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Interreg V-A Lithuania-Poland - 3rd call for proposals 2018
Deadline: Jun 28, 2018  

 Entrepreneurship and SMEs
 Social Affaires and Inclusion
 Sustainable Development
 Environmental protection
 Cross-border cooperation
 Interregional cooperation
 Business Development

The Programme has two types of projects:

  •   open call projects;

  •   small projects (hereinafter – SP).

Please be reminded that this Programme Manual is applicable only to applicants and beneficiaries of the 3rd open call for proposals.

1.4.1. Open call projects

This is the major type of projects to be financed from the Programme. The majority of the Programme funds is devoted to these projects.

The cross-border cooperation projects of the Programme are expected to be built to address challenges that cannot sufficiently be dealt with by single country but require joint action by beneficiaries from both countries, i.e. the main project activities have to be implemented together by the beneficiaries from both countries.

Each open call project must have at least 2 beneficiaries - lead beneficiary (see the ETC Regulation Art. 13) and at least one project beneficiary. For more information regarding partnership please refer to the paragraph 3.1.

Ways of cooperation

In order to have cross-border effect the open call projects have to ensure at least three of the following ways of cooperation between project beneficiaries (first two are obligatory, at least one more should be chosen from the last two ways presented below):

  • Joint development of the project. It means that project application is prepared by the representatives from all beneficiary organisations together. Ideas, priorities, needs and expectations as well as contributions from all participating beneficiaries have to be integrated in the project proposal. Proves of fulfilling this type of cooperation have to be submitted as annexes to the prepared application.

  • Joint implementation shall mean that every project activity is implemented in close cooperation between the beneficiaries or involving some or all of the project beneficiaries in every activity benefiting all the beneficiaries. There must be a balanced division of tasks and responsibilities between all project beneficiaries. Implementation of similar activities on each side of the border does not guarantee the sufficient level of the cross-border impact.

    In addition to the obligatory ways of cooperation, project beneficiaries shall cooperate in one of the following, or in both of them:

  • Joint staffing; means that the project has staff with clearly divided tasks between beneficiaries and its structure should not overlap functions.

  • Joint financing of project shall be ensured by all project beneficiaries contributing to the financing of all or some of project activities.

    The fulfilment of the described above ways of cooperation shall be assessed during the project assessment stage (see paragraph 3.7) thus, it must be clearly described in the application and supporting documents (if any) have to be submitted together with the application.

Programme Manual 3rd call for proposals Interreg V-A Lithuania-Poland 16

Open call projects having investment component

In the context of the Programme investments are possible if they:

  • -  help addressing challenges identified by the project;

  • -  make integral part of the project design;

  • -  have clear cross-border nature and

  • -  lead to the achievement of the set project objectives and results.

Open call project is treated as investment project in case accumulated sum of the budget categories (No 5) “Equipment expenditure” and (No 6) “Infrastructure and works” (hereinafter called – investment component) exceeds 60% of the total project budget. The maximum level of investment component is limited up to 85% of total project budget. Slightly different characteristics and requirements are set for such projects.


Total budget:

ERDF (85%) + beneficiaries contribution (15%)

More than 50.000,00 EUR; Maximum – 1 mln EUR


Number of beneficiaries

At least 2 and not more than 6


1.4.2. Small projects (NOT AVAILABLE in the 3rd CALL)

In addition to open call projects, the SPs might also be implemented within the Programme. These small scale “people to people” actions across the border might be implemented in all priorities of the Programme.

8 to 10 % of the Programme funds shall be allocated to the SPs. Main actions of the SPs shall be of a “soft” nature and only limited investment components (i.e. small investments absolutely necessary for the implementation of these projects) may be involved. The maximum total budget of one SP is 50.000,00 (fifty thousand) EUR.

The SPs shall be selected during special calls, held separately from the open calls for proposals. The management of the SPs shall be entrusted to the Joint Secretariat (hereinafter – JS), supported in its activities by the Regional Contact Points (hereinafter – RCPs) in Poland (NOT AVAILABLE in the 3rd CALL).


