Kolarctic CBC 2014-2020 logo

3rd Call for Proposals for Standard Projects
Deadline: Dec 21, 2018  

 Entrepreneurship and SMEs
 Sustainable Development
 Environmental protection
 Sustainable Transport
 Cross-border cooperation
 Climate Sciences
 Immigration Law
 Business Development
 Migrants and Refugees


Guidelines includes information on the focus of the programme; financial allocation on the programme and projects levels; rules for the 3rd Сall for proposals; evaluation and selection of applications.

The Kolarctic Cross Border Cooperation (CBC) 2014–2020 Programme (the Programme hereinafter) continues and strengthens cross-border cooperation between the countries in the North Calotte (Finland, Sweden, Norway) and northwest Russia. The Programme is mainly built on the experiences gained in long-term cooperation between the partici- pating countries. Cooperation has been based on both bilateral agreements and on mul- tilateral Programmes. The Programme is co-funded by the European Union from the European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI), Finland, Norway, Russia and Swe- den, each with their national and regional financing. Funding shall be granted to joint projects operating in line with the strategy and priorities jointly agreed by the Finnish, Swedish, Norwegian and Russian Partners.

The purpose of these Guidelines is to provide the applicants of the Programme with essential information regarding the Call for proposals process for standard projects.

The published information in the Guidelines is based on the:

  • -  Kolarctic CBC 2014–2020 Joint Operational Programme is approved on 18.12.2015;

  • -  Work Programme 2018-2019;

  • -  Information and Communication Plan 2018-2019;

  • -  Monitoring and Evaluation Plan 2018-2019;

  • -  Logical Framework Matrix (LFM) of the Programme;

  • -  RAGs’ Rules of Procedure;

  • -  JMC’s Rules of Procedure;

  • -  Administrative check template;

  • -  Evaluation Grid;

  • -  Grant Contract;

  • -  Agreement on financing and implementation of the Cross-Border Cooperation

    Programme Kolarctic CBC 2014-2020 (signed on 29.12.2016 by the European Commission, the Government of the Russian Federation, The Government of the Republic of Finland and the Government of the Kingdom of Sweden);

  • -  Commission Implementing Regulation (EC) No 897/2014 of 18 August 2014 lay- ing down implementing rules for cross-border cooperation programmes (CBC IR).

    Documents can be found on the Programme web-page at http://kolarctic.info/



2.1 Vision and strategy

The Programme vision describes the expected positive change to be acknowledged in the Programme area after the implementation of the Programme - the Kolarctic CBC Programme area is a flourishing, environmentally-friendly and diverse area with a via- ble economy, fluent mobility of people, ideas and technologies, and were people to people cooperation is an essential value.

The Kolarctic CBC 2014–2020 vision is based on the Logical Framework (LF). The vision was developed combining the overall objectives of each Thematic objective (TO) se- lected for the Programme (Figure 1). The Overall objective of the Programme is to promote a viable economy and the attractiveness of the region, where inhab- itants and visitors are able to enjoy the arctic nature and where the natural resources are used in a sustainable way.

The Programme Strategy responds to identified regional needs of the Kolarctic CBC Pro- gramme area, which shall be addressed by aiming at the strategic objectives of the Programme. The EU Programming document 2014–2020 sets out three ENI CBC stra- tegic objectives for CBC activities:

  1. Promote economic and social development in regions on both sides of common borders;

  2. Address common challenges in environment, public health, safety and security;

  3. Promote better conditions and modalities for facilitating the mobility of persons,

    goods and capital.

2.2 Priority axes and Thematic objectives (TOs)

The needs of the Programme area are reflected in Priority axes and Thematic Objectives (TOs).

The Programme contributes to the above-mentioned strategic objectives by financing actions aimed at addressing the identified needs of the Programme area within two (2) Priority axes:

  1. Viability of arctic economy, nature and environment;

  2. Fluent mobility of people, goods and knowledge. The Kolarctic Programme encourages projects to participate in the Priority axis 2.

The aim of the Priority axis 1 is to enhance a viable economy and a good quality of life by increasing the attractiveness of the region, as well as by maintaining the biodi- versity and use of natural resources in a sustainable way.

The aim of the Priority axis 2 is to facilitate joint activities, which enhance fluent, well- functioning, efficient and safe traffic and logistics, as well as fluent mobility of people, goods and know-how/expertise across the borders within the Programme area.


Furthermore, the Programme shall contribute to the Priority axes by financing activities under the following TOs:

  • -  TO1 Business and SME development;

  • -  TO6 Environmental protection, climate change mitigation and adaptation;

  • -  TO7 Improvement of accessibility to the regions, development of sustainable and climate-proof transport and communication networks and systems;

  • -  TO10 Promotion of border management and border security, mobility and migration management.


