This call for proposals for action grants is based on the 2015 annual work programme1 of the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (REC Programme). The call aims to cofund transnational projects on the elimination of corporal punishment for children, in line with the specific objective to prevent and combat all forms of violence against children, young people and women, as well as violence against other groups at risk, in particular groups at risk of violence in close relationships, and to protect victims of such violence (Daphne).
Proposals should aim to produce results with EU added value.
Organisations interested in submitting applications should first read the detailed terms and conditions set out in this call for proposals and the Guide for Action Grants published together with this call and constituting an integral part of the conditions of the call.
The proposals under this call shall focus on the priority described below. Proposals shall complement the efforts of the EU in the area the prevention of all forms of violence against children, with a specific focus on the elimination of corporal punishment. Duplications of already existing initiatives will not be funded. Applicants shall explain and demonstrate how their proposals are aligned with the respective EU policies and with the documents published by the European Commission and referred to below. The degree of relevance to the priority of the call for proposals will be assessed under the relevance award criterion.
The aim of this call is to prevent and combat violence in the form of corporal punishment against children and to protect child victims of such violence. The priority of the call is to contribute to the elimination of corporal punishment of children, in line with the UN Convention on the rights of the child, in particular Article 19, and the UN Committee on the rights of the child's General Comment No 8 (2006) on the right of the child to protection from corporal punishment and other cruel or degrading forms of punishment. In its concluding observations, the UN Committee on the rights of the child consistently makes recommendations to states parties a) to prohibit corporal punishment in all settings and b) to ensure full implementation and enforcement of such laws, in respect of the right of the child to respect for the child's human dignity and physical integrity, and equal protection under the law. The call also aims to contribute to achievement of Sustainable
Development Goal (SDG) 16.2. "End abuse, exploitation, trafficking and all forms of violence against and torture of children". This call is thus addressed to organisations registered in the EU Member States which have already enacted a total prohibition on the corporal punishment of children and in Iceland. The call aims to support prohibition in law with the necessary flanking measures. Projects under this priority must fully engage governments in multi-agency action, given the breadth and scope of actions required to achieve elimination, necessarily involving or under the auspices of state authorities. Proposals should seek to galvanise or renew coordinated action among the many actors concerned in the elimination of all corporal punishment.
Proposals should seek to take a systematic and child-rights based approach to develop a sound and well-documented methodology that will contribute to the elimination of corporal punishment, in strong support of laws already in place, through the planning of sustainable actions. Proposals must aim to have a lasting and visible impact on the inevitably long term goal of the elimination of all corporal punishment and must document how this will be done. Proposals are required to take account of research and resources available. In cooperation with the Council of Europe, a repository of existing material available for reuse on corporal punishment and on positive parenting has been developed and should be taken into account when preparing proposals. It is intended that EU funding would contribute primarily to the planning of sustainable actions and the integration of current and new actions into existing systems, making best use of creative and cost-effective possibilities offered by social media, etc. The proportion of funding allocated to awareness-raising or media campaigns should not therefore exceed 30% of the overall grant amount requested. Should proposals exceed 30% of the overall grant amount requested to fund awareness-raising or media campaigns, they will be downgraded under the relevance criterion of the award criteria. Proposals should make the best possible use of existing material, also bearing in mind the total amount of funding available under this call, and involve government departments or agencies, relevant organisations and mechanisms (the reasons for selection and rationale must be described in the proposal), in order to maximise results.
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