1.6. Horizontal principles

Horizontal principle is a rule that must be integrated throughout the Programme and in all projects funded by the Programme.

Every project approved by the Programme is required to contribute to the improvement of the following horizontal principles, which are presented in details below:

 Sustainable development
 Equal opportunities and non-discrimination  Equalitybetweenmenandwomen

1.6.1. Sustainable development

This horizontal principle is in general understood as achieving a balance between the economic, social and environment areas.

All projects supported by the Programme have to respect the relevant policies and rules on environment protection and sustainable development.

In particular, according to the Article 8 of Common Provisions Regulation, environmental protection requirements, resource efficiency, climate change mitigation and adaptation, biodiversity, disaster resilience, low-carbon economy and risk prevention and management should be taken into account in the preparation and implementation of all the Projects financed by the Programme.

When submitting project applications, beneficiaries will have to describe the contribution to sustainable development in the application form (hereinafter – AF), explaining how the sustainability principle is reflected within the design and planned activities of the project, in particular related to potential environmental effects of foreseen investments.

When planning project activities, the beneficiaries should answer several questions in order to clarify whether sustainable development is respected:

  • -  Whether investments, planned within the project, are directed towards the most resource-efficient and sustainable options?

  • -  Whether investments, planned within the project, don’t have negative environmental impact? In case of activities having significant negative environmental impact, such activities should be excluded from the project.

  • -  Whether project activities aim at mitigating any remaining negative environmental impact?

  • -  Whether it is necessary to meet face-to-face or whether an online meeting is sufficient (in order to contribute to the reduction of CO2 emission)?

Applicants, planning to submit applications under any chosen Priority (respecting the requirements of the particular call for proposals) are encouraged to incorporate into the projects activities for tackling environmental concerns and reducing their environmental footprint, for example by:

  • -  Including environmental criteria in procurement procedures (e.g. green procurement procedures);

  • -  Planning to acquire new technology that is more environmentally friendly;

  • -  Organising training courses covering environmental protection issues;

  • -  Adapting to the possible extent measures for the organisation and implementation of project events in a sustainable way (e.g. by reducing printing and using recyclable materials, using video conference facilities instead of meeting face-to-face, etc.);

  • -  Considering resource efficiency and the use of alternative energy saving power sources/renewable energy to the possible extent, etc.

Compliance of the submitted application with the horizontal principle of sustainable development will be assessed during the quality assessment (see paragraph 3.7) and will be taken into consideration by the JMC in selecting projects to be financed under the Programme.

JMC as being responsible for the selection of applications for funding shall use common sense and select only those operations which do not cause environmentally harmful effects of interventions and results in net social, environmental and climate benefits. There can be situations when sustainable development issues are not relevant for the projects. In these cases, the activities shall at least be neutral to these factors, and by any means they should not have a negative impact on the environment.

1.6.2. Equal opportunities and non-discrimination

The principle of equal opportunities implies that it is important that all groups in the society have equal access to the opportunities and benefits of the Programme. Safeguarding equal opportunities is especially important with regard to the most vulnerable groups, namely children, youth, elderly, minorities, disabled and other disadvantaged groups. Therefore, appropriate steps must be taken to prevent any discrimination on the basis of sex, race, ethnic origin, religion or beliefs, disability, age or sexual orientation.

Principle of equal opportunities and non-discrimination is relevant to all Priorities of the Programme, especially to the Priority 2 “Promoting sustainable and quality employment and supporting labour mobility”, Priority 3 “Promoting social inclusion, combating poverty and any discrimination” and Priority 4 ”Enhancing the institutional capacity of public authorities and stakeholders and efficient public administration”.

The Programme will consider the principles of equal opportunities and non-discrimination throughout all stages of its implementation, including the preparation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of projects.

When submitting project applications, beneficiaries will have to describe the contribution to the principle of equal opportunities and non-discrimination in the AF, explaining how this principle is reflected within the design and planned activities of the project.

