities, avoiding duplication with projects funded by other Union programmes. Every proposed action has to be based on a reliable needs assessment.

(b) Quality of the proposed action (25 points):

Quality shall be assessed in terms of the proposed methodology for implementing the activities; the organisation of work, the allocation of resources and the time schedule; the appropriateness of the envisaged activities. If a project will involve direct contact with children, the qauality of the child protection policy put in place by the applicants will be assessed under tis quality criterion.

The evaluation of the project's quality will also asses the strategy for monitoring the project implementation and the identification of risks and the measures to mitigate them; the proposed evaluation, including measures to assess the success of the activities and the indicators to be used; the identification of ethical issues and the proposed action to address them.

(c) European added value of the project (10 points):

The European added value of the project shall be assessed in the light of criteria such as its contribution to the consistent and coherent implementation of Union law and policies and to wide public awareness about the rights deriving from it, its potential to develop mutual trust among Member States and to improve cross-border cooperation, its transnational impact, its contribution to the elaboration and dissemination of best practices or its potential to create practical tools and solutions that address cross-border or Union-wide challenges.

(d) Expected results, dissemination, sustainability and long-term impact (25 points):

How appropriate are the expected results to achieve the objectives of the action17? Is there a long-term impact of these results on the target groups and/or the general public? A clear, targeted and appropriate dissemination strategy, which will ensure that the results and/or lessons learnt will reach the target groups and/or the general public? Is sustainability of the activities after the EU funding ensured?

(e) Cost-effectiveness (15 points):

Financial feasibility of the proposed activities by means of a realistic and reasonable budget. Appropriateness of the amount requested in relation to the scale and type of the activities, to the expected results and to the size of the partnership. Appropriateness of management and coordination costs.

As a result of the evaluation carried out against the above award criteria the proposals will be ranked according to the points attained. The list of awarded projects will be established based on the amount of budget available.

Proposals not attaining an overall score of 70 points will not be considered for the award of a grant even in case the available budget is not consumed fully. Proposals not attaining a score of 17 points for the relevance criterion will not be considered for the award of a grant.

Once the evaluation procedure is completed, the Commission will adopt a formal award decision indicating the selected and the rejected proposals and publish it on Directorate- General Justice and Consumer's Website. Please note that the award decision does not represent a legal or financial commitment on the part of the Commission. The award of each grant is subject to the conclusion of a Grant Agreement in writing. Applicants whose applications are rejected will receive a letter from the Commission stating the reasons for the rejection.

After the award decision has been adopted, the Commission will prepare the Grant Agreements for the selected applications (including dialogue with the applicant concerning any necessary technical and financial adjustments). 

Experience shows that usually the number of the proposals scoring above the minimum threshold of 70 points exceeds the number of the projects that can be funded from the available budget.

Therefore, the Commission reserves the right to set up a reserve list in addition to the award list. Proposals placed on the reserve list may receive funding should additional funding become available after the adoption of the award decision. This typically happens if an awarded project is cancelled or withdrawn or if grants are reduced during the budget review of awarded projects. In this case the Commission will contact the applicant of the project ranked highest on the reserve list.

5. ADMINISTRATIVE AND FINANCIAL PROVISIONS 5.1. Number of applications and grants per applicant Only one application per Member State will be accepted. Several applications for the same project

Only one application will be accepted and evaluated for any given project. If the applicant submits more than one version of the application package or of documents contained therein under the same application number, only the latest version submitted will be taken into consideration for the evaluation. In case there are several applications for the same project with different application numbers, the applicant will be asked to clarify which application shall be evaluated.

An action may receive only one grant from the EU budget.

5.2. Start date and duration

Projects should be scheduled to start after the Grant Agreement is signed. (See section 8 - Timetable). The actual start date of the project will be the date agreed by the Commission during the preparation of the Grant Agreement.

Starting the project before the signature of the Grant Agreement will be accepted only under exceptional circumstances, where the applicant can demonstrate the need to start the project before the Grant Agreement is signed.

A project that has already started before the date the grant application was submitted is not eligible for funding (see section 4.2.2.b).

The initial duration of the projects should be between 18 and 30 months.

5.3. Financial provisions

The funding under this call is based on the co-financing principle: the grant cannot constitute more than 80% of overall eligible project costs. The beneficiaries should ensure that the outstanding balance is covered from sources other than the EU budget (own resources of beneficiaries, contributions by donors, income generated by the project). The project budget must have revenue and expenditure in balance.