In addition to projects purely related to TO1 Business and SME development (Figure 1), or projects only related to TO6 Environmental protection, climate change mitigation and adaption, Priority axis 1 is developed also to support and facilitate joint develop- ment activities between the business and the environmental sectors. Likewise, Priority axis 2 supports cross-sectoral projects between TO1, TO6, TO7 and TO10.

Some examples of activities that can be supported by the means of Kolarctic CBC 2014–2020 Programme can be found in The Kolarctic CBC Programme 2014-2020 Joint Operational Programme, Priority axes of the Programme, Section 3.2 Justification for the chosen Strategy, paragraph Priority axes of the Programme, pp 42-48 (http://kolarctic.info/)



The common focus of any action carried out with the support of the Programme is on cross-border cooperation (CBC) within the implementation of the Priority axes.

A fundamental requirement for actions to be financed is the added cross-border co- operation (CBC) value of the Programme when compared to national strategies and support within the Programme area.

Cross-cutting issues are relevant to all aspects of activities carried out with the support of the Programme:

  • -  Environmental sustainability shall be reflected throughout the Programme and financed projects, from the project selection process to the project implementation phase and beyond. Every project must be evaluated based on criteria that ensure environmental sustainability. Environmental sustainability concerns all aspects of cross border cooperation activities: economical, ecological, social and cultural coop- eration. The Programme and projects impact on environment, climate and human wellbeing should be positive. Projects with a direct negative environmental impact shall not be financed under the Programme.

  • -  Gender equality is a basic human right, and men and women must have the same rights, opportunities and obligations in different fields of society. The Programme aims to contribute to the integration of gender perspective in all stages of the im- plementation and monitoring of the Programme. Gender equality will be promoted by implementation of projects that strengthen the position of women and increase entrepreneurship among them, and thus facilitate women ́s inclusion in the local and regional development and economic growth of the Programme area. Consider- able emphasis shall also be put on activities concerning cross-border cooperation of young people and women in the Programme area. Projects with a direct positive impact on equality between men and women shall be promoted by the Programme.

Promotion of local cross-border people to people actions and support to educa- tion, research, technological development and innovation are considered as hor- izontal modalities (Figure 1) that can be applied, where relevant, across any of the selected Thematic Objectives. These horizontal modalities may include actions enhanc- ing cooperation among local and regional authorities, public and private partnerships, NGOs and other civil society groups, universities, research institutions and schools, chambers of commerce, etc.



These Guidelines set out the rules for submission, eligibility, selection and implementa- tion of actions financed under the Third Call.

3.1 EligibilityofPartners

In order to be eligible to apply the financing from the Programme, Partners must:

  • -  be legal persons/ legal entities (legally registered);

  • -  comply with the eligibility criteria defined in this Guidelines for the selection procedure.

Partners can be e.g. national, regional or local public authorities or organizations, mu- nicipalities, joint municipal boards, public utility companies, chambers of commerce, organisations and associations, universities and higher education institutions, research institutes, private companies and networks that comprise these.

Partners refer to Lead Partner and Partners.

Partners will be excluded from participation in the Call and no grants will be awarded to them if they fall under any of the following exclusion situations:

  1. a)  duringthegrantawardingprocesstheyarebankruptorbeingwoundup,arehaving their affairs administered by the courts, have entered into an arrangement with creditors, have suspended business activities, are the subject of proceedings con- cerning those matters, or are in any analogous situation arising from a similar pro- cedure provided for in national legislation or regulations;

  2. b)  they have been convicted of an offence concerning their professional conduct by a judgment which has the force of res judicata (i.e. against which no appeal is possi- ble);

  3. c)  they have been guilty of grave professional misconduct proven by any means which the Managing Authority can justify;

  4. d)  they have not fulfilled obligations relating to the payment of social security contri- butions or the payment of taxes in accordance with the legal provisions of the coun- try in which they are established or with those of the country of the Managing Au- thority or those of the country where the contract is to be performed;

  5. e)  they have been the subject of a judgment which has the force of res judicata for fraud, corruption, involvement in a criminal organisation or any other illegal activity detrimental to the Community’s financial interests or for serious breach of contract in procedures concerning funds granted from the Community budget;

  6. f)  they have been ascertained to be guilty of a breach of contract concerning a pro- curement procedure financed out of the Commission budget or other support1.

As a rule, project activities cannot bring financial profit or create a competitive ad- vantage to the participating organizations of Lead Partners and Partners of the project.


By signing an application printed from the PROMAS, the applicant assures that it is not involved in any situations of the abovementioned kind.

3.2 Geographical eligibility of Partners

As a rule, each project shall have at least one Partner from the participating Member State (Finland or Sweden) and at least one Partner from the Russian Federa- tion. Partners from Norway may participate as equal Partners.