Additional measure to be taken by the beneficiaries, in order to properly implement this horizontal principle, is signature of declaration stating the commitment to comply with national and EU law provisions, protecting equal opportunities and prohibiting discrimination.

When planning project activities applicants should answer to several questions in order to clarify whether principle of equal opportunities and non-discrimination is respected:

  • -  Whether planned project activities address the needs of disadvantaged groups (e.g. people facing particular difficulties on e.g. the labour market, such as older workers, people with disabilities, minorities, etc.) and how?

  • -  Whether physical investment planned within the project foresees the possibility to integrate the principle of barrier-free accessibility to physical investments in order to prevent discrimination?

  • -  Whether project activities avoid any discrimination on the grounds of race and ethnic origin, religion and belief, age, disability and sexual orientation, encompassing the fields of employment & occupation, vocational training and membership of employer and employee organisations?

  • -  Whether activities planned to be implemented under the project conform to national legislation of the participating applicants in relation with equal opportunities and non- discrimination?

Compliance of the submitted applications with the horizontal principle of equal opportunities and non-discrimination will be assessed during the quality assessment (see sub-paragraph 3.7.2) and will be taken into consideration by the JMC in selecting projects to be financed under the Programme.

1.6.3. Equality between men and women

Equality between men and women is one of the fundamental principles of Community law. The EU objectives on gender equality are to ensure equal opportunities and equal treatment for men and women and to combat any form of discrimination on the grounds of gender.

The Programme will follow the principle of equality between men and women throughout all stages of Programme implementation, including the preparation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of projects.

The horizontal principle of equality between men and women is relevant to all the Priorities of the Programme, especially to the Priority 2 “Promoting sustainable and quality employment and supporting labour mobility” and Priority 3 “Promoting social inclusion and combating poverty and any discrimination”.

When submitting project applications, beneficiaries will have to describe the contribution to the principle of equality between men and women in the AF, explaining how this principle is reflected within the design and planned activities of the project.

Additional measure to be taken by the applicants, in order to properly implement this horizontal principle, is signature of declaration stating the commitment to comply with the national and the EU law provisions, guaranteeing gender equality shall be signed by all beneficiaries.

When planning project activities applicants should answer several questions in order to clarify whether principle of equality between men and women is respected:

  • -  Whether activities planned are in line with the principle of equality between men and women and do not generate discrimination of any kind?

  • -  Whether equal participation of men and women in the project events is envisaged?

  • -  Whether activities planned to be implemented under the project conform to national law of the participating beneficiaries in relation with equality between men and woman?

  • -  What methodology of counting the number of men and women taking part in the activities organised under the project is going to be applied (e.g. participants list, other, in case of mass events, etc.)?

Compliance of the submitted applications with the horizontal principle of equality between men and women will be assessed during the quality assessment and will be taken into consideration by the JMC in selecting projects to be financed under the Programme (see paragraph 3.7).

The data collected by each beneficiary will be used by the Programme bodies for monitoring of situation regarding gender equality and making the relevant ex post evaluations.


1.7. EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region

Projects supported by the Programme have to indicate project’s compliance with the EU / national / regional strategies and in particular compliance with the European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (hereinafter – the EUSBSR), its Policy areas (hereinafter – PA) and Horizontal actions (hereinafter – HA) (part II.9 Project impact and contribution to EU / national / regional strategies of the Application Form). If the project is in line with the above mentioned strategies, beneficiaries shall in brief describe how the project contributes to the objectives of the strategies.

Operations to be funded under specific objectives of the Programme might be linked to the particular PA or HA foreseen in the Action Plan of the EUSBSR:

Specific objective: To increase the sustainable use of natural and cultural heritage for tourism in the cross-border area. Operations to be funded under this specific objective might contribute to the PA Culture and PA Tourism. The first PA emphasises cultural heritage as a source of common identity and shared values stressing the role of culture in developing the attractiveness of the region, while the second one underlines the importance of tourism in both receiving economic benefit and developing shared identity of the inhabitants of the region.

