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Preparedness in civil protection and marine pollution - UCPM-2019-PP-PREP-AG
Deadline: Apr 4, 2019  

 Marine and Coast
 Maritime Affaires and Fisheries
 Environmental protection
 IT Applications
 Maritime transport
 Climate Sciences
 Public Safety

CALL priorities (Specific Objectives)

In order to contribute to achieving this general objective, proposals are invited to focus on one of the following Call Priorities (specific objectives).

Specific objective 1: Strengthening capacities for emergency response

In order to contribute to achieving this specific objective, the Call for Proposals will co-finance actions that aim to create or improve response capacities (including equipment and/or experts that could be deployed under the UCPM) addressing health, CBRN, environment and marine pollution. In particular, the project activities should lead to the development of one of the following outcomes:

  1. Development of detailed technical specifications for new capacities, including equipment and/or teams/experts (e.g. for the response to mass burn casualty disasters, CBRN capacities including search and rescue under CBRN conditions, etc.);
  2. Development of action plans for increased deployability of response capacities in the context of a UCPM response operation (e.g. supporting self-sufficiency, interoperability, speed, etc.);
  3. Explore options for adapting existing response capacities for land/maritime emergencies;
  4. Develop a knowledge base on response options to environmental risks (e.g. disaster waste, river contamination, etc.).

Specific objective 2: Developing operational tools to facilitate emergency response

In order to contribute to achieving this specific objective, the Call for Proposals will co-finance actions aiming to develop different types of solutions able to turn data into ‘actionable’ information i.e. that can be used to inform and improve response operations. In particular, project activities should lead to the development of one of the following outcomes:

  1. Solutions for secure and rapid sharing of data for medical emergencies (e.g. patient data, epidemiological data, risks etc.) are developed.
  2. Systems to collect/analyse emergency response data to support developing evidence-based response strategies are available.
  3. IT-based solutions to facilitate disaster response, etc. (e.g. data collection, telemedicine, rapid assessments, etc.) are available.
  4. Cost-efficient solutions for supporting the UCPM with scientific support during response to environmental emergencies are devised.

Specific objective 3: Reinforcing inter-sector and macro-regional response plans and procedures

In order to contribute to achieving this specific objective, the Call for Proposals will co-finance activities aiming to develop plans, procedures and other ‘soft’ instruments needed to roll out disaster response operations requiring resources from different stakeholders (e.g. public and private sectors, media, international organisations etc.), sectors (e.g. different ministries and other government bodies) and countries. In particular, project activities should lead to the development of one of the following outcomes:

  1. A database of expertise and assets available in different countries
  2. Cross-border response plans
  3. Procedures on technical and financial cooperation for emergency preparedness across different sectors
  4. Plans for inter-operability of response capacities across civil protection and other relevant sectors (e.g. health, marine pollution, etc.);
  5. Inter-sector response plan for complex emergencies (including cascading disasters).

Examples of outputs to be funded include, among others:

  • Consultations with end-users
  • Technical Reviews
  • Cost-benefit analyses
  • Technical specifications/Terms of Reference
  • Case studies
  • Lessons learned reports
  • Investment project proposal
  • IT system architecture
  • IT application
  • Business model
  • Pilot database
  • Database Standard Operating Procedures

For an example of a logical framework including illustrative outcomes, outputs and deliverables please refer to Annex I. General, objectives, specific objectives (Call Priorities) and outcomes are pre-defined in this Call for Proposals. Each proposal must define work packages, outputs and deliverables that contribute to the Call’s outcomes, specific and general objectives. Furthermore, outcomes, work packages, outputs and deliverables described in the proposals should be linked through a logical, result-driven chain and should demonstrate how the proposed project will contribute to achieving either specific objective 1, 2 or 3.

Ideally, proposed projects should be complementary to, take stock of and build upon prior achievements in the field, including disaster preparedness actions.

Projects focusing on neighbourhood and enlargement countries should take into account national and regional programmes addressing similar topics.

Please check the prevention and preparedness projects' database:

For more information about EU disaster risk management policies:


Only for external budget line proposals

Actions aimed at enhancing the cooperation with enlargement and Neighbourhood countries through a closer cooperation with the UCPM and its Participating States.

Projects should be complementary and should take stock of achievements of relevant activities undertaken at European level using Union funds.

Please check the database of previously funded prevention and preparedness projects:


For more information about EU disaster risk management:


For more information about related EU financed projects in the neighbourhood and enlargement countries:

  • Regional IPA Floods Programme,,
  • Regional IPA DRAM Programme,
  • PPRD East,
  • PPRD South regional programmes

Public link:   Only for registered users

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