Contributions in kind 

Contributions in kind mean the provision of goods or services to a beneficiary(ies) free of charge by a third party. As contributions in kind do not involve any expenditure for a beneficiary(ies) they are not eligible costs.

Contributions in kind may not be treated as co-financing. However, if the description of the project as proposed includes contributions in kind, the contributions have to be made.

Non-profit rule

EU grants may not have the purpose or effect of producing a profit within the framework of the project. Profit shall be defined as a surplus of the receipts over the eligible costs incurred by the beneficiary, when the request is made for payment of the balance. In this respect, where a profit is made, the Commission shall be entitled to recover the percentage of the profit corresponding to the Union contribution to the eligible costs actually incurred by the beneficiary to carry out the project. More details are provided in the Guide for Action Grants.

Sub-contracting and implementing contracts

If the beneficiaries have to conclude contracts with third parties in order to carry out a limited part of the activities, it shall justify this working method in the Annex 1 - Project Description and Implementation Form and duly respect the rules set out in the Guide for Action Grants, in the section on award of contracts. As a general rule, subcontracting shall be limited to 30% of the total eligible costs. If this threshold is exceeded in the budget estimate, the applicant shall provide justification, which shall help the Commission to assess whether the exception can be accepted.

Financial support to third parties

Projects through which the beneficiaries use the budget of the project to award grants to other organisations under their own procedures and authority (Financial support to third parties) cannot be financed under this call for proposals.

Estimated budget

Before signature of a grant agreement, the estimated budget submitted by the applicant is subject to a review. If problems such as arithmetical errors, inaccuracies, unrealistic costs and ineligible costs are identified, the Commission may request clarifications and/or may impose modifications or reductions to address such mistakes or inaccuracies. It is not possible to increase the grant as a result of these corrections.

Applicants must provide a realistic and cost-effective budget. The estimated budget must be prepared in accordance with the provisions of section V of the Guide for Action Grants.

If the amount of the grant is lower than the amount requested, it is the responsibility of the beneficiaries to find the additional funds required to cover its co-financing share or to reduce the total cost of the project.

Grant Agreement

Grants awarded shall be governed by a written agreement. The agreement is a standard agreement; its terms and conditions may not be altered and are not subject to negotiation. 

As the projects will involve a partnership, the coordinator will be requested to sign a multi-beneficiary grant agreement. More information is available in the Guide for Action Grants.

The Grant agreement templates are published on the webpage of the call for proposals.


Please note that new rules concerning eligibility of VAT entered into force on 1 January 2013. The change concerns more particularly public entities. Applicants should refer to the Guide for Action Grants for more detailed information.


6.1. Kick-off meeting

The Commission intends to organise a one-day "kick-off" meeting in Brussels for successful applicants. The meeting will focus on project management, administrative and financial aspects as well as reporting obligations.

If necessary, applicants should include return travel to Brussels and subsistence costs for up to two representatives in their estimated project budget. A single overnight stay should be sufficient.

The meeting should be attended preferably by the project coordinator and the financial coordinator.

6.2. Dissemination activities

During the project implementation, it could be envisaged that the beneficiaries are invited by the Commission to present their projects or their project results in seminars or conferences or to participate in study visits with other beneficiaries.

The applicants are therefore invited to include in their estimated project budget costs for return travel and subsistence for one overnight stay. Applicants should estimate that one representative of their organisation attends maximum two events of this kind.

7. PROCEDURE FOR SUBMISSION OF PROPOSALS 7.1. Procedure for submission of applications

This call is managed via PRIAMOS, an on-line system for the submission of applications.

Applicants first need to register and obtain a login and password to access the system. This should be done as soon as a decision is taken to participate in this call.

Applications must be submitted, in their entirety, through PRIAMOS. No applications (partial or entire) submitted on paper, fax or e-mail will be considered.

Information and guidance on how to register and submit an application via PRIAMOS can be found on the following website:

The Grant Application and its annexes may not be modified after the deadline for submission. The functions allowing the downloading of blank Grant Application Forms and the uploading of completed Application packages will be disabled at the deadline. However, applicants will be able to access the application they submitted at any time after the deadline.

Please note that, although the PRIAMOS system is able to deal with a lot of applications at the same time, it is advisable not to wait until the last moment to register on the system and submit an application. Applicants are advised to verify that their registration details in PRIAMOS are up-to-date. Contact details are uploaded directly into the application form and, in case of a successful application, used when preparing the grant agreement.

