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Creative Europe - Cross-sectoral - Refugee Integration Projects 2016
Deadline: Apr 28, 2016  

 Social Affaires and Inclusion
 Disadvantaged People
 Minority groups
 Aid to Refugees
 Creative Europe


One of the main objectives of the Creative Europe programme is to foster, safeguard and promote European cultural and linguistic diversity. At a time when Europe is receiving an extraordinary number of refugees, supporting European Union Member States in tackling this situation is a key priority of the EU. In November 2015, the Education, Youth, Culture and Sports Council of Ministers have reaffirmed that intercultural dialogue through culture and the arts plays an important role to integrate refugees. Culture and cinema can bridge gaps and improve mutual understanding between the population of the host country and the refugees. In this context, the European Commission has revised its work programme for 2016 to include specific measures supporting the integration of refugees and encouraging mutual understanding between refugees and host populations in Europe. For the purposes of this call for proposals, the key protagonists will be creative and cultural operators.



1.1. Objectives of the call

The general objective of this call for proposals is to support cultural, audio-visual and crosssectorial projects aiming at facilitating the integration of refugees in the European environment, enhancing mutual cultural understanding and fostering intercultural and interreligious dialogue, tolerance and respect for other cultures.


The specific objectives of this call are to establish transnational cultural and audiovisual projects that can:

  • • help refugees socialise and express themselves without necessarily speaking immediately the host country language.
  • • be learning platforms in a wider sense, fostering respect and understanding for diversity, intercultural and civic competencies, democratic values and citizenship.
  • • give EU citizens the opportunity to discover, learn from and understand the values and cultures of refugees and - in the process rediscover and enrich their own.
  • • support the showcasing and co-creation of cultural and/or audiovisual works across Europe.
  • • offer the possibility of collaboration with organisations in other sectors in order to stimulate a more comprehensive, rapid, effective and long-term response to this global challenge.

The Commission is seeking to select a small number of high quality applications – as assessed against the award criteria provided in section 9 of this Guide - that fully integrate the spirit and the detail of these objectives. As with all Creative Europe applications, it is essential that the added value of working at a European, rather than a local or national level, be clear within 5 the application. Therefore the choice of partners and their role in the project are very important.

There are no specified priorities. Potential applicants should therefore ensure that the project and activities they envisage sits clearly in the framework of at least one of the published objectives.

1.2. Targeted projects

The expected output is a limited number of high quality consortia, formed by bodies working in the creative and cultural sectors that will create and test initiatives designed to support the integration of refugees in the participating countries and share their results. The scope of this call is rather open. The call seeks to ensure however that certain concepts are promoted through the projects:

1.2.1. Creative partnerships

Through this call, the Commission seeks to encourage activity at the level of the Creative Europe Programme (therefore encapsulating both Media and Culture sub programmes) via what has been termed “creative partnerships”. These are consortia established to encourage creative and cultural organisations to consider working with organisations in other sectors, with a view to meeting the objectives of the call. Although this is not a firm requirement, the Commission is interested to view new models of collaboration that include sectors directly involved in supporting refugees, such as humanitarian aid, education and training at all levels, health, youth etc..

Projects must be submitted by a partnership of no fewer than 3 organisations covering at least 2 countries eligible to participate in the Culture sub-programme (see section 6). The lead applicant (coordinator) as well as 1 partner organisation must be established in the creative and cultural sectors. A minimum of 1 further organisation must be involved; the additional partner may also come from the creative and cultural sectors, but could also be an organisation that is active in sectors such as the public, social, healthcare, educational, youth spheres or any other field that could support the integration of refugees.

1.2.2. Scale of projects

This call seeks to ensure that the very limited funds available make the maximum impact possible and inspire further projects of this nature in the future. Equally the European Commission services seek to simplify the management of the call and also to have results quickly. As a result the scope of the call is focussed on projects that correspond to the following framework:

  • • Maximum duration 24 months
  • • Minimum grant 100.000€ representing not more than 80% of the eligible costs
  • • Maximum grant 200.000€ representing not more than 80% of the eligible costs

Please note:

  • • Applications presented for a duration of longer than 24 months and those which request a grant of less than 100.000€ will not be considered.
  • • Under no circumstances will a grant be made that exceeds the upper limit of 200.000€
  • • Eligible costs are specified in section 11.2 6

Under no circumstances will applications be successful if they do not fit into the scale summarised in this section. 

1.2.3. Contributions to third parties

While the projects envisaged under this call are relatively large, the provisions also allow for a number of small activities to be regrouped and managed within a project via contributions to third parties. These contributions to third parties are not obligatory, but consortia that wish to include them need to take into account the following issues:

• they must be managed through the lead applicant (coordinator);;

• each activity funded in this way must promote the objectives of project (selection from the objectives of the call);

• the application must include a detailed strategy and the criteria that the lead applicant and partners will use to grant financial support to third parties;

• if the application is successful the third parties responsible for funded applications must comply with the same contractual conditions and reporting obligations as the partnership.

• each contribution to third parties cannot exceed 60.000€

See section 11.1.f for details

The lead applicant (coordinator):

The lead applicant will represent the consortium in any contractual relationship with the Agency. The lead applicant must be a company, association or organisation active in the cultural and creative sectors as defined in Article 2 of Regulation No 1295/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing the Creative Europe Programme1 .

The application form includes a section in which applicants must provide information regarding the statutes and objectives of the lead applicant's organisation.

The lead applicant must establish a written agreement with all of the partners defining their respective roles in the project. The text of this agreement will be part of the application. The original, signed version will be required in the event of a successful application, and must be provided to the Agency before the signature of a grant agreement.

The lead applicant will submit the application to the Agency on behalf of all partners. Consequently, applications must include mandates from partner organisations confirming their participation (original signatures or equivalent required).

The partners: 

At least one of the partners of the project must be active in the cultural and creative sectors as defined in Article 2 of Regulation No 1295/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing the Creative Europe Programme2 . Proof of this activity will be required. 

The partnership may also include organisations which are not active in the cultural and creative sectors but which nonetheless will actively participate in the aims pursued. The partners must be active in the public, social, healthcare or educational fields or any other sector that could support the social and cultural integration of refugees and/or generate intercultural dialogue. The partners are companies, associations or organisations established in eligible countries.

The partners must be fully active in the implementation of the project. Proof of this compliance will be required in the detailed description of the project. Natural persons may not apply for a grant.


( -- TRUNCATED please visit the public link of the call -- )


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