Specific objective: To promote business creation, development and cooperation through improved business support services. Operations to be funded under this specific objective might contribute to the PA Innovation. It calls for more effective support for entrepreneurship and SMEs development, as well as stronger cooperation between enterprises, knowledge institutions and public authorities at different levels.

Specific objective: To decrease unemployment through coordinated cross-border employment initiatives. Operations to be funded under this specific objective will contribute to the priority area PA Education. It distinguishes access to good education and training for all, as well as a well-functioning labour market supporting geographical, professional and socio-economic mobility as the crucial preconditions for prosperity in the region.

Specific objective: To enhance the access to social and health care services for cross-border inhabitants thus combating social exclusion and poverty. Operations might contribute to PA Health (Improving and promoting people’s health, including its social aspects). It stresses the need to improve health and its social aspects of people in the Baltic Sea region.

Specific objective: To increase cross-border cooperation of the institutions in order to develop more integrated and better quality public governance and public services in the CP area. Operations to be funded under this specific objective might contribute to the PA Secure. It focuses on cross-border cooperation for combating common hazards and emergencies.

It must be admitted, that beneficiaries might choose other PA from the last version of the Action plan of the EUSBSR if project contribute to particular PA. Action plan and the Policy areas of the EUSBSR can be found on the webpage




2.1. General information

This Programme Manual is prepared and is applicable for the applicants and beneficiaries of the 3rd open call for proposals of the Programme.

The 3rd open call for proposals is launched by the JS following the decision of the JMC. The notice on the call for proposals is published on the web page of the Programme and websites of other Programme bodies.

Applications must be prepared by at least 2 (two) beneficiaries – one from each participating country. For more information about partnership please refer to the paragraph 3.1.

All the information needed to apply for the funding is included in documents which form the application package. The application package consists of:

  • -  Programme Manual relevant for the 3rd call for proposals;

  • -  Application Form (Annex 3 to the Programme Manual);

  • -  Model form of the Partnership agreement (Annex 1 to the Programme Manual);

  • -  Detailed project budget (Annex 1 to the AF).

    Deadline for submitting applications: following the decision of the JMC of the Programme, the 3rd open call for proposals for the Programme supporting bilateral cooperation projects is open from 3rd April 2018 until 28th June 2018, 16:00 (GMT + 02:00). The applications must reach the public establishment Joint Technical Secretariat physically including the e-version of the application on that time at the latest.

    The post address for submitting applications

    Public establishment Joint Technical Secretariat Konstitucijos av. 7 (24th floor), LT-09308 Vilnius, Lithuania

    phone numbers and e-mail address of the JS and RCPs for consulting on preparation of applications can be found on Programme web page under the Menu section “Contacts”;
    applicant package and other information is available: under the Section “Application”

    2.2. Specific requirements for the 3rd open call for proposals:

    Application must meet the following specific requirements of the call:

1. Submitted application contribute to the following priorities (detailed description of priorities is presented in the paragraph 2.3):

  • -  Priority 1. Preserving and protecting the environment and promoting resource efficiency;

  • -  Priority 2. Promoting sustainable and quality employment and supporting labour mobility;

  • -  Priority 4. Enhancing the institutional capacity of public authorities and stakeholders and an efficient public administration.

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Funds allocated to the Priority 3 “Promoting social inclusion, combating poverty and any discrimination” have been distributed during two previous calls, therefore this Priority is closed during the 3rd call.

  1. Minimum and maximum values of the total budget are kept: minimum total budget is more than 50.000,00 euro, the maximum total budget is 1 million euro.

  2. At least one Result indicator and Output indicator relevant to the chosen Priority and Specific Objective is selected.

  3. Activities related to works. During the 3rd call for proposals a new requirement was set that only 100% of all planned works which are included into the technical project attached to the project AF can be co-financed by the Programme. It means, that there is no possibility partly to co-finance works according to the technical project.


2.3. Description of Priorities open during 1st call for proposals




To increase the sustainable use of natural and cultural heritage for tourism in the cross-border area

This Specific objective aims at preservation, protection and sustainable use of natural and cultural heritage of the Programme territory.