No extension of the deadline will be granted. No application will be accepted if the upload of the application package fails due to reasons which are beyond the Commission's control.

7.2. Grant Application Form
The applicant will be able to download the specific Grant Application Form mandatory

for this call once it has registered in PRIAMOS.

Applicants should select the Grant Application Form that is relevant to the call for proposals under which they want to apply.

The reference in PRIAMOS for this call for proposals is:


If an application form is void of data other than that downloaded automatically from the registration details held in PRIAMOS, it shall be considered that no application has been made.

By submitting the Grant Application Form, applicants electronically sign declarations on their honour certifying that they are not in one of the situations referred to in Articles 106(1) and 107 to 109 of the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the Union, that they fulfil the eligibility criteria and that they have the required the financial and operational capacity to carry out the proposed activities.

By signing the partner declaration, the partners make the same declaration. 

7.3. List of required annexes

The mandatory templates for Annex 1- Project Description and Implementation Form, Annex 2 – Budget and Annex 3 – Partner/Associate Partner Declaration will be available in PRIAMOS as attachments to the Grant Application Form. No mandatory templates are set for the rest of the Annexes.

The Commission reserves the right not to take into account documents that were not requested. In particular, the Commission will not accept a project description that is not presented on the set template or partly presented in a different document.

All the annexes must be attached to the Grant Application Form. An application is considered complete only if all the necessary annexes have been provided. If no annex is provided, the application will be rejected right away. 



Annex 1. Project Description and Implementation Form

The applicant must use the mandatory template and complete it in accordance with the instructions given in the 2015 Guide for Action Grants.

The template must be uploaded in the original Word format and should not be scanned before it is attached to the Grant Application Form.

Annex 2. Budget Form

The applicant must use the mandatory template and complete it in accordance with the instructions given in section V of the 2015 Guide for Action Grants.

The budget figures contained in the Budget Form must match those indicated in the Grant Application Form.

The template must be uploaded in the original Excel format and should not be scanned before it is attached to the Grant Application Form.


Annex 3. Partner/Associate partner declaration

Partners and associate partners must use the mandatory template and complete it in accordance with the instructions given in the 2015 Guide for Action Grants.

All the sections of the template shall be completed and the form shall be signed and dated by the authorised signatory of the partner organisation.

The Application package should contain one declaration for each partner indicated in other sections of the Application Package.

The scanned electronic copy of each of the duly completed, dated and signed declaration(s) must be attached to the Grant Application Form in one document. The filled but unsigned Word version will not be accepted.


Annex 4. Curriculum vitae

The Commission strongly recommends that CVs are presented in the EUROPASS CV format18; however, organisations are free to submit these CVs in any other format. CVs should preferably be grouped in one file per beneficiary, rather than uploaded individually.

The project core team should be described and the key staff should be listed in the relevant section of Annex 1.

In case no person is recruited for a key job at the stage of application, please provide the description of the profile or job description.

Annex 5 Description of child protection policy

(to be submitted, when applicable, by any organisation, applicant or partner)

Any applicant and/or partner working directly with/having contact with children, must provide the following documents:

  •   the written, published child protection policy (pdf and/or hyperlink to where it is published);

  •   the written guidelines/behaviour protocols/codes of conduct for adults working with/in contact with children.

    All applicants are encouraged to take a close look at the guidance:

  •  child/index_en.htm

  •  rights/files/rights_child/standards_child_protection_kcsc_en. pdf


If no Annex 5 is submitted, the Commission will assume that the applicant and/or partners concerned don't have one in place.


Child protection policies will be considered under the quality award criterion when a project involves direct contact with children. It is unlikely that a project involving direct contact with children will receive funding should no child protection policy be submitted.

What will NOT be accepted as an organisation's child protection policy?

Submission of national, European or international child protection laws or policies will not suffice. We expect to receive the organisation's internal codes/procedures and policies. 


Additional information and documents may be requested from applicants and partners.


The deadline for submitting proposals via the PRIAMOS system is
27 October 2016, 12:00 (noon) Central European Time 


The indicative timetable for the various stages of the procedure is: 


Publication of the call

August 2016


Deadline for submitting applications

27 October 2016, 12:00 (noon) CET


Information to all applicants on the results of the selection procedure

Indicative date: December 2016


Signature of grant agreements

1st quarter 2017



Public link:   Only for registered users

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