Partners from the core regions, the adjoining regions and from the major social, economic and cultural center can participate in the Programme implementation as equal Partners (Figure 2).

Bilateral projects between Norway and Russia may be implemented in cases, when there is no possibility to find a relevant Partner from Finland or Sweden and when the project activities concern the oil and gas industry or fisheries. EU financing is not available to bilateral projects between Norway and Russia. These projects will be financed from Nor- wegian Kolarctic / Russian state co-financing and from other national co-financing.

National level public entities based in Helsinki, Moscow, Oslo and Stockholm can act as project Partners if they do not have their structural units in the Programme area.

When the substance of the project activities concerns implementation of the activities defined for Barents cooperation or support of Euro-Arctic development, partners from outside of the Programme area can participate as equal partners. As a part of the pilot inititiative from the European Commission in the Arctic Communication of 27.4.2016 (An integrated European Policy for the Arctic), programmes which are implemented on the European Arctic regions (e.g. Interreg North, Nothern Periphery and the Arctic, In- terreg Botnia-Atlantica, Interreg Baltic Sea Region and ENI CBC Karelia) are regarded as support of Euro-Arctic development. Cooperation between these programmes’ pro- jects and Kolarctic projects can be eligible, including clustering between projects from these programmes.


3.3 Partners obligations

All Partners shall actively cooperate in the development and implementation of the project.

All Partners shall cooperate in the staffing and/or financing of projects. Each Partner shall be legally and financially responsible for the activities that it is implementing. All project Partners must sign a Partnership Agreement2 prepared by the Lead Partner.

As a rule, each project shall designate one Lead Partner among Partners for representing the partnership.

The Lead Partner shall carry out the following obligations:

  • -  submit the Grant application to the Managing Authority;

  • -  receive the Programme financing from the Managing Authority for the implementation of project activities;

  • -  act as a link between the Managing Authority and the project partners;

  • -  ensure that the Partners receive the total amount of the Programme financing as quickly as possible and in full accordance with the arrangements referred to in the

Partnership Agreement;

  • -  no amount shall be deducted or withheld and no specific charge with equivalent effect shall be collected that would reduce these amounts from the Partners;

  • -  prepare and sign the Partnership Agreement with all project Partners comprising provisions that guarantee the sound financial management3 of the funds allocated to the project including the arrangements for recovery of funds unduly paid;

  • -  conduct the responsibility for ensuring implementation of the entire project;

  • -  ensure that the expenditure presented by the Partners has been incurred for the purpose of implementing the project and corresponds to activities set in the Grant

Contract and agreed between all Partners;

  • -  verify that the expenditure presented by the Partners has been examined by an auditor4;

  • -  provide all necessary documents and information to the Managing Authority before launching the project as well as throughout its implementation (e.g. project reports);

  • -  ensure that the Partners have applied for national co-financing (where required) before it submits the Grant application to the Managing Authority.

If a Swedish organization acts as a Lead Partner, it can only receive the EU financing and Finnish national co-financing, but not Russian national co-financing. In that case, the Russian co-financing will be paid directly from the MA to the Russian partner.


3.4 Eligibleactionsandduration

All activities implemented in the project must contribute to the Programme Priority axes and Thematic Objectives and benefit the core Programme area.

The Grant application can focus on any of the Programme Priority axes and TOs (see Section 2.2 and 2.3 of the present Guidelines).

Some examples of activities that can be supported by the means of Kolarctic CBC 2014–2020 Programme can be found in The Kolarctic CBC Programme 2014-2020 Joint Operational Programme, Priority axes of the Programme, Section 3.2 Justification for the chosen Strategy, paragraph Priority axes of the Programme, pp 42-48 (http://kolarctic.info/)

Along with the above-mentioned examples, the Programme can support other activities that correspond to the aim of Programme Priority axes and TOs.

The following types of projects are recommended by the Programme:

  • -  integrated projects, where each partner carries out a part of the activities of the joint project on its own territory;

  • -  symmetrical projects, where similar activities are implemented in parallel in Member States (Finland and Sweden), in the Russian Federation and in Norway.

The project duration depends on the actions to be implemented in the project. A project that is financed from the Programme is recommended to last no more than 36 months, whereas no minimum duration has been determined. A project can start only when the Managing Authority and the project Lead Partner have signed a Grant Contract.

All project activities financed by the Programme shall end on 31 December 2022 at the latest.


The following types of action are ineligible:

  1. a)  actions concerned only, or mainly, with individual sponsorships for participation in workshops, seminars, conferences, congresses;

  2. b)  actions concerned only, or mainly, with individual scholarships for studies or training courses;

  3. c)  actions concerning scientific research without specific direct benefit for the development of the Programme region;

  4. d)  actions, which bring profit or create a competitive advantage to the participating private enterprises.



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