The Programme area is exceptional in terms of diverse and picturesque nature, constituting the basis for wide variety of tourist sites. Varied landscapes of the region encompass numerous outstanding nature monuments, including forests, river valleys, mounds, as well as many different water bodies: lakes, rivers, springs, etc. Unique natural resources, such as mineral waters, mud, essential oils, etc., provide the basis for quality health and recreational services, attracting both domestic visitors and foreign tourists residing near the border.

However, the potential of natural and cultural heritage in the Programme area is relatively untapped. There are many heritage objects that are either not preserved properly, or not being utilised at all.

Indicative list of activities supported under Specific Objective 1.1:

  •   Development of joint tourism routes based on natural and cultural heritage: preparation and publication of information and promotion material about tourism objects and tourism routes; production and installation of information boards and signs, installation of rest and recreation areas, other small scale tourism infrastructure;

  •   Joint activities targeted at promotion of a region as a single tourism destination;

  •   Implementation of joint cultural, artistic, educational activities for tourists in natural and cultural heritage sites;

  •   Conservation, preservation, adaptation and sustainable development of natural and cultural heritage for tourism purposes (including ecotourism) or social, cultural, educational and other community purposes;

  •   Transfer of good practices between beneficiaries, joint training of staff and exchange of staff aiming to increase capacities of natural and cultural heritage management, development of joint tourism products and services, marketing of the heritage resources of the Programme area and other related capacities.

IMPORTANT: these activities are only indicative. Applicants are free to develop their own ideas, as long as they meet the priorities and objectives of the Programme, as well as requirements of the 1st open call for proposals.


Examples of possible target groups Examples of possible project beneficiaries4 under Specific objective 1.1

o Local people, visitors and tourists.

Expected results

o Local, regional and national authorities; o Public bodies and bodies governed by

the public law;

o NGOs (including churches, religious associations).

It is expected that sustainable use of cultural and natural heritage will contribute to the attractiveness of the region, providing the basis for further development of various forms of tourism. National and cultural heritage will be preserved, protected, promoted and adapted to sustainable tourism, joint tourism routes based on natural and cultural heritage will be developed.

While acting jointly the participating countries will offer more attractions and services for tourists and will attract more tourists to the region. The region will be promoted as a single tourism destination.

More tourism attractions on both sides of the border will increase the number of tourists and length of their stay in the Programme area. Herewith, increased number of tourists will contribute to the increase of demand in several economic activities in the Programme area, e.g. accommodation and restaurant services, transport, handmade crafts, thus contributing to regional growth and higher quality of life.

Development of cultural tourism will also help to combat seasonal nature of tourism, which is limiting the potential benefits for the region.

Cross-border cooperation will foster experience-sharing and mutual learning in this field, leading to more efficient use of natural and cultural heritage in the region.







To promote business creation, development and cooperation through improved business support services

This Specific objective aims to achieve higher quality and effectiveness of business support services, more active business creation, higher clusterization, as well as increased regional economic growth and decreased unemployment in the Programme territory.

The Programme area has huge economical potential related to business development. There are present economic sectors such as agriculture, food industry, transport and logistics services, wood and furniture industry, production of machinery and equipment which are very well developed in both countries and have potential for smart specialization and clusterization.

However, potential of Programme area is not fully used. The number of enterprises per 10 thousand inhabitants in the CP area was on average more than 10% lower than the national averages. Even though some very good examples of business support organisations can be pointed out, in general there is lack of quality business support public services.

Indicative list of activities supported under Specific Objective 2.1:

  •   Cooperation activities between business support organisations (e.g. business incubators, science and technology parks, business advice centres, chambers of commerce,) across the border;

  •   Joint development and implementation of business acceleration, entrepreneurship and apprenticeship programmes;

  •   Joint development and implementation of youth entrepreneurship projects aimed at introducing business world, entrepreneurs and enterprises to youth, youth encouragement for self-employment and business creation etc.;

  •   Activities supporting business cooperation (e.g. networking, clusters development, etc.)

  •   Transfer of good practices, joint trainings and exchange of staff between beneficiaries in order to increase capacities of business support organisations management and services provision, also for the purpose to develop or upgrade joint (or promoting cooperation) services for business;

  •   Joint trainings, seminars and other events for youth, entrepreneurs, small and medium business and its personnel for business development and related issues;

    IMPORTANT: these activities are only indicative. Applicants are free to develop their own ideas, as long as they meet the priorities and objectives of the Programme, as well as requirements of the 1st open call for proposals.

Examples of possible target groups and Examples of possible project beneficiaries5 under Specific objective 2.1

o Youth, entrepreneurs, small and medium business and its personnel.

o Local, regional and national authorities; o Public bodies and bodies governed by the public law;

o NGOs

o Business support organisations (e.g. business incubators, science and technology parks, business advice centres, chambers of commerce) 6


Expected results


It is expected that actions implemented under this priority will result in numerous positive short-, medium- and long-term changes in the CP area. Firstly, operations related to business acceleration, entrepreneurship and apprenticeship will be jointly developed and implemented. Secondly, joint activities aimed at business facilitation will be carried out. In the short- and medium-term this will condition increased cross-border cooperation among different actors supporting business (business incubators, science and technology parks, business advice centres, chambers of commerce and other public or non-governmental organisations), as well as increased and more evenly spread across the CP area capacities of business support organisations. In the long-term higher quality and effectiveness of business support services, more active business creation, higher clusterization, as well as increased regional economic growth and decreased unemployment in the CP area, are expected.




To decrease unemployment through coordinated cross-border employment initiatives

This Specific objective aims to achieve sustainable and quality employment and supporting labour mobility in the Programme territory.

The Programme area dealing with bigger than average unemployment rate in both countries participating in the Programme. Important reasons of high unemployment, especially among young part of society, are mismatch between youth skills and needs of the labour market, and limited level of entrepreneurship. In the region covered by Programme also can by observed such negative issue as ageing societies, negative trends of migration and untapped potential of educational institutions.

Indicative list of activities supported under Specific Objective 2.2:

  •   Provision of information and counselling on the labour market in CP area in order to increase cross-border mobility;

  •   Joint development and implementation of local employment initiatives and joint trainings;

  •   Joint development and implementation of joint employment initiatives for youth and older people and implementation of exchange programmes;

  •   Networking of educational and labour market institutions for contribution to better match between skills and the needs of labour market of the region;

  •   Implementation of joint study and trainings programmes in line with labour market needs;

  •   Transfer of the good practices for beneficiaries aiming to increase capacities to implement cross-border mobility, local employment and other employment initiatives;

  •   Exchange of experience and joint trainings for beneficiaries, unemployed people, also people seeking changes in career, youth and communities, aimed at strengthening capacities.

IMPORTANT: these activities are only indicative. Applicants are free to develop their own ideas, as long as they meet the priorities and objectives of the Programme, as well as requirements of the 1st open call for proposals.

Examples of possible target groups and Examples of possible project beneficiaries7 under Specific objective 2.2

o Unemployed people, also people seeking changes in career, youth, and communities.

o Local, regional and national authorities; o Public bodies and bodies governed by the public law;

o NGOs

7 For detailed information on eligibility or partnership please refer to the paragraph 3.1.
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Expected results

It is expected that actions implemented under this priority will result in numerous positive short, medium and long-term changes in the CP area. Firstly, local employment initiatives, youth employment initiatives and youth exchange programmes will be jointly developed and implemented. Secondly, joint study and training programmes aimed at promoting employment will be implemented. In the short- and medium-term this will condition increased networking of educational and labour market institutions of the CP area, more active involvement of new actors in promoting employment, as well as increased awareness of employment possibilities in the neighbouring country among residents of the CP area. In the long-term increased labour market integration and labour mobility, better match between skills and needs of labour market and decreased unemployment in the CP area are expected.



(TRUNCATED please visit the public link for the full proposal)

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